[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

548597  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7042 days ago)

Kay. Imma go to bed now

.Xx -+Sweet Dreams+- xX. x...May The Angels Be Watching You While You Sleep...x x...Think Of Me Because I Will Be Thinking Of You...x x...I love you...x
548569  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

Kay. The time is 12:30 people and i really cant be bothered staying up tonight. Im not tired i just. i dont know. i cant even explain. this just seems so pointless.

didnt get much work done today. not much at all.

Chris helped me with history. Ive done as much as I can. so thats okay.

English is in for friday so I can do that on thursday Night.

Gotta really thinka bout media though.


But anyway.

Called Nicholas today.


He is So beautiful.

Vag called today

:O Im so popular.

I like totally didnt speak to phill much today. only a little. he gave me a hug :P haha. but that was it. I think he feels neglected.

vAG AND Matt are going out. WHICH I AM HAPPY FOR. i just feel like i have to be less close with Matt, i mean, its only fair.I love them both. And like, i think we need to back off a little anyways.

I think.

Tomorow is Tuesday.


History english maths science spanish Re.


History NO

English NO

Maths NO

Science NO

Spanish NOOOO

Re. OKAY. :0

ugh my birthday in....

[10 days]

Not that im counting.

Im way to kewl for that.

oh man. another year has just gone by so quickly. Urgh

548377  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)


oh my gawd. This is hawtness at its finest. At its hawtest. Im marrying this man. 
*aaaah* *ooooh* *aaah*
I love you Nicholas.
548361  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

fucking school

Exams in one week.

We are supposed to be having revision time.

Instead of countless essays and questions and coursework to do for homework.

I cant do all of this.

I Cant do like 17 pages of history questions, ([yes . I did say 17)

I cant do approxamatley 9 pages of Media coursework from scratch.

I cant do three questioned pages of maths standard deviation.

I cant do English coursework

I cant do Drama prep

I cant do Revision for ALL my fucking subjects

All in one week

Most of them are due for sometime soon, like tomorow onwards.

I know what i can do.

I know what i cant do.

I cant do that.

fucking school

Im really starting to freak out now. I need to do good in these motherfucking exams.

I have my reasons.

I cant fail this. OMG. how am i gonna do this. kay so like i have all my subjects to revise. and in all my subjects, i have lots of mini topics to revise. We havnt had ONE revision list, of what we actually need to know. All i know is when the exam starts.
what the fuck am i gonna do guys? I cant fucking revise for fucking Everything and fucking get my fucking shit in for the fucking deadlines. And i know no matter how many times i say "fucking" its not gonna fucking help me. Fuck.

I dont know any of this. its gonna be a long night.

548357  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

A christmas Carol.

English coursework

The fictional character of scrooge has been composed by Dickens to contain all the evils and corruption of the society that he grew up in. There is a clear contrast between scrooge at the beginning of the novel and at the end. He begins as an outright villain, very bitter and cold, and progresses into the ‘saviour of Christmas’. As this era was during the industrial revolution, there was a sudden rise in the population, and a class divide. There were not only the upper and lower class, but there was then a middle class because wealth and status was becoming a major issue in the times. By creating the stimulating the storyline, Dickens ventures into the different attitudes of the stereotypical snobbish and rich, and places all of these attributes into one character – scrooge. He challenges the idea of discrimination against the poor by taking scrooge through a journey of self-discovery, before coming to terms with the true joys of Christmas.
Much of Dickens troubled and difficult childhood is reflected in his works, his father was imprisoned and he was forced to work in a factory with a poor rate of pay and extremely poor working conditions. I think that as dickens was a lower class member, he observed the attitudes of the rich towards them and experienced the discrimination, which inspired him to write the novel. ‘A Christmas carol’ may not have had some over night affects, but certainly reminded people the importance of the festivities that take place at Christmas time.                                                          
At the beginning of the novel readers realise the isolated relationship that scrooge had with his business partner Marley. Dickens emphasises the solitude in this relationship by saying ‘Scrooge was his sole executioner, his sole friend, his sole mourner’ which suggests the loneliness in their relationship. Scrooge seemed to be the only person for Marley and Marley seemed to be the only ‘sole’ friend for Scrooge. After Marley’s death, Scrooge didn’t paint out his name on the building of their work place, as the price of the paint was too expensive. I think this is showing Scrooges hidden insecurities, as well as his stingy and cruel approach to money. Although he claims to not have changed it due to it being a waste of money, I think he wants to keep Marley’s name there for comfort, as he seemed to be a very dear friend to him. Readers can see there is a different side to Scrooge, which slowly begins to shine through after the visits from the ghosts.
Scrooge is portrayed as an extremely vindictive, bitter and merciless man. His attitude towards his employee Bob Cratchit is one of the main storylines, which unwinds throughout the story. Scrooge seems very firm and strict when dealing with matters at work. His approach to his workers is of a very unfriendly manor. He does not permit leave of work for Christmas, which was greatly valued by Cratchit. His nephew plays a widely contrasting character that sometimes I feel that Scrooge finds difficult to deal with. After the visit from the ghost of the Christmas past, I think the reader begins to realise that Scrooge is most afraid of his nephew because it reminds him of himself as a child. His nephew however, despite Scrooge’s constant bitterness maintains a constant happy atmosphere and refuses to talk bad of his uncle. Scrooge’s attitude towards the charity workers that visit during his work hours is very dismissive and inconsiderate. 

Pathetic Fallacy is used throughout the novel to build up a cold and sinister atmosphere through Dickens’s description of the streets and offices where the story is set. We get an idea that it is ‘cold, bleak biting weather: foggy withal’ and that the candles are ‘flaring’ in the office windows like ‘ruddy smears upon the palpable brown air’. The use of figurative language and personification tells the reader that Scrooge is as cold and withdrawn as is his surroundings. From the use of Pathetic Fallacy you can clearly see the vast amount of contrast from the beginning of the novel to the end where scrooge is the ‘saviour’ of Christmas. Dickens uses “Golden sunlight, Heavenly sky, clear, bright, jovial” by the end of the novel to radiate a very happy and jovial atmosphere. You can instantly see the transformation in his character due to pathetic fallacy.

As scrooge begins to experience each one of the spirits, the readers are slowly revealed the inner Scrooge that seemed repressed in this vindictive man. At first when the ghost of Jacob Marley visits, Scrooges attitude towards this seems very carefree although we can see he is threatened by the presence of the ghost. His opinions about ghosts and such is very limited when Marley says “You don’t believe in me do you” Scrooge replies “No, I don’t”. His direct approach instantly shows that he is not phased by this yet is questioning himself and his senses. He uses his intellect to reason with the ghost, how ever it is fairly evident that he was trying to distract his own attention and terror. He is told by Marley that ‘charity, mercy, forbearance and benevolence’ should have been his buissness. Jacob says that you need to be good on earth or be forever doomed to walk the earth. This connects with the social themes o f the novel, of both financial and spiritual generosity. The coming of Marley;s ghost is more about financial generosity as he is warning Scrooge that if he is not in the good he will be doomed to forever remain on earth, neve
r happy.

The ghost of the Christmas past arrives and Scrooge witnesses Old Fezziwig and the happiness he gave to his employees. I think this made him realise that he had a responsibility to do to the same. He also comes to terms with the fact that he had sacrificed love for money, which he regrets. I think the visiting of this ghost, triggers of many memories from the past that Scrooge has cast aside in his greed and lust for money. I realises what a loss he had made yet is still to highly strung with pride to admit it.

The ghost of the Christmas Present holds the vision of Cratchit family. He realises he is partially responsible for their well being. He begins to express some concern for Tiny Tim.
After visiting Fred’s party he begins to ponder about the value of family and having fun. I think Scrooge masterbates too much. He needs a girlfriend and he needs one now. I think He needs to die soon.

fuck this
548122  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

Its So cute.

I call my friend Tom ----"man"

And he Calls me   ---- "Laydee"

its like Hey man

Hey ladyee

Its kewl because i sound very good saying man.

He sounds stupid.

But i still love him :O

Cya man

548103  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7043 days ago)

 now lets take a glimpse into teh mind of mally...


And there you have it ladies and gentlemen.

That was the glimpse into the Mind of mally.


come again...
548101  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7043 days ago)

Ive come to a conclusion.

I am not short

everybody else is just really tall
547147  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-10
Written: (7044 days ago)

In a man eyes Love will last until he dies In truth's eyes Love will last one lies In god's eyes Love will last until love dies In my eyes Love will never lie Love will never say goodbye Becase in my eyes Love will never die

nick: Your like a bad video game

He is boy at the back of the class
Sometimes I forget his name
I never even hear his voice
But I doubt he’s looking for fame

The boy at the back of the class
He seems to always be there
Just an invisible presence
to confirm with his stare

The boy at the back of the class
To him I do not speak
They call him all these horrid names
They even call him a freak

The boy at the back of the class
Sometimes I find myself gaze
I do not like him, not at all
But somehow he has his ways

The boy at the back of the class
I think I’m starting to like
In all the differences that we share
Our minds just seem so alike

The boy at the back of the class
He looked at me today
He smiled his sweet fumbled smile
I didn’t know what to say

The boy at the back of the class
I ‘m going to talk to him today
I breathe in deeply and march to school
I know just what to say

The boy at the back of the class
I’m so in love with you
For the past few years we’ve shared
I know that this is true

The boy at the back of the class
I want to tell you this
That I don’t care, they can call me a freak
I would die for just one kiss

The boy at the back of the class
Yes this is what I’ll say
I walk into the class room
And fear slowly melts away

The boy at the back of the class
I scan the room whole
Where is this boy, I need him now
To confess my heart and soul

The boy at the back of class
He isn’t sitting there
His musky sent and his lavishing eyes
There’s only an empty chair

The boy at the back of the class
I hear the classroom mutter
I hear his name being whispered
Amongst all the clutter

The boy at the back of the class
Was found dead today
In his room all alone
With a note that would say

To the girl at the front of the class
I will love you till I die
I guess this means until today
But I wanted to say goodbye

To the girl at the front of the class
I watched you each day
You didn’t even notice me
How many times I tried to say

To the girl at the front of the class
I loved you more than you knew
I hope that now, you might know
But I guess its now through

To the girl at the front of the class
I never told a lie
I never even said hello
But this is my goodbye

546330  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-09
Written: (7045 days ago)

Some Books Worth Your Sight

Amnesia - Andrew Neiderman
Fire bringer - David Clement Davies
Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot
Sickened - Julia Gregory
One child - Torey Hayden
The da vinci code - Dan Brown
The kiss - Danielle Steel
The house on hope street - Danielle Steel
Sense and sensability - Jane Austin
The killers cousin - Nancy Werlin
Northern lights -Phillip Pullman
All the shopaholic series - Sophie Kinsella
Holy cow - Sarah Macdonald
The gathering light - Jennifer Donnelly
Tom sawyer - Mark Twain
Little women - Louisa M. Alcott
The secret garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett
The series of unfortunate events - Lemony snicket
Legally Blonde (the actual novel :O) - Amanda Brown

Some Movies worth your sight

Gone with the wind -
Written by Margret Mitchell. Directed By Victor Flemming.

Amazing. Old stuff but nothing beats the Old stuff. *Aaah* I love this movie, really long but ive seen it maybe
8 times?

Army of the Twelve Monkeys
Directed By Terry Gilliam

Definatly a hawt movie....

Directed By Nikki Reed

Gotta be one of the best


Come on guys. This is Halloween we're talking about.

You've got mail

<i>I cant help it

Rush hour 1 and two 

What is it good for..absolutley nothing HUH AH

Speed (number one)


The matrix

The legend

The ring

Scary but meh

The exorsist

Well come on...

The shinning

yewwp heres Jonny

American Pie 


Freaky Friday

omg im sucha girl. but still. I LOVED IT SO MUCH

The cinderella story

haha. meh. i liked it.

The gift


Scent of a women

okay people. you need to see this

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

what can i say

Anything with subtitles

If i can read it - i'll watch it

Miss congeniality

oh yes. girl power

Legally Blonde..

uh huh


hmm nothing too great but still

more later


545787  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (7045 days ago)

Impossible = Im Possible
545618  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (7045 days ago)

MATT AND I'S COMMENTS TO THE SONG "BEAUTIFUL" BY CHRISTINA AGUL*cant spell*. we both agree that the songs cute, but we dont really like >.her.<. Enjoy

Don’t look at me
[okay sure. but why the fuck did you bring out a video to be publiciised on television yet not want people to "look at you"]
every day is so wonderful
[oh yeah?]
And suddenly, it’s hard to breathe
[die bitch. choke bitch.]
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the fame, I’m so ashamed
[Me too hunny. go hide in a corner some where dark]
I am beautiful no matter what they say
[they say alot]
Words can’t bring me down
[no I think they can sweetie]
I am beautiful in every single way
[name one]
Yes, words can’t bring me down
[what about a knife?]
So don’t you bring me down today
[How about tomorow?]

To all your friends
[you have friends?]
you’re delirious
[wow can you say that word?]
So consumed in all your doom
[if you want to die, nothing's stopping you]
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
[*from matt* masterbate. or get a cock.]
The piece is gone and the puzzle undone
[*from matt*undo your clothes]
That’s the way it is
[no really. its not]


No matter what we do
[really? it doesnt matter? really really? anything? wow. really?]
No matter what they say
[die biatttch]
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won’t stay
[*from matt* my cock will]
And everywhere we go
[You go chrissy, we'll just stay right here]
The sun won’t always shine
[maybe check the forecast before going "everywhere" you go]
But tomorrow will find a way
[huah? wtf?]
All the other times
[yeah, that doesnt make sense]

We are beautiful no matter what they say
[yeah, we are, but your not]
Yes, words won’t bring us down
[I think they can]
We are beautiful no matter what they say
[yewp, we are sooo beautiful. wtf are you]
Yes, words can’t bring us down
[this is getting kinda repetative eh?]
Don’t you bring me down today
[oh jebuuuus]

Don’t you bring me down today
[wow one more time?]
Don’t you bring me down today
[and AGAIN incase we can hear?]

545583  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-08
Written: (7046 days ago)

Funny day today...

[me talking about my dad....the whole time thinking of good words to use]

me: uuugh I really dislike him, i mean, he has NO right to talk to me...he didnt raise me, he didnt concieve me *realises* uh, wait, shit he did, anyway, he didnt concept me *realises* wtf, um, he didnt...what the fuck is the word that means love me?....?

vag: love me?

me: exactly. HE DIDNT LOVE ME.

[matt and i talking in media about christina agularrriaaa however the hell you spell her name anyways]

me: maaaattt
*matt turns around in really sexual way*

matt: hmmm yesss *licks lips*

me: ew matt dont look at me like that

matt: hahaha like that christina agulara song, you know, when she's like "dont look at me"

me: omg yess. hey matt *SEXY christina agulara voice from the song....* dont look at me

matt: okay *Turns around*

me: MATT lol. *throws book*




for once i was not kept behind in chemistry. I repeat- I Was Not Held Back in Chemistry.

It was the end of class and i was just waiting for him to tell me to stay back. As fucking usual. but my gosh ....HE DIDNT. I almost had a heart attack as i scurried out of the classroom incase he changed his mind.

Matt was like.

[mally. Do you realise that you just got out of class without being told to stay behind?]

and im like, in a really cool voice

"yeah dude, i know"


*Scared face*.

I tried hard this lesson actually.

Apart from the fact that i got TO lesson like 15 minutes late lol :P

BUT that was because nobody told us we were in the computer room.

fuck them
its their fault.

And when I got TO class, i just got on with my work.

I only Really talked to Matt.

But i ignored him msot of the time.

I think he feels neglected.

Im so proud of myself

however in physics...



I had fun.

Greg is actually alright when you get to know him.

Well, He is still a dick head. But i can live with that. kinda sorta.

He does have a small penis.

He does recon he is ["DA BEST YO"].

hes not.

But a guy Can dream.

omg: confidence update :::::I felt pretty confident and good about myself today::::::omg.

Mr. Brown is an asshole.

But joe ball is funneh.

Was with Ben and Ian in maths.

IAN is a fucking calculater.

ben and I however, realised we outstupid ourselve sin many occasions.

we did shit on
standard deviation


no questions asked , none answered.

finally they got non healthy food back in the cafeteria.


History is a jackass.

Especially with HIM.

he tries to hard.

Harriet complains that, even though im the smallest person i take up the most room Evar.
Which is not true
I am compact
I am a miniature c o l l e c t a b l e.

Ask nicholas. He's *collected* me alreadys.

Yah so, she keeps freaking out and pushing me over the other end of the desk because im "[taking up too much room]"

fuck her :P

And i was writing real neat.

and she pushed me

and screwed up my neat handwriting.

SO I ripped her book.

lol. well

No. not really.

I just scribbled on it real bad.

She let out this like, giant wail. And everyone waws like Wtf.

I was like. "hatty wtf are you DOING"

544542  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-07
Written: (7046 days ago)

kay on the topic of this whole confidence thing which i keep talking about....

I realised that :

 if your confident as a person, you can pull of almost anything.

Even if you have no ideea what your doing

And its true isnt it?

I mean. IF you believe in yourself, you just have to keep going and people iwll still think whatever your doing was amazing or what ever because you did it so well.


gotta work on that
544508  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-07
Written: (7047 days ago)

I <3 you

hmm Today. well. woke up, you know, the usual.

missed the bus.

uugh. it was freezing.

Ian told me today that to be confident you have to b e l i e v e you can be confident first. He says thats a form of confidence in itself.

 it made a lot of sense to me

Just sometimes difficult to put it into practice you know?

Ian is my buddy.

Anyway. tom is an ass. but he makes me laugh nonetheless.

uggh our school is going on some "healthy eating" thing and THERE WAS NO CHIPS. oh man. All i had was some pizza. and some jaffa cakes to compensate.
But it had to be done. I guess.

 Ryan and I are....: Smokey and shorty




fantabulastic baby


something interesting.

Pretty Amazing I think.

Well, there's this year seven class in our school.

They line up by the school building every day.

Their form tutor is Mrs grant.

Mrs grant was my PE. teacher. I love her lots. Shes really cool but scary as shit. no seriously. shes so loud for a cute blonde person :P lol. shes just really strict but at the same time a good friend. ugh cant explain. but anyways. somehow she has managed to craft her rowdy year 7 form into like fucking robots.

They line up in single file.

They dont talk

They dont move

They probably dont even breathe.

They just stand there and wait.

And she walks past the window. raises her eyebrow.

and then...

one by one, they follow. still maintaining the single filed line, and the non speaking/breathing thing.

They walk straight up the stairs along the right, all holding the railings and then into their class.

Its fucking amazing.

I just cant understand. I just watch them thinking. omfg.

She's been giving them something. im sure.

Anyway, im talking to my form tutor Miss Hobbs and I was just explaining the weirdness of the situation. I was like " we were never like that!!"

and she was like "oh I knnow"

and im like sniggering and say "hah. must be the teaching then"

She looked at me with her mouth slightly open and said "malavika! excuse me"

haha. she loves me really.


I tried really hard not to talk today in chemistry.

No but I DID.

And then the ONE time i said something stupid about Richard "flexing" his "muscles" the motherfucker dr. Koritsas heard me. THE ONE TIME. uugh. anyway.

He was like at the end of the lesson, pointing out the students that could leave the class, and kept me and some other people behind. I was like wtf.


so much.

543809  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-06
Written: (7047 days ago)

Im sorry. I have a 

His name is Nicholas

He is So beautiful

all mine
543764  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-06
Written: (7047 days ago)

 Really sleepy...


*Extra big smile*.

dancing makes me happy.

ballet makes me happy.

Fuck you.

Hhehehe. uber excited.



vag: yeah did anybody watch that episode, a couple were taken into hospital because they were like stuck to eachother. *silence* like in eachother....*hahaha*
mally: what the fuck
vag: well they were having sex...
mally: again...what the fuck
vag: mally they were just stuck OKAY
mally: haha maybe they thought the glue was lube...
vag: like in american pie?
mally: exactly

([okay. Right now im sitting backwards on a chair and im really really uncomfertable, i have my hand like on the rim of my trousers, well, down my pants kay, lol, BECAUSE i was just like. rearranging stuff...kay])


vag: *looks at hand in pants* Mally. have you been using teh glue again?


mally: *Really really loud as teacher stands behind her* I HAVE NO ERECTILE DIFFICULTIES THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

I could have died
543626  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-06
Written: (7048 days ago)


-Got to school (extreamly cold).

- On the bus I was just huddled up in the corner, and i managed to fumble my Cd player out. no batteries.

-Ian offered to stay inside with me while the other lunatics waited outside in the coldness. that was nice of him seen as I did poison him just yesterday.

-Drama. Aragh. Our next assessment is a two minute long monologue.

not good

fuck. shit. cunt.

I mean, I cant talk for two minutes continuously in a large group of people - [IN CHARACTER].

Imma neverous already.

I dont feel very confident latley.

Reminds me of something harriet said to me . She was like :

[Mally you are SOOOO confident, i wish i could hold me self like you do when you're around people. i dont understand]

this ofcourse is the stupidest thing. Ever. Lol doesnt she realise, that latley, when im talking to people i feel like a part of me is dying. lol. I dont feel confident at all.

542786  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7048 days ago)

*_*Hehe piano went pretty well actually *_*

*_*I played one of my peices really well... *_*

*_* my piano teacher asked me to play at a concert this may*_*

*_* oh my gosh*_*

*_*I am a pianist *_*

*_*Love me *_*

*_* So much*_*

*_* Its cold in this house.*_*

*_* Where is the goddamned heating*_*

*_* This is england you know.*_*

*_* ugg. whats going on with this world. Anyway. Vag called.*_*

*_* Phil picked me up today. He sorta dislocated my ribs. ouch*_*

*_* Matt is so funny. he makes me giggle.*_*

*_* Religious education was so kewl. I poisoned Ians eyes with ink from his fountain pen.*_*

*_*He swore he would NEVER give me a fountain pen again. *_*

*_*Haha. we'll see about that *_*

*_*Exams in two weeks. uh oh speggetio.*_*

*_*How come i dont know these things ever? *_*

*_* EVER?*_*

542584  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7048 days ago)
Next in thread: 542607

Spoke to David today. After a long time.
I simply said to him.

"David I am not going to continue i g n o r i n g you or disliking you, because quite frankly its a waste of my time and my energy. However, I what you did was low, Infact it was past low, but now its in the past. I dont know what you must have possibly got out of it. If it made you feel more important, involved or just good about yourself. It definatly didnt make me feel any of those things. But you know what?I hope that you felt like it was worth it."

He just said : "Im sorry Mally, but you cant go on like this.."

To which I replied.

["Trust me. I can. But I wont because you're right, its not worth it. Especially You. I can forgive you, but i cant forget it. Bye]

*And then i walked away*

I was so proud of myself. I didnt totally loose it. I didnt shout or [s. c . r . e. a. m]. I said eactly what i needed to say, and then left it.

Its just that I realised that theres no use constantly fighting. For what? Anyway? What do I really get out of making ascene? Sure, some attention maybe, and maybe i can realease some anger, but im just releasing it into another form. If i just let it go, accept it, and get on with my life, all the hurt or anger, or whatever i do, or did feel in me, can totally go. Instead of just being transfered or kept inside me.

I dont need attention.

I dont need to make a scene.

Although he pisses the Shit out of me. He was right. What is screaming about it really gonna do anyway? Nothing.

My point exactly

We just talked about it, I dont need to hear his petty excuses. I just told him what i needed to say, and that was the end of that. What else do I need?

I hope things are okay

Oh man. He's actually consuming teh most of my diary entry. fuck him

hmm well. today seemed to go pretty fast. I think. We have a new biology teacher who strangly resembles my uber tall P.E teacher - MR tiffany. who also looks like Buzz lightyear. His height is so amazing.

Ben and Matt are planning to camp out in my back garden soon.

mom might need to be notified about that.

Maths was boring. as usual. paid NO attention.

Matt and I had a conversation about masterbation. O_o. I think I Made MATTHEW BARTON BLUSH.

thats a big thing.

Blah. Izzy's new hair is hawt. Im so jealous.

New hair doesnt make me hawt. ew. But im happy.

Im feeling rather subdued today, as you might have probably noticed. If you know anything about me at all....or if your just a random person reading this right now. ~.HI.~.

But if you know me, and read this on a daily basis (mwhahah, im so kewl) then you might have noticed. heh.

Im not using pretty fonts. I gave up a while ago. heh. Well you can still Read cant you?

Media essay to do tonight. Im making a real effort with homework this half term. This half term is fucking EIGHT WEEKS LONG. dewd. I cant handle that shittttttt.

Last one was only 5. and suddenly they expect me to have another THREE and be totally okay with that? I think Not. Who do you think I am?

I need a shower. Maybe I'll wake up. hmm. after Piano lesson. Shit. I havnt practised. fuck.

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Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7048 days ago)

[In Religious education today, we were talking about prejudice against gays....because we do that sometimes O_O]

Teacher: Generally Gay men are more prejudiced against that gay women....

me: *super loud* YAH BUT GAY WOMEN ARE HAWT.

*everyone stares at me*

me: Im not a lesbian. Honestly.

[Kay this one we're talking about transvestites...I love R.E]

Teacher: So just imagine if one of your male teachers came to school in a dress...
me: Like you sir?
Teacher: *laughs a little* no not like me, i cant really imagine myself in a dress..
me: *loud* oooh I CAN


Ian:Mally please stop imagining him inna dress
me: *laughs* hahaha but i cant help it

 The logged in version 

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