[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

624084  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

"This one time I was wanking to porn. I kept a java script tutorial up so that if my parents walked in they wouldnt start wondering why I had no other windows open on my desktop. So im just about to splurge when I head my dad walk up the stairs so i quickly change windows and im trying to get my booxers back up when the computer STARTED TO STALL JUST THEN. My dad walked through the door and I said "Fuck...dad this isnt what it looks like" and my dad replied with "I should hope not because it looks like your masterbating to a fucking java script tutorial"

623910  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

23. What school do I go to?: Prince HENRY?? Grammar school... teh crayzehest skewl in ING GAH LUND
38. Do one thing with me what would it be and why?: i would sex you. because you would enjoy it
39. Say one last thing to me what would it be?: tell kiran i love him [-kiran is my brother]
40. Ask me one last thing what would it be?: did you feed the dogs? (i really can't think of anything)
44. If you could change one thing about me what would it be(You
 have to pick one thing) : I'd definately give you a moustache
45. What is your honest opinion of me? FUCKING SUPER GREAT AWESOME [nicholas finds it difficult to string words in an actual SENTENCE]

written by nick in a unique quiz thing he did for me
oh man it makes me laugh everytime i read it

623898  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

623844  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

That was
One of my brothers
well not
she was a girl
and ofcourse
arent allowed to
with girls.
But anyway
her mom just called
(shes friends with my mom)
and since moms out
we just talked on the phone
for like
an hour.
623445  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (6946 days ago)

*mally lecturing rob on how to be less macho and more femanine*

*5 hours later in conversation - mally shows rob their star signs compatability*

a part reads [both are masculine people...]

rob: haha your masculine too. maybe you can teach me a few things on how to be more macho.
me: stfu

623020  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (6946 days ago)

"One night when i was in 8th grade, i went to a party, and there was this guy there named Tommy. he was sooo hot. we started talking, and we went to the couch to sit down and talk. well, we started moving closer and he leaned in for a kiss, i leaned in to, and we kissed. but just as we were finishing, i saw him make a face like it was bad. and later, he had a friend tell me i was the most horrible kisser ever. i cried for hours, then i slit my wrists for being a bad kisser. i punished myself for not being experienced. "

This is kinda scary.

623009  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (6946 days ago)

really embarrasing moment that happened to me some time ago::

This guy was just standing there and he said "How are you?" I thought this was a little weird so I was like "um fine thank you, and you?" and without even replying to me he said "what are you up to?", Again, I thought this was weird and I was like "nothing much..you?".
Which is when he turned around to me and said
"Excuse me, do you mind? Im on the phone"
I could have died.

622474  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

Somtimes things arent fair.
It isnt fair that Nicholas isnt here with me now.
What Ide give for just
One Kiss.
One word.
One anything.
Anything at all.
One second.
Just one touch.
Thats all I ask for.
For now.
x </3 x

Yes its hard to be away from the one you love.

622463  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)
Next in thread: 622465

matt: k well i gotta go, see ya around angel.


622462  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

I feel like a much needed
rant about
you know when you just feel like talking about him
for ever and ever and ever?
im lucky becuase ive met alot of really cool amazing
people recently
who are just tehre for me to talk to
x i appreciate that x

622347  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

me: are you smiling?
rob: no why?
me: I think you are
rob: I am now


me: Are you thinking about raping and pillaging an army of sheep?
rob: no not at all. that was like the farthest thing from my mind
me: but it WAS ON your mind though
rob: pfft im strange


me: rob. stop thinking it.
rob: oh sorry. my appologies.

622253  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

Vag: how are you
Me: okay you? media help
Vag: shouldn’t that have been : “okay…you help me with media?”
Me: you know me so well

622162  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

rob: I like doing other things though
me: mmm I know what you mean...
rob: im reading about some sheep jumping of cliffs
me: and is this what you mean by "I like doing other things"?

622067  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (6947 days ago)

I am pissed off because I have so much work to do.

621645  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

I know some people dont take long distance / internet relationships seriously.

Just want you to know that:
I do
621644  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

on the computer desk:

- kipling cakes. one left.
- twix wrapper.
- empty plate where i had my cheese toastie
- scissors
- a britney spears album
- my [A FUCKING PLUS] english essay
- 8 mile dvd
- orange colouring in pencil
- a broken pen
- a poetry society booklet
- cheats for ps2 books
- a few batteries that dont work
- a broken clalculator
- my head phones
- Glue
- A painting
- a cd
- painkillers
- some paper
- a torch
- a little star bead that fell out of my belt.:(
- a plastic bag
- two novels
- a spring that i broke from my shower
- a light bulb.

and they say this isnt a good working environment?
Imma go overdose on my painkillers and sniff my glue now. goodbye.

621641  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

He says he misses me too
And I know he does :)
Sometimes its just hard to deal with though because
we're just so far away from eachother.
Even if he was on the otherside of england
it wouldnt be AS bad.
maybe it would.
no it wouldnt.
because england is england.
its the same goddamn country.
Its just so hard sometimes :(
I dont know what to do with my feelings.

I cant help but feel alone sometimes.
I dont mean to

621639  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

this is not really good.
I spoke to him today.
Twice actually.
But I Still miss him :(

Whats wrong with me ? <3

621579  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

this is kinda embarrasing
I guess.
Well, I have this sort of
kind of [Obbsessive].
This weird repetitive thing I do sometimes
Because I can
And because I like it
I like it so much that it feels
wrong not doing it.
Its one of my many little
I like to [Click my mouse]
And lots.
And lots.
And lots.
And again.
And again.
And again.
I type something to someone on
I instantly close the window.
Straight away.
Then go to the desktop
And click
Like a
And then they Reply
I close the window.
Click a little.
Go on msn.
Click on them.
Click a few times.
write their message
And close it
And the process begins
All over again.
Well *blushes*
I was talking to Nicholas
For a long time
And at the end of the conversation.
I just
Went to the top of the conversation window
For the sake of it
It went all the way back to the [“Hellos”]
I didn’t
The window.
not once
The entire time
I was so happy.
I was so proud
I re read the conversation
again and again
Just to make sure
I wasn’t fooling myself.
And I wasn’t :$
im so happy
I told him
And he said he was proud of me.
I feel so good.
Need to go on to the desktop
And click some more
In happiness.

621509  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (6948 days ago)

[ I <3 flirting with nicholas] :P

me: oh did you hear about those terrorist bombings in london?
nick: Oh yeah I did. Im so glad you werent there
me: hehe. yeah. Did you see that on the news?
nick: yewp
me: what so they like have news about like other global issues apart from canada and america?
nick: yeah!
me: oh really. LIKE WHAT?
nick: I dont know! I dont watch it!
me: you dont watch the news?!!
nick: well yeah I do but not today or anything
me: then how did you know about the bombings
nick: it was on the news!
me: so you DID watch it?
nick: yeah but I only glanced on it and it just happened to be that story.
me: omg. So even though it was about the country that YOUR GIRLFRIEND was in, you just "glanced" at it!
nick: aaah i watched it for like five minutes
me: wtf. so a glace is five minutes!? omg nicholas next time we're arguing about you checking out some other girl and you say taht you just "glanced" at her, imma know exactly what you mean mr.
me: nope. its quoted. Its staying.

[lykedude.hes playing MIND GAMES WITH ME. lyke WOAH]

[mally is saying goodbye]
nick: oww baby but I miss you so much :(
me: aww sweetie, your making this harder than it already is
nick: Well Yeah I am pretty hard
621637  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-11
Written: (6948 days ago)

Seven months <3
 The logged in version 

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