[BaBiiPhAtGrL09]'s diary

610603  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-28
Written: (6913 days ago)

heya freaks!!!watsup?well i DIDnot go 2 the movies ...2 ppl went newyzz so ididnt miss nething LOL newayzz thoough iwent to a sleepover where this guy thought i was hot and today..wel i dont feel like tlkin bout TODAY..lol newa...yzz though nuttin much to say really hmm let me see tomrw is the LAST day of summerskool!!!so awesome so awesome!!well uum im really bored at my moms job and im goin 2 go email some random folks so holla bac @cha babiigrl!!~

607486  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (6917 days ago)

hey everbdy!!!watsup?well im suppose to go 2 the movies tonight wit some freinds but idk if my parents will let me..imean,my MOM..iask my dad and he said his usual thing *idc* which was nice iguess considering i REALLY wanna go!lol ilove my dad well newayzz we're goin 2 see mr and mrs smith..so it should b good we're also goin 2 sneak into a movie afterwards..ithink its dawn of the dead....or something...IDONT KNOW lol but newayzz we hafta b there at like 7:10 and then the movie starts at like 7:20 so we'd git there just in time to see it probly...so yeah its goin 2 b awesome...omg i feel so bad...idissed natal;ie yesturday and said sumthin bout melissa is goin 2 b her only freind and stuff in highskool and iwas bein so mean...ifeel srry for her now b/c now melissa is the only person shes hanging out with...ithink i hurt her feelings and also she told melissa that she didnt hav ne freinds b/c all her freinds brokeup with each other and the only friend she has now is her...its sad....ithink i really did that...iwanted to tlk to her bout i was srry and that we ARE freinds....iddnt mean to diss her like that....im really mad at myself c/ we've nown each other since 5th grade and shes never dissed me and she was alwayzz nice and stuff.....owell....newayzz thats all....bye

606533  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-23
Written: (6918 days ago)

hey!did u ppl kno igo 2 summerskool?:WELL U DO NOW!newayzz its over like....this comming wednesday and icant wait..we're actually goin 2 hav a pizza party ithink...pretty weird..lol....BUT GREAT IDEA!newyzz though i havent been up to nuthing latly..the new updates will b as the following:

(1.)my gradnmother died
(2.)my best freinds b-day was yesturday and she wasnt home wen i called to wish her happy b-0day..instead she was over a freinds house named madison
(3.)summer skool is ending
(4.)ill miss my summer skool freinds
(5.)ta'lun is in florida
(6.)icalled bailey last night and we tlked til 10:00pm
(7.)ifeel as if i love somebdy but dont know who.....
(8.)i wont b online on saturday or mab even sunday
(9.)ifinished my wicca book although im not wicca
(10.)I went to juneteenth wit all the rap &r&b stars such as mike jones,GUCCI mane,paul wall,webbie,OMARION, MARQUES HOUSTON, NICK CANNON, TANK, DO OR DIE, TREY SONGZ, WEBBIE, TYRA, LIL' ROC, MENT 2 B, ETC!!

605617  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-22
Written: (6919 days ago)

hey!!!REPPIN THE A-TOWN....."arkansas"..lol newayzz watsup wit YOU?newayzz omg today iwas wearin way to short of shorts so they made me wear a skirt throughtout helf of math class...it was so embarrassing and omg this one grl ask if i was on my period,if thats y i was wearin that skirt i waslike NO lol but newayzz this one grl was luahgin and looking at me,ijust glared at her c/ that seriosly pissed me off seein sombdy luaghin at me wen i cant do nething bout it but newayzz.....one of my freinds r gone up to memphis then STRAIGHT TO FLORIDA.......im like so jelous lol but newayzz my bro and me were thinkin bout mvoin up there wen im in 10th grade c/ my aunt and uncle lives there and there my godparents and there house is so aesome and its really big!iLOVE IT!newayzz though ilove florda,iwanna move there even though i wanna go to college at UCLA....but u never kno ill probly just end up bein to lazy to drive up al the way over there and end up goin 2 UCA or somethin lol but newayzz my friend allison keeps on sending me these pictures of this guy she really likes named blain,she thinks hes hot or something lol but newayzz im out so.... PEACE!..


ok after my moms job we went to the washeteria c/ i dryer broke last night...it was leaking or something but newayzz while da clothes were dryin we went to CHIC-FUL-A and this grl said she knew me and saw my gradaution picture itook for 8thgrade and stuff and shes like my older sister went to ur skool and stuf and she was really nice and she was wrkin at the register at chic-ful-a and also she said she went to mills and i ask her if she would rather go to central and she said actually she would rather go to oak grove..she was reall koel,iwish i cldve tlked 2 her longer..but newayzz after tha mall we went bac to the wash place and then we went home then i ask my dad if he could move his car so icould play basketball and hes like ok and i played b-ball wit my brother and r freind harold for like an hour or 2,idk but newayzz thats bout it lol...o and

HAPPY B-DAY ALEXIS! peace out ppl 

thats from my xanga and its also from YESTURDAY

600490  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-16
Written: (6925 days ago)

hey ppl wats happnin?well nuttin much here,summaskool was ok but it was like soooo intierly boring,omg iwish i didnt hafta gooo newayzz imet a koel new freind named melissa,wich is really koel and shes really nice but newyzz after summer skool my dad picked me up and we went huntin down juneteenth tickets,we went to philander and they said they were OUT of them!!!and THEN we went alll around town lookin for this one place and it was like RIGHT BY my brothers SKOOL!!

but newayzz so after we saw the place we ask this guy if the radio station was actually IN that one buildin...and guess wat?..he said that it MOVED....ugh but newayz after all the directions wich tk a whole damn hour it seemed we finally decided to git gas and go but then iwas like tellin my dad we dont haft2 c/ it was too far out and he was like hesitatin c/ he knew my bro and me wantin 2 go so hes like iguess we'll hhafta pay at the gate then but momma's goin 2 hafta help me c/ its goin to b $120 in order for us all to go.....so YEAH..that happened but newayzz then he droppe me offa my moms job and iwent in2 her little biulding part and she was on the phone so iwas like hey then she waved and ileft to go up to the computer/library part

but NEWAYZZ ialso called up ta'lun last ngiht and we tlked for like an hour but i had to go shoppin wit my mom so itold him i had to go and he wanted me 2 call him bac so iwas like ok so yeah but once i got bac igot online then icalled my freind katie then icalled him and the line was busy but owell ill call him later today but yesturday we went to the mall(jc pennys&the station(an awesome urban styled shoe place wit like phat forms and baby phat and so on) newayzz though after that we went to mardels they were closed then we went to the dollar store....my parents LOVE that place...and i MEAN it wit my heart lol newayzz im out srry to bore u guys if ur readin it..well u must b really bored IF ur readin this..so newayzz im outtie!!!holla o and iguess ill put up some iconz if im not to lazy...dude iLOVE those things lol

599350  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-15
Written: (6926 days ago)

hey!ok..today was alittle BETTER..imet this really koel grl at summer skool named melissa!igot her email and stuff,its really awesome!im just stil kinda sad for my dad though...look below this entry at the last one if u wanna read y iim SAD bout it..newayzz JUNETEENTH IS COMMIN !!!and well SLEEPOVER IS TOO!lol uum nuttin much hapened today..hmm..at summerskool there was this guy starin at me,iadmit he was pretty hot lol and he had that...that LOOK...like he thought something about me or like he new me or something....hmmm kiiinda freakeeey lol but uum we had to move r math class to out in the hall c/ it SMELLED SO BADLY!!igave some of the grls my perfume it smelled like rotten eggs.....not my purfume..but the other smell lol c/ upstairs they were in the science lab doin an ixperiement....dont ask me WHO it was c/ IDONTKNOW lol but newayzz....oyeah natalie came bac today and uum she told me that she wasnt freinds wit the other 4 bitches nemore lol iwas like inever really liked them newayzzz and imean..that makes NO sence at ALL...like they were actin like they were 'omg best freinds" then there liek..all of asuden NOT freinds nemore wen skool is out..imena FREINDS STICK TOGETHER.....did they like think they were all popular and shit c/ to me THEY WERENT c/ if ur popular that means EVRYBDY likes u...not everbdy liked them but newayzz nuf bout them o and i 3-wayed last night wit katie and zack and uum ididint git 2 go 2 shabozz's house yesturday(ex boyfreind/freind)....nutin much really happened im like at my moms job right now well nuttin left to do so ill just put some icons on here...im out holla

The last movie you watched?: half of scooby doo 2 LOL

The last song you listened to?:dont kno wat its called

The last book you read?: um the babysitters club "boy crazy"one lol

The last thing you ate?: a mint choco cookie..um um GOOOD *rubs tummy* lol;p

The last thing you drank?: DR PEPPER BABII!!

The last scent you smelled?: melon...smelled so great

The last dessert you ate?: choco mint cookie

The last thing you fell over?: cant remember

The last picture you took?: erlier at the recital wit muh grl

Who was...
The last person you kissed?: cant remember lol

The last person you hugged?: my best friend

The last person you talked to?: ladii at muh moms work
made you cry?: grandmother

The last person who made you laugh?: Thomas

The last person you saw?: hotguy next 2 me lol

The last person you dated?: shabozz

The last person you loved?: not sayin

The last person who spent time with you?: muh family

The last person you hated?: idont hate much ppl

The last person you loved?: already asked that?

The last person who was mean to you?: uuum....well....nobdy realy,I was last mean towrds muh brother

The last person who was nice to you: my dad igues?...*weird ?'s*

preppy or urban: URBAN!!!!!!DaMNIT!!

[I'm A Bootie Shakin
Heart Breakin
Mad Hot
Neva Stop
Short Skirt
Luv ta Flirt
Tight Jeans
Curvy Hips
Glossed Lips
High Class
Ghetto Ass
Bangin Style
Sexy Smile
Lucious Thighs
Kandie Eyez
Tempting Lips
Killa Hips
Tell me Baby
Can you handle this??

598381  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written: (6927 days ago)

Hey summaskool was alrite today..well newayzz yesturday was so sad....imean,ihate to say it but icry for my dad now,all b/c his mom died....hes soo sad ...... i feel srry for him...b/c like im alwayzz seein him happy and he doesnt deserve his mom ...to hav passed away and likeyesturday we went up 2 conway,my dad was workin on his moms house....hes fixin it up then we're goin 2 move out of the house we're in....to another house...NOT my grandmothers house,but another house but we went by there,we dropped my dad off there yesturday while we went to moraltin then we went to kohls and i got some happy bunny flip flops and muh bro got some new shoes and then we came bac to grandmothers house and my older cuzins lolita and ramona were walkin from the cemetary and said my dad was there by his moms grave...shes like "hes really sad right now,and he wanted to be alone so he could tlk to his mother,hes just sitting by her grave"....so yeah....its really sad to me,considering hes my dad and ive never seen him this sad and the preist said that he could tlk to him about it wenever he wantd to tlk and hes like ok....well newayzz after the cemetary we picked him up anddwent to my aunt rubys then we went home...

....and OMG shabozz and titus is sayin dat igot kicked outta the house c/ i was like mad at my mom..ok first of all iWAS mad at my mom c/ i had to do somethin really important on the computer andshe wouldnt let me..so iwas mad and started tlkin bac but like she didnt KICK ME OUT OF THE DAMN HOUSE ijust went outside to KOEL DOWN.....dude iwas alil pissed but newayzz muh homechik mel up here tellin meh shabozz said that mess and iwas like wat the hell? then iwas like that is soooo not true iwas like ibet philip started that up,like tha last time....he CALLED ME A BOPPER..omg....ibet hes just mad that iwouldnt let him do something to me...its kinda personalk and not for u ppl's eyes to see lol...but newayzz he wanted to do somethin 2 me and i said no and he got mad..little baby was mad at me.boo who lol newayzz though,nieghborhood kids r just like skool kids nowadayzz...imean ok.,.shaboz is my boi..not boyfriend,hes my EX boyfreind/friend and titus..well,..is shabozz's CUZ and he likes me while ithink hes an ugly little kid lol and there up here sayin i got kicked outta the house...sombdy told them ,probly pihilip but newayz im goin 2 go 2 shaboz's house and tlk 2 him bout daat....well newayzz today at summerskool was arite,nuttin really BUZZIN happened...so yeah....o yesturday lauren gave me a LOOONG note to read wen igot home and it was just bout how she was doin and stuff and how she wants a boyfriend rel bad and how we should like,git together sometimes and stuff like that...newayzz dough iwrote her one bac and gave it 2 her today 2 read wen she got home..so yeap..o and how ya like muh newest site layout?pimpin huh? newayzz IM OUT peace




586833  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (6942 days ago)

hey!today ws fun!ok,fist of all everybdy in muh family wokupe at 12pm cept muh dad and he wokup at 9:30am and then i got dressed ate sausage,blah de blah lol then we went out to gator park,it was great...for u pl who dont kno gater park at where i live is a place where u ride gocarts,play in the arcade,play paintball,ride the bumper boats and also play in the batting cages...its great i did all of it cept for paintbll and bumper boats,it was so much fun!the second time muh bro and meh rode the gocarts it was just US!,,,,nobdy else,its liek we owned the place or somthin,it was fun!and IWON...dude he was so slo but neway after the gocarting we went to the battin cages and i hit a couple baseballs and then muh parents had the nerve to embarres the hell outta me by tryin 2 hit a couple of balls and i just ran to the arcae buildin part,i got so pissed,im like "no i was the one that said i wanted to come here in the first place,y r yall doin this?"so i just said im leavin and left to the arcade,then i wentt o the bathroom then after a while muh parents and bro came lookin for me....finally muh mom found meh....neways after that muh bro and meh played some ice hockey and some other koel games then we left and we all ate at wendys then went to krogers to git milk lol then went to macdonalds and bought an icecream cone then went home...and yeah..thats bout it so newayz layturr!!im ooooooooutt,PEACE

o yeah and last night the whole family satyed up late til like 1:00am watchin napoleon dynatmite and muh dad and mom loved it lol...muh dad thought it was CrAzY lol but he also thought it was really funny and muh brother dint like it neway i godda go!

580579  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-23
Written: (6950 days ago)
Next in thread: 582175

hey well today was ok but kiiinda boring c/ first we went to church and i saw some friends and i saw josh c/ i sat like,right behind hiim lol and uum i saw brit brit and her bro and uum yeah....the only pl i recognized but uum also after chruch we came hme and changed then went to walmart then muh dad was n his way home from this OTHER church and we drove past each other then he stoped and we werelike at walmart c/ i was turnin in muh film so he wanted the family to eat out,we were like aight although i ddint feel like it,told him but he didnt care,iguess lol but neway wen i turned in muh film the guy workin there walked up to me,he loked around...idunno 17,mab? but neway he ask me if i wanted to see a magic trick and i misunderstof em,iwas like "the manager?"..hes like "no a magic trick?....then im like "no"c/ i thought he said mnager then im like "ok WAT did u say?" lol..then he repeated then hes like "magic trick" im like "ooo,yeah ok,sure"lol then he pulled this dollar uotta his pocket and then he put it back in,then he cheked his other pockets and nothin was insdie,hes like "im broke" then he felt my hair...for some reason lol then after that he cheked behind some CD'S i was lookin at and "walla!" there the dollar was,and im like "how ddi u do that" and he like smiled and ran off,lol but neway after all thatexcitement and shiznit we went frm walmart out to eat at KFC and then after that we left muh moms car at KFC and we all went to targit so i could use up muh gift card i got as a present from graduation and i used it up on a handbag and to wallets wit betty boo and somem lipgloss and muh dad was goin 2 buy me somethin later on this week from target,it was goin 2 b a purse that said "bling bling" on it and it was 13$ and if i bought it wit muh giftcard iwouildve only had 2$left..so yeah lol neway though after targit we went back to KFC to git muh moms van and i went to mac-donalds wit muh mom to git an icecrem cone while muh dad and bro went home..so yeah then once we got home we loked at this class of 2005 pictures from off a cd,like a slidde shw thingy then we loked at another one wit baby pics and group pics of us all...but neways..layter ppl thats wat happeend today!!!BORING lol.....PEACE OUT


579677  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-22
Written: (6951 days ago)

hey well today was prety koel igues but i spent the day wit mom....ok we went to macdonalds and ate there and this hot dude was eyein me and he was like..a worker..lol and he fijnally,like actually talked 2 me and he threw away muh plate for me,iwas like thnx.....c/ muh mom was like gone somewhere iduno where she went...but she was like goin 4 an hour,it seemed and she was in the same biulding as me..hmm...and then this other dude like,said hey how ya doin,iwas like "good" lol...so yeah....neway though after mac-e-DEES...um...then we went to books a million and i got to read the rest of the book i wanted so badly but nooo my muh said i couldnt git it and shes like buy it wit ur own money i was like noway im savin it up and i was like dont u git money every week from workin?why cant u buy it? shes like its to expensive i was like u buy books that r more expensive then THAT...so yeah..kept on but i also called brit brit to tell her i couldnt go skatin,c/ we like planned on goin skatin today since she culdnt go to the movies and itold muih mom and shes like "wat" i dont remember that? uuh gawd i hate wen she does that....she usually does that and i cant go wit friends but neway she said we can go next weeeknd it was like..WAT? but neway i called her up on cell and told her da bad news...so yeah..neway though it was suppose to be ME zack(zackary) brit brit(brittany) and tay(taylor)....weve got nicknames lol...neway yeah..we were goin 2 invite danielle and tes and maria..dude muh bro LOVES maria SOOO mcuh!LOL..but neway...next year..imean WEEEKND..we're goin 2 da movies....HOPEFULLY...lol....but neway...yeah but after boks a milion we went to git some icecream from macdonalds..we go there so mcuh the lady manager ask if i wnted 2 work there lol...but neway then we went home and i ask muh mom if she culd take a pic of me in muh denim jean skirt wit a shirt that says cutie and wit muh tie and cap...shes liek "ur goin 2 take a pic wit that cap on?" i was like "HELL yeah,u got a problem?"...JUST KIDDING lol...no way would i say dat,ijust said "yeah?" but then she just took 3 c/ i wanted to use the film up,it was of muh class mates at r last bowling trip and pinnical mountain trip.....sad timz..sad tmz...*sigh*...memories only fade...neway...im out,so layterZ...peace out

holla back MUH ppl

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