[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

597629  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

Song quotes of the moment:
"And I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life" ~ Thank You by Dido

"And all the wounds that will forever scar me, and all the smiles that will ever ever haunt me, never coming home never coming home"~ Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance

"Theres something I can't see, something living in the way you smile, behind those eyes you lie, behind those eyes you hide" ~ Behind Those Eyes by 3 Doors Down

"Because I need some of that vagueness now, it's all coming back too clearly, Oh, I loved you dearly, and if you're offering me diamonds and rust, I already paid" ~ Diamonds and Rust by Blackmore's Night

"Promise me, when you see, a white rose you'll think of me" ~ Ghost of a Rose by Blackmore's Night

"I tear myself open, I sew myself shut, my weakness is that I care too much" ~ Scars by Papa Roach

597627  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

That's not right. - Sum Ting Wong.
Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me as soon as possible. - Kum Hia Nao.
Stupid Man. - Dum Gai.
Small Horse. - Tai Ni Po Ni.
Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan?
I bumped into a coffee table. - Ai Bang Mai Ni.
I think you need a face lift. - Chin Tu Fat.
It's very dark in here. - Wai So Dim?
I thought you were on a diet. - Mun Ching?
This is a tow away zone. - No Pah King.
You are not very bright. - Yu So Dum.
I got this for free. - Ai No Pei.
Please stay a while longer. - Wai Go Nao?
Stay out of sight. - Lei Lo.
He's cleaning his automobile. - Wa Shing Ka.
Your body odor is offensive. - Yu Stin Ki Pu

try saying them. lmfao

597618  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

Mwuahahahaha IM going to Steal your donations!
597616  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

I feel like a leaf.

This is artwork.

Behold the Glory.

Pay me before its too late.

Donations are happily accepted.

Sometimes stolen too.

597557  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

I think it is quite important to have your insanity shine through your literary work every once in a while.

As you can clearly see below.

That was my once in a while.

It was my once, true, but im not sure if it was my while.

Maybe Ill do another one later.



597553  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

stupid school
stupid homework
stupid life

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid

pissed off



not really.
May as well be

stupid joints
stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid


Want to leave
this fucking country
and go HOME

wherever that maybe

stupid england

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid

stupid and rainy and cold

stupid maths exam
stupid stupid stupid


Dont know anything
not needed
stupid why
why stupid head
stupid stupid stupid



597547  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

I love you vag.
You mean so much to me
597545  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)


Isnt that right Vag.....
597443  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

stupid day

597374  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

matt: :O:O:O:O:O
me: hi :O
matt: hi
me: :O
matt: FUCK i was going to ask you something but i forgot.
me: oh yah i hate when that happens. its so annoying
matt: it probably wasnt important anyway. I think it was about threesomes.
me: in which case it IS important matthew.

597372  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (6978 days ago)

My school is infested with fucking chavs.

Its horrible. Some people are so idiotic and stupid. uuuuggghh

595226  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

+Adopt Me+

Add your names etc if you want to be ADOPTED
595184  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

Let me tell you a story.

It doesnt have a beginning.

It doesnt have an ending.

Nothing really happens inbetween.

Story of my life.

And they all lived happily never after.

Where does that leave you My friend?

You are the story.

Create it.

595175  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

:::Just something really rewarding:::

->>> Being able to speak another language.

->>> Being able to have a conversation with somebody in another country speaking another language.

      -Actually understanding them
      -and knowing what to say back

->>> Being able to watch foreign films. No subtitles. And understand them.

->>> Being able to understand and humour jokes in another language.

->>> To think in another language.

->>> English subtitles on a foreign film!

->>>Languages Is a Bitch but its so rewarding :D

595172  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

vag: PUSSY! hey!
me: hey mah little anal dwelling but monkey
vag: thats just mean you eveil sex maniac bondage woman
me: >Thats me<
Vag: The thing is. What I just said unlike some people, was true.
me: hehe
vag: wheres your luva boy tonight?
me: hes at his..cott...rosie..are you pissed?
vag: me! no, would i ever be?
me: true enough
595171  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

vag: PUSSY! hey!
me: hey mah little anal dwelling but monkey
vag: thats just mean you eveil sex maniac bondage woman
me: >Thats me<
Vag: The thing is. What I just said unlike some people, was true.
me: hehe
vag: wheres your luva boy tonight?
me: hes at his..cott...rosie..are you pissed?
vag: me! no, would i ever be?
me: true enough
Missing: </center>
595160  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6981 days ago)

Long time no see
593677  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (6983 days ago)

[E.s.c.a.p.e. . .o.n.e. . .l.a.s.t. . .t.i.m.e]
593630  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (6983 days ago)

for or against…
:x: long distant relationships: for for for for for for for for for
:x: killing people: against against against
:x: teenage smoking: ummmmm cigerettes are kinda gross.
:x: driving drunk: against against against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: for for for
:x: soap operas:FOR FOR FOR

do you think you are…
:x: pretty: Sometimes i feel pretty :$
:x: funny: FUCK
:x: hot: naw
:x: friendly: yess
:x: ugly: sometimes
:x: loveable: yesss pleasee
:x: caring: yeeeh
:x: cocky: nah not really
:x: girly: like no other
:x: boyish: hehe somtimes
:x: smart: nah
:x: pimp: yeah. i work it like no other
:x: angel: yes sir
:x: gangster: WORD!
:x: god: yes

593624  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (6983 days ago)

Do you need some space?

Is that it?
593568  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (6983 days ago)

guy: how are you
me: im very well thank you, and yourself?
guy: well now i have chronic depression

guy: Im depressed.
me: K. You Know what. People who prance around, publisising the fact that they are "Depressed" are not undergoing "Depression". You see, When you are Depressed, you dont want people to know. Its not something to be proud of by any means. Its not something you really want to tell the world. I dont know though, Ive never been depressed. Ive felt sad sometimes, sure, but sadness is just another emotion, Just like feeling happy. Depression is way deeper than that. And you need to realise that. Its so fucking stupid, its like little "goth" kids running around, slitting their wrists, asking for razors during class etc. fucking low if you ask me. Dont worry, Im not saying you slit your wrists. If you do, thank god. Well done. But dude, you have no idea what its really like. Im not saying I do, but I know what its not. But anyway, I hope you get out of your "Depression" soon.

[Later on.........]
guy: I can only reveal my feelings to my "true" friends. everybody else just thinks im "happy"
me: oh jesus christ, would you just listen to yourself.

 The logged in version 

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