[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

565759  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-01
Written: (7023 days ago)


Im loving it
565750  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7023 days ago)

just checking

just checking

just checking

565738  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7023 days ago)

uber stoned
565603  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7023 days ago)

Just something to imagine

You are incredibly high.

You are standing on top of a giant hill.

Overlooking a small sleeping town below you.

The Hot breeze to running through your hair.

Your holding the hand of on of your friends. Best friend maybe.

Standing a foot apart from eachother.

and the whole world ahead of you.

S l e e p i n g .

You hold her hand tighter.

You take a deep breath.

And you run

faster than you have Ever run before.

Your r u n n i n g so f a s t you almost feel dead.

Your feet are moving.

The World is moving.

Your heart it racing.

You cant breathe.

The ground is throbing.

pulsing beneath your feet.

The sky is melting.

The clouds are breaking.

You close your eyes.

And you Scream

565527  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7023 days ago)


565275  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7023 days ago)

ugh fucking dad

I hate him

He's trying to ruin my life
564984  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7024 days ago)

My conversation with Ben...Jenner....oh gosh

i no why your up so late because you dont need your beauty sleep
ooh ben
what do you mean?

i mean you are already beautiful so u dont need your beauty sleep

oh *blushes* really ben, im not

You are Mally
564983  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7024 days ago)

My conversation with Ben...Jenner....oh gosh

i no why your up so late because you dont need your beauty sleep
ooh ben
what do you mean?

i mean you are already beautiful so u dont need your beauty sleep

oh *blushes* really ben, im not

You are Mally
564923  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7024 days ago)


Welcome to the Captain Planet and the Planeteers guide at TV Tome.

Our world is in peril, Gaia, the spirit of the earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet, she sends five magic rings to five special young people:

Kwame: From Africa, with the power of Earth..

From North America, Wheeler, with the power of Fire

From the Soviet Union, Linka, with the Power of the Wind

From Asia, Gi, with the power of the Water

And from South America, Ma-Ti, with the power of Heart

When the five powers combine, they summon earth's greatest champion, CAPTAIN PLANET!


Captain Planet was created by billionaire Ted Turner in the early 90's to spread awareness of the environmental damage done to earth every year, at the same time providing the action and thrills that a Saturday mourning cartoon needs to be a hit.

This special effort worked. BIG TIME. The show ran for six long successful years, with three seasons divided between DIC animation, and Hannah-Barbera, and today is still repeated all over the globe it was created to help save.








By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet

Captain Planet, He's A Hero

Gonna Take Pollution Down To Zero

He's Our Powers Magnified

And He's Fighting On The Planet's Side

Captain Planet

He's a Hero

Gonna Take Pollution Down To Zero

Gonna Help Him Pull Asunder

Bad Guys Who Like to Loot and Plunder


We're the Planeteers

You Can Be One Too

'Cause Saving Our Planet Is The Thing To Do

Looting And Polluting Is Not The Way!

Here's what Captain Planet Has To Say:

564762  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7024 days ago)

awwwww TOM is teh c u t e s t .

During physics Tom was like ["Mally can I talk to you please"].

I said "Sure babe". But Suddenly he was like :

Oh it doesnt matter Ill tell you tonight on msn...

No tom. It does matter.

So he dragged me to the corner of the room. and raped me.



lol. So we went to teh corner and he's like.

[I dont know If im going to Jame's party because i just cant be bothered. But i dont want him to know. that okay?].

I was like "Yeah thats fine sweeetiekins"

He sorta Blushed and said :

"thank you mally, I just wanted my bestfriend to know before anything else"

I felt my heart melt.

*Hugs him*
563986  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (7025 days ago)

gewd day

I love you neekolas

563923  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (7025 days ago)

Izzy: I dont know why hes doing it
Me: why
Izzy: *Really flowy and fast* Why do i not know why hes doing it i dont know mally

Me: dont go there girlfriend. *in really gay spacker voice* dont

563641  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (7025 days ago)

[How sexy are you?]
[Find out your sauce level.]

[You're SIZZLING] (and you know it)
You hardly need us to remind you that you radiate raunch: you're a walking, talking goddess. No man has a snowball's chance when you decide you want him - he's about to be eaten for breakfast. Your cast-iron confidence is admirable - we'll have some of that, please. But, occasionally, you can come across as downright scary. A milder man might not be a match for your full-on sexiness and unstoppable innuendoes. Sometimes, in fact, he might prefer a cup of tea.

[Boost your sex appeal by:] not feeling you have to be full-on sexy 24/7. Showing that there's more to you than sultry stares and saucy comments.

563630  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-28
Written: (7025 days ago)

OoOoOoOoOoOo things are going really gewd today XD

Why things are so gewd

[x] I feel so much more confident :O Im just liking my self haha. lol I know that seems pretty vain (I guess) but mmm. I just feel confident. I dont feel embarrased to talk infront of people and bla bla bla.

[x] On the topic of confidence I feel like ive done really well on my drama exam :D yess! I kicked Ass.

"[Goodmorning America welcome to Cathy and Karl on the couch! Im cathy *Ian says "im Karl" extreamly gay* and thats the couch]"

[x] Nicholas

[x] Had gewd Pizza today :O

[x] I outwitted Tom

[x] Rowan noticed I have purple hair

[x] I cant think. more later.
562898  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-27
Written: (7026 days ago)

Me: *on the phone to somebody* helloooo
Steven: um who is this?
Me: I am your worst...um....uhh...*totally forgets*...
Steven: nightmare by anychance?
Me: Damn straight dawg

Some guy to me: You maybe small but you have the power to kill
Me: ooh yesss

562250  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7027 days ago)

When will you realise that in a relationship with someone that you are totally in love with:

[x] Its not about how much they give you. [Its about how much you will give them]

[x] Its not about how much you can give them. [Its about how much you are willing to share]

[x] Its not about who is dominating each situation. [Its about how the two of you deal with a situation together]

[x] Its not about whether you are right [If your other half is wrong, you are not too right either]

[x] Its not about whether you are wrong [its whether they will help you right]

[x] Its not about who seems weaker if they let go of a lingering argument. [Because that makes you stronger]

[x] Its not just "me" and "you" [Its "us" and "We"]

[x] Its not who can hold on the longest [Its about who can let go]

[x] Its not about how many people fall in love with you [Its about falling in love with one person]

[x] Its not about recognising problems in the future [It’s about working through them together]

[x] Its not about who can talk [Its about who can listen]

[x] Its not about telling the person you love that you love them a thousand times and not meaning it [Its about saying it just once and meaning it from the bottom of your heart]

[x] Its not about physical appearance [Its love. Not Lust]

[x] Its not about being perfect [Its not about trying to be perfect]

[x] Its not about making do with somebody who you can live with. [Its about loving the person you cannot live without]

[x] Its not about changing the person you love [Its about accepting them and loving them for who they are and not for what they’re not.]

[x] Its not about criticizing them [It’s about helping them be the best person they can]

[x] Its not just about screaming and crying until your lungs run dry [It’s about being the one to cry to]

[x] Its not about me [It’s about you]

[x] Its not about you [It’s about us]

[x] Its not about now [It’s about forever....]

[x] Its not just about loving them when they need it [Its about loving them when they don’t]

[x] Its not about loving conditionally [it’s about loving them unconditionally]

[x] Its not about how much sympathy you can give them [It’s about hurting with them]

[x] Its not just about the good times [Its about the bad times too]

[x] Its not about never letting them breathe [Its about letting them fight their own battles]

[x] Its not about saying goodbye [Its about never]

[x] [Love……] is about Nicholas

562238  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7027 days ago)

I hate my father

Why the fuck does he do this.

We're all eating dinner. ([pizza actually])

And my brothers freaking out because hes been practising the guitar for what? 5 minutes? And has discovered he cant play Iron maiden Dance of death and therefore Kicks shit.

So my family are trying to offer some calm adivce to him.

Ive been quiet the whole time just eating.

My dads like :

You really have the wrong sorta attitude Kiran."


"[And so do you mall]"

What. the. fook.

Almost as if he needed to fill the silence by putting me down.... So anyway i just lewked at him, my mom lewked at him, infact everyone lewked at him just thinking, what the hell are you talking about.

And so
The meal time conversation commenced
About how great I really am.

*blank stare*
Its like watching everything through different eyes.

Its difficult not to get frustrated when somehow everything i do is wrong. :S

Its difficult when hes just waiting for me to fail

He doesnt know anything about my achievements. Maybe there arent many but there are some.

But that doesnt matter at all.

He knows everything ive done wrong.
And my gawd does he remember it.

He doesnt even know me.

Im his daughter for christs sake. But ive accepted what our relationship is like.

First it was kinda hard.

But now i wouldnt want it any other way.,

I dont want to get to know him.

I dont want to give him another chance.

Hes in Fucking london. and quite frankly thats the best news ever.

Sometimes things are hard with my mom, but i mean, it woild be maybe a million times worse with him here.

Its like a blessing in disguise.

I cant remember living with him fulll time anymore.

Im glad.

All i have are bad memories.

this is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

And i dont want him back,

Hes been back for like 3 days and its alreayd driving me insane.

I just dont talk to anybody because if i say something, its wrong. trust me. I know these things.

-I just dont even try anymore.

I think that if i close my eyes, and grit my teeth, numb my brain and just shut dont my heart it wont hurt as much.

But it does.

It hurts so much.

Because i dont want to be around him

but im faced to see him every day.

He wont know what he has put me through.

But i know what ive put him through.


 thats my fault too

561972  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7027 days ago)


 my dear friend david

please block him.
561935  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7027 days ago)

Hahaha Re was pretty funneh today..Our teacher was just explaining how he used to be in the police force. [which reminds me "the police"= amazing]. Anyway it went a little something like this :

Sir: yes i was in the police force for some years
person one: OMG DID YOU HAVE A GUN


Note writing by Ian and Malavika

Ive just copied it out

[Pink writing signifies me because im pink and cute]

here we go....

[Hi ian. write me]
ok. I like debates . especially mass debates with ber
lol Ben
[omg what about me ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!]
you're the best mass debater
[oh my gosh I know! so ian what shall we talk about. now. today. right now plx]
Look, i already told you yesterday on msn that i struggle to talk about stuff
[ok motherfucker! i was only trying to instigate and encourage you to get over your girlaphobia hehe. so how is nicholas]
I dunu! hes not MY lover!
[haha. he is so my lover. So whos your love apart from me ofcourse]
Izzy. she keeps jumping on me. and ben is too.
[:0 you are cheating on ME with Izzy AND ben? Ian it is OVAR]
You said apart from you!
[But still Ian. im hurt. there shouldnt be anyone else apart from me anyway :0]
Well then you must be cheating on me wiv nick!!!
[OoOoOoOoOoooOOOoOoOoOOo. that was a love blow asshole. See the underlining to express my love for homosexuals, Ian and Nicholas?]
Yes...lol haha about Dave. "oi noi moi oiy ois woytoyroing
lol. translation "oh no my eye is watering"

[This is when i understand the situation: let me explain. While this is going on...
I threw ink
into David's eye.
haha. it must have hurt I guess.
His eyes were watering.
and he has a funny voice
and was like saying it how Ian spelt it phonetically the first time.
But im stupid
So i didnt understand this initially]

Lolol. this story is interesting [our teacher was telling us a story about a prostitute that got shot in the leg]

561931  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-26
Written: (7027 days ago)

Right now I need more money more than I have Ever needed.

561232  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-25
Written: (7028 days ago)

Did you ever know that your my hero
and everything i would like to be
i can fly higher than an eagle
because you are the wind beneath my wings

I would be nothing without you

[For my Beauty, Nicholas....]

Tale as old as time
true as it can be
Barely even friends
then somebody bends
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared

Beauty and the beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
as the sun will rise

oOoOoOoh OH OH oooh!

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

OoOoOoOooOH oh oh oh ohhhhhhh!

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast

 The logged in version 

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