Found my John. He was hiding out in his depression.
Almost went psychotic not that long ago, and managed to save myself with fake blood. The result is evident in the main room of my house. e.e; *Sigh*
I'm such a freak.
Still no word from John.
I want my John. ;_; *Cries* I'm sore, lonely, and in need of a hug. And I haven't heard from him in a while, so I'm kinda worried... I'm afraid he's been kidnapped by rabid squirrels. o_O;
I just realized how very possessive I can be. o.o; I was looking through John's account, and he mentioned an ex... And I realized I was feeling somewhat angry and my eye was twitching. ;>_> I got to thinking about it and realized I'm not too comfortable with the fact that he still has a picture of Andrea in his room... Also realized that if I ever saw him talking to any of his ex's, I would probably be very bitter. VERY bitter. Aloud. I don't think I'd be very nice at all. And if she didn't realize I was his girlfriend and started flirting with him...
Slow and painful death.
With blood everywhere.
In short... MINE. >_O
Geez, I'm a psycho bitch... maybe I SHOULD take my Paxil. o.O; Or work on it. Or something. I dunno. Maybe it's healthy? I'll have to talk to Dr. Baker about it.
*yawn* Anyways, I have to get up in two hours.
... *SIGH* stayed up too late again. dammit. Oh well. *shuffles off*
Someone shoot me. It's 2:16 in the morning and some eleven year old kid in the UK is trying to convince me to cyber with him.
Grr. I'm in Tennessee. I just spent a good part of the day with family I didn't recognize.
I miss John. A lot.
We go home tomorrow. We have to get up early so Beth can be at work by four pm.
My sister pissed me off today. I told my aunt what happened with my stepfather, and my sister pretty much accused me of making it up to get him in trouble because I "couldn't get free cigarettes"... Not true. I fucking hate her sometimes. I've told her my motives for staying in that house, and she refuses to believe me. *shrugs and sighs* She can think what she will of me, I don't care. Only one person's opinion matters to me... And I think he knows who he is. ^_^
Urg, migraine. x_x;
Well, I'd better get going. I need to update my livejournal and take something for my head.
I figured the name was fitting. I'd stay and make a long, long entry to make my diary happy, but I have to get up in an hour and a half. Grr. At least I stayed long enough to post some pictures. Rawr.
Love to the Creasman.