[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

630947  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-24
Written: (6936 days ago)

izzy: I would want to call my kids Lilly and crush
me : *silence* I think they'r gonna be incestious
izzy: *Drops knife* Malavika, you just said my unborn children are going to be incestious. wow.
me : hahaha no but I mean, If I was called lilly and brother was called crush, ide want to do him.
izzy : I would want to do lilly.

(cant remember the conversation exactly)

izzy: *mally is eating with just a knife* Malavika, you know you can use your fork aswell.
me : oh heh thanks
*ten minutes later mally is eating with just a work*
izzy: Malavika, when i said you can use your fork aswell, I didnt say "do not use your knife".
me: haha lol k sorry
*half an hour later mally is eating with HER HANDS!!!*
izzy: Malavika...
me: *beams* now im eating with no utensils.
izzy: your like a little rodent
me : oh. gee. thanks

me: *hides the botttle of wine behind her boots* you cant see the wine bottle because its behind my boot!
charlotte: you cant see the spliff because its in my MOUTH!

me: im so happy. im going to have an orgasm
Charlotte: *spils bottle of wine on her skirt*
630937  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-24
Written: (6936 days ago)

Subject: :://Crazy//::

Woah. The last two days have been Crazy. Friday was the last day of term, thank god.. We finished at 12:30 and I went straight back to Charlottes house!! I called Harriet because she had been saying that she wanted to watch me get my nose pierced, and then arranged to meet. I was so nervous but anyway
This will take to long.
I was fucking nervous.
I did it.
It hurt more than when I did it myself
But not that much more
I absolutleyfuckinglove the adrenaline rush.
I want
to get more holes in my face.
I feel obliged.
We then went to the park
and got
It was amazing.
we were smoking
from like
to 7:30
Life is peachy.
I tried to roll.
I [/f/a/i/l/e/d/]
There was weed falling out
it kept burning
but hey
its okay
I can learn.
Oh man everything was good
until i felt physically /s/i/c/k/
but that was still
funny at the time.
K well then we met
she invited me to a party.
I went and like
I didnt drink
which i am sofuckingproudof.
I was just like
in spaced out mode.
I feel baddd abotu this thing that happened with nicholas but now my mommys shouting at me to clean my room.
more about that later

628568  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (6939 days ago)

Subject:: My writing. My Appologies.

I know I havent been writing much recently. Okay I still write in this thing alot, but comparativley not that much. I just dont feel the sudden urge to write anymore. I dont really want to. My mom read my diary, (yes my real one) which I had like poured my heart into. And she just read it. Just an example of when my writing gets me in shit. But I dont want to talk about that. But this is not a goodbye, its a "See you soon". Isnt that promising. But I mean, Ive come to realise that If I force myself into something, something I know that deep down I DO actually want, it doesnt always work out. But heh. Ill just leave it for now.
But whats been going on here, well its the last week of school and like, I feel like im bleeding internally. Im getting my nose pierced tomorrow at 1:45 and im really nervous about that. Which I know I shouldnt be because I did actually do it myself in the first place but I mean, I let it heal up and blah. its complicated and tragic. More on that later. Im also intending on smoking some good weed tomorrow. So im looking forward to that but but but Im not going to smoke anything for a long time after that. Because. well just because I think its important that I dont. Mommy and I are good again, Im trying to avoid everything and anything I had written in my diary, but shes asked me some stuff already. Oh well. Whats done is done. We spent a long time talking about nicholas last night which made me XXXHAPPYXXX. //Hardcore//. She was being very optimisitic and promising, so that was good. I really think that things are improving with her and the whole accepting that I have a boyfriend thing. I know, I guess it will take time but, I have plenty of that. Its not like either of us is planning on going anyway. Hehe. I say that with such confidence. And I love that. I hate being like "OOH I love you so much!...you do too right?" or saying something really uber confident like "MUahaha its because we are in love!!" and then ask really meekly "we are...arent we?"
That annoys me when people say that :) Im as sure as...snow.
And you better believe it.
628551  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (6939 days ago)

Today has been an interesting day, to say the least. Schools finishing tomorrow. Finally. Stupid england. Imma shave my legs today. So im excited about that. Oh I just recieved a song from the lovely Vagina.
You know, really, I dont know what Ide do without her.
Sure sometimes she hurts me really badly, or completely messes up my blocks when im trying to solve this really difficult japanease puzzle. (which btw I completed 6/7 levels to- but i didnt do the final level BECAUSE SOMEBODY kept distracting me and hitting me during maths today). But my god
I swear
Shes a

She knows most things about most things shes never dne in her life or doesnt even plan to.
For example :
she like, helps me when im in tricky situations for example a doctors/dentist appointment etc.
Shes just there
and for that
my little vagina
I thank you.

I would be lost ([Literally....]) without you.

628065  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6940 days ago)

//:procrastination is like masturbation, it feels real good while your doing it, but in the end you realize your just screwing yourself:://
627946  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6940 days ago)

[On an msn conversation window to rosalind]
me: mmm dont touch me there.
vag: wtf
me: aragh shit. wrong conversation

[On another conversation]
me: "The animals will hear!" bellowed the ear licking penguin as the awesomely endowed midget sucked her oozing charlies and plugged his purple middle leg into her festering cunt. okay your turn.
vag: wtf

627928  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6940 days ago)

Me:Would you rather give or recieve anal with another guy?
Craig: hmmm probably give
Me: *long pause*. Me too.

627904  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6940 days ago)

I have such a thrilling social life
I just woke up
I slept again
Gotta go helps my mommers
Its only nice.
More later darlings.
627894  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-20
Written: (6940 days ago)

[Tom talking about James Hitting Izzy to me and teh vag at gregs:)]

Tom: yeah but I would never hit one of you guys, even if you hurt me really bad. I would never hit you
vag: ....yeah
Tom: I mean, Ide probably spank mally but it would only be a...spank *licks lips*
Me: lmfao.


[He has balls. You dont. Use that.]

625641  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-18
Written: (6943 days ago)


history essay still not finished



624314  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

Nicholas is really pretty, like, artistic pretty, not sculptures, they are too harsh, but a painting, like, one from the Art Renaisance, when people looked full of emotion, and, kinda, different.
He looks like a lovely loyal person
with so many interesting things about him
that only a select few know.

-By Glenn

624272  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)


I know your hurting

I just want a chance

To prove that I.Love.You
624107  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

guy: hey sexy
me: ooh you make me so wet
guy: oooh. whats up
me: more than you want..*growl*
guy: ill take that as a challange
me: take it as you want.
guy: how old are ya?
me: probably too old for you but lets pretend im 20
guy: k what do you look like
me: before or after im dressed up?
guy: ooh i like dressing up. both?
me: well after I am, I have long sexy red hair, my long nails are painted red to match my almost see through slinkly little dress I have on that barely covers my ass. Stilleto heals, deep green eyes, pouty lips, large, perky breasts and a smile that stops traffic.
guy: aahgh. and before?
me: well...*bites lips* before im dressed up, im bald and wearing panties. sometimes my weenie sticks out.

*he didnt reply after that*

624097  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)


624090  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

       Heres the history of our medicine.
       "I have a sore throat."
       2000 BC : "eat this root"
       1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
       1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
       1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."
       1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."
       2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why dont you eat this root."
624084  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

"This one time I was wanking to porn. I kept a java script tutorial up so that if my parents walked in they wouldnt start wondering why I had no other windows open on my desktop. So im just about to splurge when I head my dad walk up the stairs so i quickly change windows and im trying to get my booxers back up when the computer STARTED TO STALL JUST THEN. My dad walked through the door and I said "Fuck...dad this isnt what it looks like" and my dad replied with "I should hope not because it looks like your masterbating to a fucking java script tutorial"

623910  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

23. What school do I go to?: Prince HENRY?? Grammar school... teh crayzehest skewl in ING GAH LUND
38. Do one thing with me what would it be and why?: i would sex you. because you would enjoy it
39. Say one last thing to me what would it be?: tell kiran i love him [-kiran is my brother]
40. Ask me one last thing what would it be?: did you feed the dogs? (i really can't think of anything)
44. If you could change one thing about me what would it be(You
 have to pick one thing) : I'd definately give you a moustache
45. What is your honest opinion of me? FUCKING SUPER GREAT AWESOME [nicholas finds it difficult to string words in an actual SENTENCE]

written by nick in a unique quiz thing he did for me
oh man it makes me laugh everytime i read it

623898  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

623844  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6945 days ago)

That was
One of my brothers
well not
she was a girl
and ofcourse
arent allowed to
with girls.
But anyway
her mom just called
(shes friends with my mom)
and since moms out
we just talked on the phone
for like
an hour.
623445  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (6946 days ago)

*mally lecturing rob on how to be less macho and more femanine*

*5 hours later in conversation - mally shows rob their star signs compatability*

a part reads [both are masculine people...]

rob: haha your masculine too. maybe you can teach me a few things on how to be more macho.
me: stfu

623020  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (6946 days ago)

"One night when i was in 8th grade, i went to a party, and there was this guy there named Tommy. he was sooo hot. we started talking, and we went to the couch to sit down and talk. well, we started moving closer and he leaned in for a kiss, i leaned in to, and we kissed. but just as we were finishing, i saw him make a face like it was bad. and later, he had a friend tell me i was the most horrible kisser ever. i cried for hours, then i slit my wrists for being a bad kisser. i punished myself for not being experienced. "

This is kinda scary.

 The logged in version 

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