[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

579600  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Humans get probed by the aliens because they never make sense and need to be studied. If we'd just do what we say and vice-versa, then we could reduce the number of anal probings I guess eh

579599  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Profanity may not solve your problems, but that shit sure relieves all of your fuckin' stress. Damn right!

579597  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)


There is SO a word that rhymes with orange.

It's florange

(short for floral arrangement).

Nobody said you couldn't make one up!

579595  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

I swear Google will aid somebody take over the world some day.

Oh man lol.

Insanity can be organised.

I mean, just read my diary for christs sake.

[At a church..........]

Me:*taps izzy. she looks depressed* Iz, you okay?
Izzy: shh. no sex in the church mally.

579594  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Nothing's real or fake. Life is all about how the brain perceives electrical impulses.

579592  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Time doesn't fly, it just seems to move more quickly, which is also not true. Time has a constant velocity and zero acceleration.

579590  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

I realised that Mankind digs its own holes.

We take advantage of our complex thought patterns to weave webs of deceit.

Then we forget which lies we told to which people, it all unravels, and we discover why lying is wrong.

Or we just get better at it.

Well there you go. My theory on lying.

579588  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Paradox: Procrastinators, by definition, should put off procrastination.

579585  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

.Today Isnt A Holiday. Happy Nothing Day.
579583  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Most popular historical records agree: Jesus was a real man, who actually walked the earth 2 million years ago.

Whether or not He Is/Was the Son of God remains up for debate in the secular community.

It is however irrelevant to me.

I mean, look at it this way:

A dude (with no shoes on) cared so much about humanity, that he taught millions of people a new and more respectfull way to live.

He died instead of betraying his faith.

Whether or not his death did “rid us of our sins” (we all sin now days anyway), we don’t know.

Maybe that was fabricated with time.

I am not a Christian.

I don’t really follow any particular religion..religiously.

But I do believe that there is some kind of power out there.

I don’t know Why, or How or What.

I just believe.

Its also comforting to believe that, maybe that’s the reason all this religion hype was created in the first place

But I think gradually its all about power.

Which sucks.

No matter what religion you follow, that sort of character deserves respect.

Whether he was the Son of God or Not.

Me + computer + internet + elftown diary = 0 productivity.

Oh well.

Whose complaining. Your just as sad to be reading this now.

Omg I have not watched neighbours OR home and away in god knows how long.

I cant get back into it.

H e a r t b r e a k i n g.

But like, I was just a sad little girl living vicariously through actors and actresses. I still am, but hey.

I also doubt that nobody has the whole truth. If there is such a thing. We are all liars to some degree. It’s a matter of whether our inaccurate opinions are truthfully expressed and make some sort of logical sense.

579570  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

Oh Ive seen the truth and it makes no sense whatsoever

579567  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything good.

579555  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7001 days ago)

We Need To Start Treating The Patient As Well As The Desiese

How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?

One Finger?
Two perhaps?
Three ?



You were wrong

See The things that no body else sees. What they choose not to see. What they choose not to feel. Out of fear perhaps? comformity, or perhaps even laziness.

We were blessed with two eyes. Yet we are still so blind.

Step out of the d a r k ne s s.

.O p e n . y o u r . E y e s. 

And then tell me what you really see...

-My words of wisdom-

[You treat a patient, you win, you loose, You treat a person Then I can guarantee you will win. No matter the outcome.]


Me: Does my ass look big in this
Vag: Mally, your ass always looks big
Me: heeeey!
Vag: haha im joking, you look very "petite"

Me: *marches into a HUGE BOOK STORE with a very determined air about me* I need to buy "slaughter house five"
Vag: uh. why?
Me: Well Nick read it and he said it was good, So I want to read it *Whines*
Vag: um okay sure.
Me: hehe *marches a few steps forward to find corridors leading away in every direction* right..um *pause*


Vag: Mally..
Me: okay. lets go *marches out*
Vag: Mally didnt realise the hugeness of the shop. lol
579067  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-21
Written: (7002 days ago)

.Im giving up drinking.

579056  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7002 days ago)

She doesnt trust me.

What can I do if she doesnt trust me.

She says she doesnt "Know who I am Anymore".

And that she "Doesnt trust me".

What Kind Of Girl Am I?

How Can I Do This To Everybody?

It will take some time to get her trust back…

I know that:

.I.m . .n.o.t. . .T.h.e. . .G.i.r.l. . .M.o.t.h.e.r. . .W.a.n.t.e.d. . .M.e. . .T.o. . .B.e.

But believe me mother, Ive tried.

For you.

For Me.

I never wanted to let you down.

If anything I wanted to make you proud of me.

And I will

I pr0mise Yew

She says she “Doesn’t know me

She doesn’t

I don’t even know me.

But she cant know me.

It would kill her

579051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7002 days ago)

I dont really fit in.
I dont really stand out.
578998  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7002 days ago)

[*Mally in mid conversation*]

Nick: I feel like jesus
mally: so then..what
Nick: lol, i dont have shoes on and my hair and stuff. lots of people have told me i look like him today
me: you feel like jesus because you dont have shoes on?


nick: *constantly bouncing on pillates ball*
nick: mally you dont  have to call me by all my names


me: nick, jesus...I love you
nick: please dont call me by my stage name

578994  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7002 days ago)
578865  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7003 days ago)



578843  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7003 days ago)

hung over over over over.

Im not drinking again.

And I Know I say that All the time and then..well....drink but this time im serious.

I dont enjoy it. Well I do but just a >> Little bit << .

After sometime, it just stops being funny and just painfull...

I dont like it.

I felt sick all today.


well anyway, onto other news.

aaah more later.

I have pizza


578794  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-20
Written: (7003 days ago)

[I heard about your failed suicide attempt. Im sorry. Better luck next time. Make it count. ]

This is amazing

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