[Venus 53]'s diary

646309  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-15
Written: (6983 days ago)

Omg I met my defacto step niece yesterday and she is soo cute! She's a hell hk baby. She has a natural mohawk, headbangs to rock music and falls asleep to AC/DC. And she LOVES my AC/DC shirt (which isn't saying much cause it rox and I love it too). And I just randomly had to say all that =)

597951  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written: (7045 days ago)
Next in thread: 598359, 598720, 598945


Stacey was just a normal girl living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Not much ever happened in this town. At least not until a few weeks ago…

It was midnight in the town of Carnarvon. Everything was silent. Until a piercing scream cut through the night like a dagger, waking everyone on Carrol Way from their deep and peaceful slumber. Stacey awoke, covered in a cold sweat as though she had just had the most terrible nightmare. She looked around with an expression of terror on her face. What was that horrible sound? Where did it come from? It sounded so close… she got up and walked to her mother’s room, only to find her body in an enormous puddle of blood.
This time the scream came from her own mouth. Her brother slowly stumbled out of his room to see what the disturbance was. When he spotted his mother he let out a short, sharp gasp. “Shit!” Without even thinking about it he ran to the phone and dialled 000. in a daze Stacey walked over to the bed and tried to rouse her mum. “Mum?” she whispered. She realised that her voice was shaking. “Mum!?” Silence. “MUUUUUUM!!!!!!!!” Her scream echoed inside her head.
The lights and sirens reached the house and someone pulled her away. “Do you know what happened to your Mum?” someone asked her. She couldn’t answer… she couldn’t speak… she finally managed to utter four words. “It’s all my fault”
“It’s not your fault” someone consoled her. But it was. It was her fault. She killed her. She killed her own mother…

Now you may be wondering how I know all of this. What happened, what she was thinking? Well that’s easy to explain. I am Stacey. And I murdered my own mother. I don’t remember but I know I did. And now I have to live with knowing that I did it. Even if no-one else will believe me. I have to live with myself.

And it's a short short-story, so it's finished. Tell me what you think. =)
572263  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-05-11
Written: (7078 days ago)
Next in thread: 587478, 587479


--Why do we go to school??

My theory (and it's probably right lol) is that we go to school because some people have the idea that we should be educated so we can get a good job and make good money and look after out parents when they get old. And because it's torture for us and they all like to see us in pain. Which would indicate that the people who invented school were sadistic, horrible people, who should be discovered and then immortalised by a statue of them somewhere so that it can be vandalised appropriately =) Good enough??
571424  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-10
Written: (7079 days ago)
Next in thread: 571435


-- Normality.

According to the dictionary, normal is "the usual". But "normal" if you think about it is actually "weird". These two stereotypes are usually opposite, but if you really think about it then more people are "weird" than "normal" therefore by definition, weird IS normal. =)
Just for a bit of further explanation: Basically, what we classify as "weird" is a stereotype that most people fit into in varying degrees. This would, technically speaking, make "weird", well, "normal".
And of course, we have people with nothing better to do who come up with ramblings like this just to confuse everyone on what we actually mean, and make us think about life a little more.
555742  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-19
Written: (7100 days ago)

I don't know if anyone actually cares, but Queen is reuniting and they're going on tour. Don't know where, don't know when, but... =P
So... Hi! Bye! I am soo incredibly bored...

530760  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7127 days ago)


523575  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-16
Written: (7135 days ago)


--Boredom on Elftown

Have you ever noticed, that almost everyone on elftown is always bored?? My theory, is that this is the place people go when they're so bored they don't know what else to do. Which would explain why everyone's always bored on here!!! And tis completely logical (and obvious). I feel so proud! lol =P
522668  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-15
Written: (7135 days ago)


-- Rock

My philosophy is that rock music is really good right? Rock rocks!! And... that's why it's called rock!!! But then I kind of semi-contradicted myself, cause maybe we say stuff rocks as a tribute to rock (music) and so because rock rocks, we say stuff rocks!! But I’m still not sure if that makes sense...
501958  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-21
Written: (7158 days ago)

heey. kinda bored... fire alarms goin off but i can't b bothered movin... they're not in this building anywayz... can't wait till friday or sunday!!! m/b satday as well... still thinkin.

487440  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-02-04
Written: (7174 days ago)

hey, basically, i'm so bored i'm just writing in this random thing... but i can't be bothered rite now... back l8r...

 The logged in version 

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