[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

553007  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-16
Written: (7038 days ago)

Im totally diaried out man.


exams in...well on monday.

it is now saturday

revision done: none

well okay i tried a little bit.


So me trying real real hard now.



552386  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7038 days ago)

Maybe one day Ill grow some wings. And then I'll fly away Into your arms....
552005  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7039 days ago)


When im older I want to be Michael Jackson.

551997  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7039 days ago)

Me: Yeah i was up really late last night...:)
Vag: Doing what?
Me: Just doing stuff
Vag: Doing Nick?


Vag: omg my shoes are STILL wet from tomorow.



vag: Ugg my periods extra early this month, i dont know why
me: *inteligently* Well maybe your not pregnent?
Vag: thanks mall

551614  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written: (7039 days ago)

551555  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7039 days ago)

*Mally and nick have argument*

Me: YES.

551497  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7039 days ago)

Brother: Yeah we met this guy on the street who's from your school. he says he knows you...

Me: Me? he knows me?

Brother: Well yeah thats what he said.

Me: Is he in my year?

Brother: No he's in year 8

Me: And he knows me?! haha im so goddamn popular.

Brother: *stare* anyway. yeah he says he knows you

Me: Whats his name

Brothrer: I dunu :S

Me: You didnt ask him?

Brother: no i told you we just met him on the street.

Me: okay well what did he look like?

Brother: well, he had this ...face

Me: *stare* He had a face? Helpfull. Thanks brother.

551302  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7039 days ago)

Ian: *totally seriously* Yeah i always found girl knickers to be quite uncomfertable.


551250  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written: (7039 days ago)

Good song

Gangsters Paradise – Coolio

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realise there's not much left
Cause I've been brassing and laughing so long that
Even my mamma thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain’t never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of
You better watch how you talking, and where you walking
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but I gotta lope
As they croak I see myself in the pistol smoke ... fool
I'm the kinda G that little homies want to be like
On my knees in the night, saying prayers in the street light

They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise

Look at the situation, they got me facing
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the strip
So I gotta be down with the hood team
Too much television watching got me chasing dreams

I'm a educated fool with money on my mind
Got my 10 in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loped out gangsta set trippin banger
And my homies is down so don’t arouse my anger ... fool
Death ain’t nothing but a heartbeat away
I'm living life do or die, what can I say
I'm 23 now but will I live to see 24
The way things is going I don't know

Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me.

They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise

Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain’t looking
What's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cooking
They say I've got to learn but nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it, how can they reach me

I guess they can't
I guess they won't
I guess they front
That's why I know my life is out of luck ... fool

They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise

Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me.
Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me.

550548  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (7040 days ago)

Come back to have another go at me?

actually yeah i do have some things to say. Firstly I dont appreciate you telling anybody to die. Especially my fucking friends. Its pretty fucking low.

oh well

anything elsE?

No not really , ill let you reflect on that.

reflect on what

haha. goodbye asshole.



u guna join in wit bert [berite- my friend :)] an call me a pedo as well?


well u seem to take berties side ova mine in everything even tho uv nown me longer so u might as well cause shes been doin it

Yes, Im gonna take the side of the person who ive known longer even though hes telling MY FRIEND that she should curl up in a ball and die, that she's a slut and a waste of space. That is pretty fucking low james. I didnt now you could reach that far down. I guess you did, yet again.


Calm down firstly. So tell me James, what has Berties life got to do with you? Your not dating her, you tell her to die, so im thinking your not friends either. whats bothering you anyway? Kay if you think shes messing up her life, fine, you dont need to tell her to die. shes my fucking friend and i wont let you talk to her like that.

malli like i sed if u new y i was havin a go u would see she is lower thn i am. an i neva sed she was messin her life up actualy.

woopde doo

yeah see ur willin to take her side an not even listen to what she has done

and what right do you have to tell someone to go die? and that their a waste of space. and No i wont listen to "gossip", Shes told me already and i believe her because she isnt trying to buy friends with gossip and shit. I never asked her to tell me, but she did, and its almost like you WANT to tell me so i can be turn against her too. James grow up.

yeah she probs has told u aload of shit malli stop bein small minded an get both sides of the story

Im sorry but this is a waste of my time. Its alot easier letting go and growing up James instead of playing childish games.

im not playin childish games im stickin up for a friend


Anyways your only listenin to 1 side of da story

Im going now. Bye
550177  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (7040 days ago)

Kay this is a special entry in tribute of...


My dearest friend. We've been through so much. We were enemies during year 7. Ian was so mean. He ruined my artwork. He was a troubled child. BUT NOW PEOPLE WE ARE THE BEST. i love you IAN. I even cured him of girlaphobia, now he cant go anywhere without me clinging onto him tightly. He also does hugs now :O I know, im the best.


Love you Nai....
550151  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (7040 days ago)

Love is not about lovingthe perfect person. Its about loving the imprerfect person perfectly. Its not about what he/she has to offer to you. Everything they can give you. Its about what you will accept. And what you will give in return. Love is about understanding. Love their body Love their mind Love their dreams Love their thoughts Love their smile Love their tears Just love them for who they are and nobody else beacuse thats all they can be. Respect them. Love is about...

550129  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (7040 days ago)

omg funny day...

After school I met this boy. Well guy. whatever. it was male. And he was like 16 years old I think

His name Is Eric

Eric is an exchange student from panama.

So we started talking and hes really cool. He said to me

"Can I please take a picture of you?"

[Which was a little weird. admittedly]. But i was like okay.

*click* lol.

So he now has a picture of me. haha. that was weird though. How often do you get like a foreign exchange student ask for your picture. I felt like a celebrity.

He said when he'de been around school hes always wanted to talk to me but never got the chance. aw lol ;p haha.

So i was like "[kewlnesssss]". And Then I said ;

well i have to get my bus, Il talk to you tomororow?

and he said

[I cant Im leaving back for Panama today, its my last day here, its a shame i didnt get to know you sooner ;( do you please have address, so i can write to you?]

lol :S *blink*

He ment like an email address. He even got a pen and Paper out for me. haha.


That was an interesting day.

549548  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7041 days ago)

Cutest thing... By my little brother. For homework he was asked to write a few diary enteries describing his saddest day evar.

Before you read. 
Do Take note that all of this happened in a series of 3 consequtive days.

[Nothing has been edited. all in his spelling etc. My brother is 10 years old]

December 23rd

dear diary
Today was the sadest day of my LIFE.[oh no. lets have a communal weep] It was my dads funeral.[see this is what goes on in the mind of my brother. this is how much we love our daddy] I cried like a baby on my mothers shoulder.[lol dewd. you are a baby] Mum wasnt crying yet but i knew she was just holding it in. My dad died when he was coming back from work in his car when Smash![hey nice literary technique] A drunken driver rammed his car in the water and that was where he drowned to death.[oh so graphic. thanks] Just beforre the service started mum ran outside. A few moments later she came back with a hanker cheif [lol. hanker cheif] and started drying her eyes. What could possibly get worse? [well....]

December 24th

Dear diary
Today was ok but it could of been better.[you think? Your father died yesterday] Mum was in her room praying as usual [three words: what the fuck?]while I was quietly watching Tv.[oh so quietly] Mum come to me and softly said "Do you mind if you dont have any food today" [OMFG LOL YEWP]I replied yes. I knew what was happening. [mom was on Speed?] Before mom didnt have a job so dad got all the money. [DADS DEAD ] Mum was loosing money fast.[nice..]

December 25th

dear diary
I was invited to a christmas party with my friends [what friends?] and I went.[I bet they loved that] But when i got back I gave my mom a loaf of bread [a loaf of BREAD? who the hell are you, jesus christ?]that i stole from mmy friend [you STOLE a loaf of BREAD from your FRIEND?] because i knew what mum was going through.[bread berievement] It was sad to see what she does to get through life. I was stealing for a week now but at least i got something to eat. [what? like bread?]When i gave mum the haf [haf lo] she asked where i got it from and i replied that i bought it [yes. because mom was loosing money "fast"]. But there was some good news after all. [OH REALLY? what could possibly get better than FREE BREAD] Mom met this man on the street.[*blink* its been what two days? a man..on the street] Mom sounded like she really liked this man on then street [does this man have a name or is he just the man on the street?] and his name was Jack. [oh there we go...]

december 26th

dear diary
Today was the hapiest day of my life.[four days later and...tada....] My mom was marrying Jack [*blink*] and we wouldnt ever be poor agaain[yay. all my worries are gone. free bread maybe?]. All my troubles were over .[haha there we go] no more stealing.[bread....] I think jack will be a great dad [wtf? hes marrying your mother a few days after your FATHER died and suddenly what...hes gonna adopt you?] but I still cant thinking about my real dad who is still in heaven somewhere ["heaven somewhere"]. And I could see in m mums eyes that she hasnt forgot about him either. [but shes marrying jack, the guy from the street like 4 days after your father died from a raging alcoholic, fell into a river where he drowned to death, forcing you to live in starvation, with nothing but a load of bread every day that you stole from your "Friends". life is beautiful]

549413  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7041 days ago)

Imma Fairy

Oh Yesss I am
549018  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7042 days ago)

Just for you David.

David: Malllllly….Do you have your R.E book?
Mally: No I don’t…. I forgot it
David: hm okay. Mallllly do you have your Spanish Books?
Mally: No I don’t

david: Malllly? Do you have your bag?
Mally: Probably not


David: Have you seen Daddy Day Care?
Ian: No
David: ok. have you seen the part where the girls like...


*Watching "Mississippi Burning " in Re*

Mally Hey he looks like Tom hanks.....and toby Maguire
Ian: What a crossbred?

*lots and lots of laughing because Ian is just so funny*

David: Hey mally, you look like...
mally: who who who?
david<?b>: that guy...


: Guy?
david: Off CBBC. Cbeebies. The tweenies? YES thats it.

(For those who do not knnow - the tweenies are creature liek things)

Ian: Dave but their like colourfull, bright pink creature things.
david: Yeah so?
Ian: How kind, Mally, dave thinks you look like a TWEENIE!
mally: yay *unenthusiastically*
David: OH WAIT.. wrong one. I meant the teletubbies. LALA? no wait. PO.
Ian: lmao. the red one?
David: Yeah i think so
Mally: David will you please go suck your cock someplace else?

548597  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written: (7042 days ago)

Kay. Imma go to bed now

.Xx -+Sweet Dreams+- xX. x...May The Angels Be Watching You While You Sleep...x x...Think Of Me Because I Will Be Thinking Of You...x x...I love you...x
548569  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

Kay. The time is 12:30 people and i really cant be bothered staying up tonight. Im not tired i just. i dont know. i cant even explain. this just seems so pointless.

didnt get much work done today. not much at all.

Chris helped me with history. Ive done as much as I can. so thats okay.

English is in for friday so I can do that on thursday Night.

Gotta really thinka bout media though.


But anyway.

Called Nicholas today.


He is So beautiful.

Vag called today

:O Im so popular.

I like totally didnt speak to phill much today. only a little. he gave me a hug :P haha. but that was it. I think he feels neglected.

vAG AND Matt are going out. WHICH I AM HAPPY FOR. i just feel like i have to be less close with Matt, i mean, its only fair.I love them both. And like, i think we need to back off a little anyways.

I think.

Tomorow is Tuesday.


History english maths science spanish Re.


History NO

English NO

Maths NO

Science NO

Spanish NOOOO

Re. OKAY. :0

ugh my birthday in....

[10 days]

Not that im counting.

Im way to kewl for that.

oh man. another year has just gone by so quickly. Urgh

548377  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)


oh my gawd. This is hawtness at its finest. At its hawtest. Im marrying this man. 
*aaaah* *ooooh* *aaah*
I love you Nicholas.
548361  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

fucking school

Exams in one week.

We are supposed to be having revision time.

Instead of countless essays and questions and coursework to do for homework.

I cant do all of this.

I Cant do like 17 pages of history questions, ([yes . I did say 17)

I cant do approxamatley 9 pages of Media coursework from scratch.

I cant do three questioned pages of maths standard deviation.

I cant do English coursework

I cant do Drama prep

I cant do Revision for ALL my fucking subjects

All in one week

Most of them are due for sometime soon, like tomorow onwards.

I know what i can do.

I know what i cant do.

I cant do that.

fucking school

Im really starting to freak out now. I need to do good in these motherfucking exams.

I have my reasons.

I cant fail this. OMG. how am i gonna do this. kay so like i have all my subjects to revise. and in all my subjects, i have lots of mini topics to revise. We havnt had ONE revision list, of what we actually need to know. All i know is when the exam starts.
what the fuck am i gonna do guys? I cant fucking revise for fucking Everything and fucking get my fucking shit in for the fucking deadlines. And i know no matter how many times i say "fucking" its not gonna fucking help me. Fuck.

I dont know any of this. its gonna be a long night.

548357  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written: (7042 days ago)

A christmas Carol.

English coursework

The fictional character of scrooge has been composed by Dickens to contain all the evils and corruption of the society that he grew up in. There is a clear contrast between scrooge at the beginning of the novel and at the end. He begins as an outright villain, very bitter and cold, and progresses into the ‘saviour of Christmas’. As this era was during the industrial revolution, there was a sudden rise in the population, and a class divide. There were not only the upper and lower class, but there was then a middle class because wealth and status was becoming a major issue in the times. By creating the stimulating the storyline, Dickens ventures into the different attitudes of the stereotypical snobbish and rich, and places all of these attributes into one character – scrooge. He challenges the idea of discrimination against the poor by taking scrooge through a journey of self-discovery, before coming to terms with the true joys of Christmas.
Much of Dickens troubled and difficult childhood is reflected in his works, his father was imprisoned and he was forced to work in a factory with a poor rate of pay and extremely poor working conditions. I think that as dickens was a lower class member, he observed the attitudes of the rich towards them and experienced the discrimination, which inspired him to write the novel. ‘A Christmas carol’ may not have had some over night affects, but certainly reminded people the importance of the festivities that take place at Christmas time.                                                          
At the beginning of the novel readers realise the isolated relationship that scrooge had with his business partner Marley. Dickens emphasises the solitude in this relationship by saying ‘Scrooge was his sole executioner, his sole friend, his sole mourner’ which suggests the loneliness in their relationship. Scrooge seemed to be the only person for Marley and Marley seemed to be the only ‘sole’ friend for Scrooge. After Marley’s death, Scrooge didn’t paint out his name on the building of their work place, as the price of the paint was too expensive. I think this is showing Scrooges hidden insecurities, as well as his stingy and cruel approach to money. Although he claims to not have changed it due to it being a waste of money, I think he wants to keep Marley’s name there for comfort, as he seemed to be a very dear friend to him. Readers can see there is a different side to Scrooge, which slowly begins to shine through after the visits from the ghosts.
Scrooge is portrayed as an extremely vindictive, bitter and merciless man. His attitude towards his employee Bob Cratchit is one of the main storylines, which unwinds throughout the story. Scrooge seems very firm and strict when dealing with matters at work. His approach to his workers is of a very unfriendly manor. He does not permit leave of work for Christmas, which was greatly valued by Cratchit. His nephew plays a widely contrasting character that sometimes I feel that Scrooge finds difficult to deal with. After the visit from the ghost of the Christmas past, I think the reader begins to realise that Scrooge is most afraid of his nephew because it reminds him of himself as a child. His nephew however, despite Scrooge’s constant bitterness maintains a constant happy atmosphere and refuses to talk bad of his uncle. Scrooge’s attitude towards the charity workers that visit during his work hours is very dismissive and inconsiderate. 

Pathetic Fallacy is used throughout the novel to build up a cold and sinister atmosphere through Dickens’s description of the streets and offices where the story is set. We get an idea that it is ‘cold, bleak biting weather: foggy withal’ and that the candles are ‘flaring’ in the office windows like ‘ruddy smears upon the palpable brown air’. The use of figurative language and personification tells the reader that Scrooge is as cold and withdrawn as is his surroundings. From the use of Pathetic Fallacy you can clearly see the vast amount of contrast from the beginning of the novel to the end where scrooge is the ‘saviour’ of Christmas. Dickens uses “Golden sunlight, Heavenly sky, clear, bright, jovial” by the end of the novel to radiate a very happy and jovial atmosphere. You can instantly see the transformation in his character due to pathetic fallacy.

As scrooge begins to experience each one of the spirits, the readers are slowly revealed the inner Scrooge that seemed repressed in this vindictive man. At first when the ghost of Jacob Marley visits, Scrooges attitude towards this seems very carefree although we can see he is threatened by the presence of the ghost. His opinions about ghosts and such is very limited when Marley says “You don’t believe in me do you” Scrooge replies “No, I don’t”. His direct approach instantly shows that he is not phased by this yet is questioning himself and his senses. He uses his intellect to reason with the ghost, how ever it is fairly evident that he was trying to distract his own attention and terror. He is told by Marley that ‘charity, mercy, forbearance and benevolence’ should have been his buissness. Jacob says that you need to be good on earth or be forever doomed to walk the earth. This connects with the social themes o f the novel, of both financial and spiritual generosity. The coming of Marley;s ghost is more about financial generosity as he is warning Scrooge that if he is not in the good he will be doomed to forever remain on earth, neve
r happy.

The ghost of the Christmas past arrives and Scrooge witnesses Old Fezziwig and the happiness he gave to his employees. I think this made him realise that he had a responsibility to do to the same. He also comes to terms with the fact that he had sacrificed love for money, which he regrets. I think the visiting of this ghost, triggers of many memories from the past that Scrooge has cast aside in his greed and lust for money. I realises what a loss he had made yet is still to highly strung with pride to admit it.

The ghost of the Christmas Present holds the vision of Cratchit family. He realises he is partially responsible for their well being. He begins to express some concern for Tiny Tim.
After visiting Fred’s party he begins to ponder about the value of family and having fun. I think Scrooge masterbates too much. He needs a girlfriend and he needs one now. I think He needs to die soon.

fuck this
 The logged in version 

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