[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

587728  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-01
Written: (6990 days ago)

.S e l f . l o a t h i n g. 
587710  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-01
Written: (6990 days ago)

Where is the sense in being predictable on purple?

I dont like it when people do that
587707  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-01
Written: (6990 days ago)

Your Not a fucking Genius

Your Not fucking great

Your just as fucking low....

As everybody else...

.Without. .Us. .Youde. .Be. .Nothing.

I hate Egotistical bastards

587408  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

Today was a much Better day.
Spoke to mah nicholas.
Everything is ay-okay.
Infact things are really good.
Im so happy.
I love him So
very very much.
Means Everything to me.
He is everything.

Teh day started of sorta odd.
Kinda S a d
Following on from last night.
But now things are better than ever

believe me when I say this,

Nothing Can stop us now...

I promise you that

I can give you forever....

And I intend to.

587407  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

-+ Jesus around my neck +-
587405  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

.I. .N.e.e.d. .s.o.m.e.o.n.e. .t.o. .s.a.v.e. .m.e.

M y . W h o l e . W o r l d . C o u l d . S h a t t e r.

Im fading fast....
587386  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

If its love. It is worth fighting for.
587307  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

[Matt And I discussing the serious hawtness of Angelina Joli]

me: Omg shes so hawt I could turn lesbian just staring at her
Matt: Omg shes so hawt I could cum just staring at her
587303  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

Finding you can change.

Learning you were wrong
587167  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

Nicholas Is forever
587106  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

oooh Nicholas....
587052  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6991 days ago)

I got a msg :

"So you like guys but it says "suck my strap-on" how does that work."


586698  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)


Has got to be one of teh kewlest letters


586697  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

.If you want to love me, then darling dont refrain.

Do you need some time on your own? Do you need some time all alone?

I know its hard to keep an open heart

.Nothing lasts forever.
586694  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

.Im in a:

.s u b d u e d.


.s a d.

.m o o d.

Sometimes Life is just cruel.

Everyone is downstairs watching the last part of meet the fockers.

Im not the the mewd.

People are just pissing me off right now. The human race suck.

Oh why am I so bitter.

ugh I feel bitter.

Im maybe hanging out with Ben dawson tomorrow. hopefully :)

.He. .has. .Weed.

But Ionnu.




Mah plans for teh week of holidays :D

- Movies with teh Matthew Barton.

- uh...Ryan HUNT wanted tew meet up so yah :)

- omgosh ryan breeze was like "do you want to hang out", and im like sure, whatever. he said he wants to get pissed but, uh, anti alcohol thing, remember. oh well we can just hang out. this is ryan breeze we're talking about. oh man.


586693  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

.Im in a:

.s u b d u e d.


.s a d.

.m o o d.

Sometimes Life is just cruel.

Everyone is downstairs watching the last part of meet the fockers.

Im not the the mewd.

586691  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

What happened to forever?
586690  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

...bad news...

I dont feel like writing about it :S Even this is a diary, I know, but ugh.

Im holding you so gently......

586689  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

Im so sad
586688  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

x.I was never good enough.x

.I never will be good enough for you. .I never will be who you want me to be. .I never will be able to make you proud of me. .But I love you. x .Im sorry. x

586582  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (6992 days ago)

Hello friend.

How are you?

Well Im bored out of my fucking mind. Thanks for asking.

Im at a family friends house (We're here quite alot)

Its fucking insane, they live approxamatly thirty seconds away from us (by foot) and my mom insists I come because its rude if I dont. Which I can understand.

But I mean, the kids are like 4 or something, and all they do is run around the house screaming. And the "adults" just talk about the most stupid things.

I cant even try to socialise.

But you know, apart from that. Things are great.

Its a beautiful day outside today. Everybodies out and like, acting like in the american movies :D hehehe.

I went to watch monster in law with mah mama and her friend (Who is actually really seriously pissing me off. oh my god I am so frik-ken pissed)

Ohmygod. I am so frik-ken pissed. is So my new uh, whatdyacall it. slogan? Catchfrase? uh....My mascot. My special line. MINE.

It was so funny, people are getting so frik-ken pissed off at me, because I keep saying that. oh well, they'll live.

I feel like buying a dress.

A frock.

I dont know.

Something big and poofy.

.Marry me.

 The logged in version 

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