[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

615634  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

Soft blushing, feathered and .f r a y e d.
The white is blinding, an [x.angel.x] is laid.

.Ripped., xt a t t e r e dx -bruised- and sore,
My body .c.u.t. to the [-x-core-x-]
My wings have //.::broken::.//, crushed and dead
Weak and hollow, left [ .unsaid. ]

615626  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

My prayers to God.

x .Like Poems in the stars.x

. Like Songs In the Sun .

XX. //Like, My only Hope\\ .XX

My Prayers to God
615624  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

+. //:: S h a t t e r e d + D r e a m s + A n d + B r o k e n + H i g h s :://.+

615620  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

[ Whispered ] secrets
Lies and [x-lies-x]
In the lonely nights 
She [cries +and+ cries]
How can she -trust-?
Another <3[ heart ]<3
When the heart she loved
Gave into [+.l.u.s.t.+]	
There is no more [x innocence x] 	
In her <x [eyes] x>
No more [</3--lullabies--</3]
Just Her [-x Broken Goodbyes x-]

615612  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

I totally undersestimated little kids.
Im fucking tired.
I got home at 3:15
AND slept
10:00 pm.
I feel great.
Its only monday.

615606  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

[As Part Of Work Experience. Im working in a Day care place for 2-4 year olds]

Valuable Lessons I Have Learnt From The Little Kids.

1.. When asked for your name, it is absolutly necessary to say your entire name. For Example:
me: Hi, my names mally.
boy: Hi Mally, My name is Jack Alexander Abraham peicing.
2. If you come across a picture of an animal that you have yet to learn the name of, It is automatically a Dinosaur.
3. Little kids arent totally retarded. They are not stupid. You are.
4. A book with no pictures, is not a book.
5. me: Hows life?
james: what?
me: what is love?
james: love is a pretty lilly. Im going to marry lilly when im big. I love her. 
6. Theres nothing better than a game of catch.
615589  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-04
Written: (6956 days ago)

2 year old Charley: *hands me over some plastic food* heres dinner.
me: awww THANKS. shall I eat it *brings to mouth*
2 year old Charley: Its only pretend food stupid.
me: oh. right.

*Jack starts singing a queen song*
jack:I want to ride my bicycle...

614912  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-03
Written: (6957 days ago)

Matt and my mom get on strangly well :S
614901  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-03
Written: (6957 days ago)

3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says: <-matt
hey house
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:<-me
hey leg
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
ooo say it slowly
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
ooo ur so dirty
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
3 Matt - GO SEE THE WIZ!!!!! 8th and 9th July!!! says:
-+ .I am Cold and I am Shamed Lying Naked On The Floor. +- says:
tell me about it , i need cleaning ladies atleast once every week

614878  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-03
Written: (6957 days ago)
Next in thread: 615012


614732  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-03
Written: (6957 days ago)

Im bored of this fucking diary
613488  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (6959 days ago)

me: hey matt
matt: hi
me: …
matt: yes
me: agreed
matt: want to fuck slowly?
me: no

613463  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (6959 days ago)

Im at Dada's house.
Im bored
Fucking weed is making me feel sleepy
I want to be happy and stuff though
Oh well
maybe tomorrow ;)
613405  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (6959 days ago)

I fducking spent 10 pounds on some weed and i had it ALl in one go and im not feeling a fucking thing.

613404  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (6959 days ago)

mally and Rosie walking down the street. Mally stops dead in her tracks and makes a happy squeal<3
mally: Omg whats that smell, its *orgasms* beautiful...aah
vag: Car exhaust fumes mally.
mally shit

612713  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)

If I write
Does that make a 
satan worshiping
Yes! Thats exactly
What I want.
612651  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)
Next in thread: 612698

Im just getting onto Media. K. Tomorrow is Friday. Do you know happy that makes me?
Momma wants to go see some weird non-english film with me tomorrow.
which im totally up for because that means the one thing I love most, apart from nicholas and cassandra.
Fo sho Nigga
612503  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)

I just ate salt and vinegar crisps. The first time since forever. <3
612429  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)
Next in thread: 612430

cassandra: *invites me to webcam*
*pause* [mally does not want to accept. she feels camera shy :o]

cassandra: accept you faggot
me: *blink*
cassandra: come on you mornonic FAGGOT. whom i love. <3

612317  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)

Cass: I heart you
me: YOU HEART ME MORE *pause* wait. that doesnt make sense.

cass: whats the time there in mally land?
me: *reading at a glance* WOAH. I THOUGHT YOU JUST SAID "MALLY - IM HARD". okay. im hard too.

612286  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-30
Written: (6960 days ago)

From that cloud, number nine
Danger starts the sharp incline
And such sad regrets
Ohh as those starry skies
As they swiftly fall
-Portishead: All Mine

 The logged in version 

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