[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

602100  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

I <3 archie comics. I <3 Astrix and Oblix
601964  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

Well the ice skating was
a complete waste of time
It was like walking
On plastic
painted white
You couldnt even fall

601907  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

 .x.Artificial Soul.x.

Construct me a body
Fuel me with coal	
Fabricate some movement
The artificial soul
Inject the emotions
Let flow through steal veins
Pierce me and inject me
So I can now feel your pain
Engineer me a brain
Build me a heart
Ill fail to be complete	
A monster set apart
Transform me to human
Remove the microchips
Now watch me bleed from
My stainless steel lips
Peirce me with tears 
Plastic hollow eyes
Click play on the remote
So I am destined to die
Now insert in some feelings
Perhaps a soul instead
Release me into society
But I am already dead 


Please dont copy my shit. Its pretty fucking low
601903  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

Watch me bleed

From My

.S.t.a.i.n.l.e.s.s. .S.t.e.e.l. .L.i.p.s.
601897  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

omgosh I just woke up...and im eating. popcorn.

Look at my boyfriends house. I did it. Im cooler than you. [indigo boy]. call him floof. he likes that.

>Going Ice skating today at my brothers school

>So its going to be- excuse my french - shit.

>But its been so long since i got on teh ice

>Ill do anything :)

>Oh yes. Im pr0

>Hmm what else am I doing today?

>Oh yah. Revising.

>How could I Forget.

>Actually, pretty easily, since Ive forgotten my BOOKS.

>They are lost.

>Omg not good

>Im also going to sheffield later ons todays :)

>But like, most importantly (possibly tied with my revision- nah more importantly is correct) imma spend lots and lots of time with teh boyfriend.

>He needs it. I think.
601184  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6974 days ago)

OoOoOoo HI FLOOF! your reading me arent you..I knew it.
601140  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6974 days ago)

iz: I think we should get a glue bag
me: where do you buy them from?
iz: well you see mally, you get a bag, and you get some glue, and you put the glue in the bag and you have a glue bag!
me: oh. Is it guarenteed to be effective?
iz: Well...If you have some glue in a bag, the chances are mally, that you do have a glue bag!

601138  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6974 days ago)

Izzys note to me

So yeah

So like

Im feeling morbidly depressed right now.
Is that normal?
Hay Mals
I wonder what people would do if i changed all of a sudden
Yeah. So
Hows life in Mallyland?
Is all good?
Are you coming to mine tomorrow?
Its the evening
nobody does revision in the evening.
We can leave hatty and rosie in teh house and go smoke.

im waering converse
how chic am I?
Im such teh rebelle

you know
I fell asleep in Turleys lesson yesterday
Maybe I will again
I hope so
It was a really good sleep
Im going to make my make up
so kewl
With lashings of purpil mascara ([yes she spelt it like that]) and eyeliner.

My hands smell of smoke.


you really should read my LJ
Read it in history!

Turleys making us write things now.
I cant ignore him
I could
but itd be more noticeable
and hede spaz out
Like the funny little clive he is
Luff you


601132  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6974 days ago)

Izzy: Ok mally, serious time now....
 Sandwich or chi-
Mally: Izzy, would you like a cigarette?
Izzy: Yes, but that's entirely not the point
  Seriously now. Sandwich or chips?

601129  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (6974 days ago)


For those who are wondering, I did catch Mah boyfriend Stealing mah journal. He was in the closet as mentioned.

Dont worry

I made sure I got my own back.

Look at his sexalicious house.

[indigo boy]

OH and one other thing, all the weird things on my house and image description etc is beacuse of him.


600570  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)
Next in thread: 600571

>I stole my gf's diary, and I'm sitting in the closet writing in it.

>I am at a loss though as I am not sure what to put.

>I hope she doesn't catch me O_o

>Mally is teh best wife ever ;)



600485  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

dear diary,


600484  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

What I’ve felt
What I’ve known
Never shined through in what I’ve shown
Never be
Never see
Won’t see what might have been

You Label Me. Ill Label You

600473  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)


This Is Nick. The Picture In Which, I, The Girlfriend, Took So SkillFully With My...Skills. Isnt that right Poop?

Beauty Is The Eye Of the Beholder...This IS The Beauty. Behold

You guys- look. its my very own pretty and beautiful Nick. [indigo boy]. ([psst: look at his shrine]) I love you
...so much that words cant even begin to describe =)

I love you with
all that I am, and all that i can be

youve showed me what its Really like to be so
utterly and totally
in <3 Love <3

I love you so much that
[you will never know]

You mean everything to me, and I hope you'll always be my special Retard. remember...
[everyone on you is hot]



[We're T3h Ninja Sex Gawd/Gawdess]


december 11th 2004 and counting till forever.

600434  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

I Miss Mah Nicholas Lots and Lots and Lots. I love you Very Much You Horny Bastard

600405  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

.Im not Perfect.
x. Just forgiven .x
600074  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

Nick: *reads something clever about stars and mars and space and what not*
me: ooh gosh your reading voice is so hawt *moans for a few minutes*
600046  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6975 days ago)

omgosh Like. I
T.o.t.a.l.l.y. got out of my history essay.
Go Malleh!
Today was a pretty shitty day.
Didnt do much...
Didnt do anything actually.
I went into teh town with teh Izzy
She told me some um.
I n t e r e s t i n g

Well its all news to me.
I never know anything.
Im always last to know about most things.
Prime example: two maths exams. Next week.
Did mally know?
No ofcourse not.
Has mally revised?
And im actually f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g. . .o.u.t. about this!!!
I need to get good grades.
Yes I am a geek.
    a nerd
But im happy with that.
Im teh coolest geek around.
gonna revise LOTS this weekend.
I know it.
Everyones like "[Nahhhh mally, yeah rightio!]"
What the fuck do they know?
I can do it!
Its about Self um controll.
Hellz yeah!
I can do that.

Okay you know what?

.Fuck. . .You.

599474  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (6976 days ago)

I realised. My mother is not as bad as I make her out to be.
Anyway I must go.
Shes making me get of the computer.
Five page history essay? Nope.
599086  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (6976 days ago)

Nick called me miss. Stuccy last night because I was stuck in the bed and I couldnt go on the computer for him.

He can be so pushy.

And Whiney


I love him

599025  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (6976 days ago)

nick: I was just looking at the elftown world map. To see how far we are from eachother. We're not that far. Only maybe 1/5 of the globe away from eachother.

omg. He is teh cutest. And hes right.

 The logged in version 

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