[The Vampire Louis]'s diary

614296  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-03
Written: (6940 days ago)

okeday. i know almost everyone is pissed at me. but thats their problem. if you people were really my friends you would me happy with my found happiness. i am happy. gladys actually cares about me. im spending thr rest of my life with her with or without you guys. its would be better if i had your support but whatever. i know what love is. i have found it. if any of you want to drop your anger and pride and actually hear my side then fine. call me my cell phone is 208-6011.love.

546986  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-10
Written: (7024 days ago)

kat is odd. i dont think i like her. she is giving licorice a tounge job. i still need to pee.

434030  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-04
Written: (7150 days ago)

there is this chick that im in love with but we arnt dating anymore and she has a new boyfriend. all i want is to have her back.

 The logged in version 

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