[choke_on_dreams]'s diary

659339  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

I like the way you Freak Out

Because then I know.
That Maybe
659338  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

I like to play Dress up.

I really do.

Its Most fun :)

659337  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

Why do I listen to
I get

659334  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

Ive always been a fighter. But Without You I Give Up.

659332  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

Im listening to Always By Bon Jovi.
And its Making My <3 Heart. Flutter.

659331  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6894 days ago)

Funny thing happened.
I was trying to tell someone that I was wearing a corset.
But instead
I accidently said:
Im wearing a [B e a r s u i t].

658980  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-03
Written: (6895 days ago)

matt: so we can go back to your place now right? yeah, okay and then like...*Talks about coming around*

mally : *afraid to hurt feelings* uhh , my mom just said that we're going out to like a friends house for dinner

matt: k..;.

*awkward silence*

matt: im not invited am I?

658977  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-03
Written: (6895 days ago)

*matt and mally sitting on a bus. BIG MAN SITS RIGHT OPPOSITE US*

*Matt goes to "touch" mally bag*

mally: dont touch me
guy: *laughs*

658370  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

sara: TEN THOUSAND?!!?!?!
sara : what the hell
sara : who did you rob?
me : the spoon...POLICE
sara: rebel
me : thats right
sara : i hope you didnt get caught
me: i did *but it made it better*;)
sara : theyll confiscate those spoons. *whispers* even the ones youd didnt take.
me: *whispers* i took them all
sara: *whispers* even the ones your mommy bought?
me: *whispers* even those.

658366  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

anu : *moans*
me : what was THAT
anu : *moans* that?
me : nevermind.

anu : yeah i masterbate all the time, i masterbate in the middle of the night and jeeths like - "are you finished? want to do me now? "
me : oh.

anu: do you like thiscoat?
me : disco...?...... music?
me: oh this COAT

658365  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

anu: does he like your body?
me : uuuhhh what?
anu : does nick liek your body? what does he think about it
me : i dont know, he likes it?
anu : does he WANT it or does he just like it?
me : ..he wants it ;)
anu : then he doesnt really like it
me : *look destroyed, not sure what to say....* *silence*...really?
anu :LMFAO

658357  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

anuuuuuuu : if you were stranded on an island....with nick.
me: yeah?
anuuuuuuuu : *pause*...who would do the cooking?
me: he would.

658347  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

annuuuuu : do you like coke?
me: cocaine? Oh yah!

658191  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

Im Goth 6666969696996969699696969696996969996969 \m/

658150  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

How about no you crazy dutch bastard.

658121  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)


658120  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

Hey Kids!!1!!one!!1!!!!!1

Well, Thats where its At.
658118  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

Going to my aunts today.


I gotta go shopping tomorrow
I gots to buy lots and lots of things.
Fun eh?
I have money too.
I just discovered:
[£35] big ones. In my
multi [C]oloured
button purse.
Im happy about that.
I intend on buying some sexy
Contact Lenses.
With that money.
And the rest, my mommy will give me.

Oh yeah, and I found some more of my daddies Porno!

Yay for that.

He doesnt even fucking try to hide it.
Well, even if he did
Ide find it ;)
and like, he'll still be a pervert.
God, I hate him.

Its not even nice porn.
Its fat men in panties
Jerking off
To some stupid cuntgirl
wearing disgusting underwear
sometimes shes not wearing anything
but shes gross
its not nice at all.
Why does he do this?

658117  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6896 days ago)

Im so Awesomer.

657617  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-01
Written: (6897 days ago)

izzy: theyd kill you
me: how?
izzy: theyde rip your head off
me: how?
izzy: *pause*...with..a...big....knife?

657061  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-31
Written: (6898 days ago)

*[Mally Opens A Word Document]*

So this is not the totally conventional way of writing a diary. But then again, what is?
My last diary was a tragedy. And so I gave up on the whole “splatter your soul all over some pages in some book” after my mother discovered it. Lets just say she wasn’t too happy with the content of my soul. But I always thought the book was pretty.
All in the name of literature I say.
So its goodbye book, and hello new age technology. The diary whore is back with a vengeance. And this time a keypad, an empty word document and a handy dandy floppy disk. Mahwah AND its password protected. Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it. God I love the twenty-first centaury. Oh man, I totally forgot how to spell “Twenty” and “Century”, but luckily for me, I have spell check. **Beams**
I’ve always read these trashy novels written in diary form (the princess diaries = hence the name?) and they’ve always intrigued me to some extent. So then I thought “I want one” and so, now I do. Not that >this< is ever going to get published and sell in bookstores nationwide for billions. Heh. Right. There’s nothing interesting about this. It’s only my life. I'm not a princess, I don’t have long blonde hair, I don’t have a secret passionate affair with my math tutor, I don’t slit my wrists and drink my own blood, I don’t have magical powers, I don’t have any exciting stories to tell. I don’t do dieting, I don’t do matching clothes. I don’t do popularity. I don’t do…I don’t actually do much. Nope.
 The logged in version 

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