[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

603843  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-20
Written: (6971 days ago)

603222  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6971 days ago)


603144  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

[*have u ever*]
[pictured ur crush naked:] Yesssss. Ofcourse. Undoubtedly. All the time.
[actually seen them naked:] Hehe yes :)
[been in luv:] I am in love.
[said i luv u and ment it:] Yes to my beautiful Nicholas.
[cried when someone died:] Yeah :$
[lied:] I have but I try not to. Im not good at it at all. ask anybody. You have to just ask me the same questions twice and I can promise you that on the second time. Ill be honest.
[kicked someone in the nuts:] Accidently Im sure I must have at some point in my life.
[stolen something:] Yeah :S
[smoked:] Yes I have goowaah
[drank:] Yewp.
[done drugs:] Yes sir :S
[cheated on someone:] Cheating is fucking low and stupid. So thats a no.
[fallen for a best guy friend:]Nick is mah one of my best guy friends ;) hehe. But like, If you mean as in someone whos just. ugh I dont know what you mean. NO havnt.
[rejected someone:] mmm yeah :S
[been cheated on:] Nope :) Nevar
[done something u regret:] all the goddamn time But I try not to regret anything.
[food:] Lots
[fruite:] Strawberrys, Grapes, Green apples.
[peircings:] Mah ears. so far.
[longest relationship:] well so far we're onto our 7th montho ;)
[first love:] Nicholas. First and only and last.
[what do u do when ur grounded:] I sit in my room and sulk. Im a looser. I dont really rebell, its too much effort lol :P
[things that i love:] Nicholas. everything

603142  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

Oh oh oh oh OH You wear Black
You are so Gawth
602958  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

An email martyn wrote me last May -

Thanks for the e mail mally

im replyin cos u asked me 2 , im like that u c cos im nice (stole that bit form ur email)

Life will get more exciting (i hope) if not the ill just have to drive my kart down the street n if u get really bored then ill let u have ago aswell. lol Good job ive got insurance

School is borin the hell out of me aswell. Apart from at breaks for obvious reasons. O on the subject of break thanks for holding the door for me n getting my chair. I will do it for u n hatty n ros 2 moz, I feel like i shud repay the favour.

Ok im really tired now. I cant get to sleep either. Putting on some music does it for me, lol it actually bores me to sleep.

Hope u have a good sleep. I ned it (my beauty sleep that is)




Hmmm Things have changed *sigh*

602950  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

Just one moment

And then its gone

You dont know what you do to me
602906  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

-He sent me three msgs from his phone :) (he's away. They made me giggle and smile. This is how it goes:-

 Maluuuu i love youuuuu.!
[Im at the cottage now so i prolly cant get your msgs but im just letting you know 
i love you hehe]
 Dooooobeeeedooo im coming home for youuu! Xxx :)

Im so lucky :$$*blush*:$$
602881  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)


-Its about fucking time-

602867  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

[+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+]


[+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+][+] [+]

602861  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

-K4y n0w i75 thund3r 4nd l1gh7n1ng. Sometimes I dont understand British weather. I want to move. Please. I cant wait to get out of this place. UgH.-
602786  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

dad: you have no respect for other people
bro: I do I just have no respect for you
dad: you behave like an animal
bro: dad your fat


My dad and my brother actually get on really well, they like joke around all the time.


602759  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

My phone bill is teh best. really.
602732  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (6972 days ago)

Kiran: I want to get the rasmones.
me: Now you either meain, the rasmus, rancid or the ramones lol.
kiran: oh lol ramones.
me: lmfao. rasmones.
602207  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

Im bored
I know I should be revising
And really, Ive tried but
its fucking difficult
If i dont have any notes
or any books
to help me
Its like
I cant even do anything
THIS is SO frustrating
What do I do
Oh my god I

602185  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

I realised
To find yourself.
You have to lose yourself first.
Similar to ;
You dont know what youve got
until its gone.
Sometimes you gotta hit rock bottom
before you can start climbing back up.

mom:[Looks at my rewm] omg you need to organise this place up NOW
me: It is organised. you just have to be able to see the organisation.

602168  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

[.Every day is a little bit harder.]
.But its nothing We cant Handle.
[ .Nothing can stop us now. ]
.Because Its entirly up to you and me.
602139  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

[ This ]
[ My ]
[ Big ]
[ To ]

602119  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

Me: Im going to fail
Chris: No your not
Me: You dont understand, I actually am. lol.
Chris: ur not, if god had wanted angels to fail he'd have made some-one else one not u. As it stands he made u one so ur not

-Chris is sweet.-

602100  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

I <3 archie comics. I <3 Astrix and Oblix
601964  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

Well the ice skating was
a complete waste of time
It was like walking
On plastic
painted white
You couldnt even fall

601907  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (6973 days ago)

 .x.Artificial Soul.x.

Construct me a body
Fuel me with coal	
Fabricate some movement
The artificial soul
Inject the emotions
Let flow through steal veins
Pierce me and inject me
So I can now feel your pain
Engineer me a brain
Build me a heart
Ill fail to be complete	
A monster set apart
Transform me to human
Remove the microchips
Now watch me bleed from
My stainless steel lips
Peirce me with tears 
Plastic hollow eyes
Click play on the remote
So I am destined to die
Now insert in some feelings
Perhaps a soul instead
Release me into society
But I am already dead 


Please dont copy my shit. Its pretty fucking low
 The logged in version 

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