I saw a question on a message board where someone asked what girls really want from a guy. so i thought about it and decided to put my list up here as well.
"All I want is:
*Someone who likes me for who I truly am, not some stupid facade.
*Someone who spends time with me, calls me and talks to me because he wants to, not has to.
*Someone who I can talk to honestly, just as a good friend, because in case no one notices, the main part of the word girlfriend/boy
I think that i could deal with most other lack of anything, so long as those three things are covered. Unfortunately, they seem to be too much to ask for from most guys..."
Random quotes from my school Rev:
"... God is just like a big cosmic Santa"
"Dear God, Thank you for all the earthworms..."
(Taken out of context, clearly, but funnier that way)
Heres a sonnet that i had 2 write for english. =)
Why is it so hard to find friends who actually like you for who you truly are? Why is it so hard for some people to understand that not everybody's lives are as easy as theirs? Why is it so hard to find someone who actually really cares? Why are people so shallow and superficial? Why don't people even bother to try and understand other peoples lives and just judge them by what they see?
Omg I met my defacto step niece yesterday and she is soo cute! She's a hell hk baby. She has a natural mohawk, headbangs to rock music and falls asleep to AC/DC. And she LOVES my AC/DC shirt (which isn't saying much cause it rox and I love it too). And I just randomly had to say all that =)
I don't know if anyone actually cares, but Queen is reuniting and they're going on tour. Don't know where, don't know when, but... =P
So... Hi! Bye! I am soo incredibly bored...
heey. kinda bored... fire alarms goin off but i can't b bothered movin... they're not in this building anywayz... can't wait till friday or sunday!!! m/b satday as well... still thinkin.
hey, basically, i'm so bored i'm just writing in this random thing... but i can't be bothered rite now... back l8r...