[nauria]'s diary

421484  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-22
Written: (7162 days ago)

Dear diary

Thank god and goddess, there wasn't any fire alarm going of tonight. But I didn't sleep to well because I was to tense after last night events. Unfortunately the people working on the building next door waked me early today. I wanted to scream. There I was tiered, and my only wish was to sleep, and they were making more noise then...I don't know what. And as if that wasn't enough the noise was of the worst kind. The kind of sound that makes your skin curls in agony. If anyone had been there when I woke this morning...I would petty them.

But as the day past on, it got better. I walked to the library and borrowed a couple of books for the next weeks. They will help me relax now that I have to work almost day and night on my two last papers that have to be turned in this semester. Maybe too much if I know myself. I probably end up reading instead of writing.

Even though most of the snow in the streets have disappeared or been turned in to deadly traps of ice, I am still in the winter mood. I am looking forward to the weekend home this week. My mother and I are going Christmas shopping, baking cookies and start decorating the house. I can already hear my dad moaning and complaining how we have more Santa's this year then last year. And it's true, but neither my mother nor me can help it that's the way the Santa's pas the time from one Christmas to another. We are completely innocent, and have not bought one more Santa's. (It's more likely that we bought five)

I do wonder how it will be this year. It will be my first year where I really try to celebrate both Christmas and Yule. I think I will just take a long walk into the forest the 21st December, and of curse I will light the Yule log when I come home, but I do think it's best to take it nice and slow with my parents. One tiny step at the time.

But I better start writing on my paper again. This one is due on Friday, and I can't wait until I am done with it. How they have managed to suck all the fun out of the subject free will I don't know, but they have.

420299  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-21
Written: (7163 days ago)

Dear diary

Today is my first day as member of elf town. I don't really know how much I will use it, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

I am really tired today after to nights events. As if it wasn't bad enough that the fire alarm in the building went 2 nights in a row, tonight if went of two times. First were around half past 3 and the second was around 5. How starts cooking at that time? And why don't they just pop up a window? Yes I know that it's cold outside, but just for a couple of minutes?

Either way...I must remember to start looking for Christmas presents. Ah...I can't wait to smell the sent of Christmas. That special blend of pine tree, Christmas cookies, and all the other stuff that is in the air. I guess I just am a winter person. The snow outside makes me smile every time I look out my window. It makes me remember how it was like being a child. Up first thing in the morning, didn't want to wear all those horrible winter clothes, and the simple joy of making a simple snowball, and the even bigger joy when it hit my older brother. I hope I never lose those feelings, the simple joy of the winter. I have managed to hang on to them so far, but who knows? I wouldn't mind just to forget that I am an "adult" and just start a huge snowball fight and end up rolling in the snow laughing.

 The logged in version 

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