HeY yAll ALot hAS bEen Up...OK I Dindt go Trick oR treaTin buT i WAs Goin 2 Go I Dint hAV A riDe thO..So yeA ANd Me And Christina werE goiN 2 go!But oWelL...NeWy thO..I wenT 2 2 HAlloWEn pARtiES n InvitEd My BoyFreind,ADri
Skool,AND AFtrSkool I Got piCked Up RIghT At 3:30 thEn we WEnT To mACDonALds to GIt SOme grub ThEn WE WEnT to wALMRt AND I GOt mY FilM out aNd I SAw JamEcA,It WuS So KOOl,AND yEA i sAw likE 3 OthEr PPl IknEW But YeA adn Um ThEn AFtr WAlmrT I WEnT homE ADN CHkeEd My cAllEr I.D anD mY Bf CaLLeD aT LIKe 5:40 adn I Was aT WalMrT FOr LIKe 2 tO 3 HOUrs sO YEa i CALLeD hIM Bac aT LIKe....IT WUz 6:30..so YEa THeN hE HaD 2 gO 2 a fOOTBaLL GamE..tHe ONe i CanT gO tO!! UgH..OwELL,tHe
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Pretty Ricky
By Pretty Ricky
HeY wutSup!!k today was kool,like i got invited to this thing at my 5 best freinds highskool and it was off the chain man!ok like thomas rishi katie rachel bernadette espinoza and talun were there,it was wesome!and like thomas and katie showed me tehre lockers and i gave ktie a pic of me to put in her locker..it was so kool,it was like an octoberfest for there highgskool and it was fun,they were salein jewlry and purses and playin games and had a dunkin booth and all this shit,it was CRAZY!!but iLOVED IT and dude that skool is HUGE and i invited christina too cme to the festival wit me so katie adn my other freindz could meet her adn stuff but like aftr that me adn christina got picked up by my mom so then we went to step for schep and natalie and kim like called my name the first time they saw me!iwas like hey!!lol but i felt so srry for nat b/c i turned her down..she was wantin me adn christina to come to this fair wit her today but idint feel like it!ijust told her my dad said no....ihad too..but im so sad about that...so is chrsinta...but newys aftr nat and kim left me and chirsinta just hungout and tlked wit christine,cout
HeY hOw hAv Yall B33n???Im All GooD i gueSS..NeWy I wUz SuppOSe To B GoiN 2 FT. SMiTh toDAy BuT iM Not ShuRe If Im StiLl GoIn 2 B GoiN...wEll YesturDAy I StAyeD HoME c/ I wUZ So SIck,i FelT TeRRiblE!W3LL I hAD AbaD StomAchE AchE LikE I wUZ BouT To ThroW Up ANd FelT LikE i haD a FeVeR!IjuSt FeLt ReAl BAD..IthiNk iTs C/ aLL ThE StrESS iVe bEEn ThRouGh..IDk..
If every word I said would make you laugh,
I'd talk forever. . .
Patrick Breeding
The most energetic of all his brothers, Patrick is a natural born star. Constantly competing with the rest of B5 to be the best singer and dancer, Patrick is definitely the comedian of the group, always quick to crack a joke and keep everyone fired up! It’s fitting that his musical idol is the greatest entertainer of all-time, Michael Jackson and Patrick also looks to Alicia Keys, Nelly and Snoop Dogg for inspiration. He also enjoys playing basketball and video games. Patrick, like the rest of his brothers, is single and is looking for someone who is down to earth and has a great sense of humor. Looking forward to writing and producing his own music, Patrick is extremely excited about his future in the music business and judging by his group’s first album, it’s going to be a long one!
HeY PPL!!!W3ll My ParTy WuZ So0o0o0o MuCh FuN!! ThE pEEpZ tH@ W3r3 Th3r3 W3r3 NaT,TalUn,Kia,
Hey....My B-dAy Wuz YESTURDAY....N
TodAy wUz ThE DAnce!!!ItLKeD wIt NicOLEs BrothEr..HeS CutE ...lol IDonT Kno iF hE likEs Me Tho,HeS LIKE Shy TlkiN to GrLs,ThAtz WaT He TolD my BrothER...BuT IAsK HiM SomE ?'s Tho..But LKE BeForE ThE dAncE My MOM,Me Nd Bro Ate @ Chic-Ful-A ThEn ChangEd @ Taco-Bell In My DanCe CLothEz!!ThE dAnCe wUz Sooooo MuCh Fun!!ALmoSt All My FrieNdz WerE ThErE Too!!!,OuT oF SomE of My FrIeNdZ Th@ WErE actuaLLy ThErE,It wUz ThoMas,Rishi,E
Hey Hey Hey!!!!Th3 BlOcK pArTy wuZ sO mUcH fUn!!!!!!IdAnc
tOdAy Iw3Nt t00 hardeez,barnes n noble,macdonal
FirSt PePrAllY wuZ FriDay!!iT wUz AlrIghT.... tH3Y DiDnt DanCe ALL tH@ gOOd....i<3'ed tHe ROCKETTES!!!im goin to b On3 N3xT y3ar!!!iTs tHe Dnc3 T3aM!!!w3 AlsO hAd A tAgdAy YeStuRdAy!!fRe
I'Ve jOiNeD oNe oF tH3 CluBs fOr HiGhSkOOl,LaSt w33k,It wUz tH3 B00k-Club....Y
HeY eVrYbDy!!!WatS
Hey Evrybdy!!!WeLl RighT nOw Im WatChiN LaGuNa BeaCh ..Well It Just CAmE oFf... i GueSS iLL jUsT whAtcH MaN oN fIr3 WiT dEnZi3L WAshINgt0n((by the way GREAT movie))N3WAY... SkOOl wuZ AlRighT ,AlittLE BoriNg tHo...IgoT cOnfuSeD AliTTl3 bIt Wen I wUz LookIn FoR mY cLaSes But Im JusT lIke FINAAALLY gLaD tHaT iHaVe mY Scedule,I cOulDnt WaIt Til i Got It...iLik3 LookIn @ iiT lol NewAy I m3T Alot Of PPl && I alSo "ReUniTeD"..ho
P.S-- MoM sAyS tH@ i CaN mAb3 MoVe uP tO Fl0rIdA My 10th GraDe YeAr WiT mY AunT && UnCle!!!She AlSo SaYs SheS gOttA tLk To mY aUnT bOuT iT AGAIN...2 LiiK3 mAk3 sUr3,yanno~
I cant believe i feel so close to him....first i dont care then next thing u know im crying about him....i dont know wat to actually think of myself OR him....its like,r we ever goin to tlk after this day??i dont want him to b messin round wit other grls other then my cuzin....itold him he betta not start cheatin on my cuz but guess wat he said?? "if u piss me off i will cheat on her"...its like dont b cheatin on my cuzin!!...idon
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Pretty Ricky
By Pretty Ricky
Hey everybdy!!!wel
I was ALSO wantin to go to that CONCERT TONIGHT!!!!,it was scream 4 tour wit bobby V,bow wow,pretty ricky,omarion,
Owell i guess ill say wat else happened todaii....
Well talun called me this mornin adn i called him bac at like 11 c/ thats wen i actually wokeup,he wakes up every mornin at like 8:15 so he can git use to the idea since we start bac at skool NEXT WEK!...icant wait til the back to skool dance,we can bring only ONE guest and its hard..but i guess ill pick katie....idont exactly kno yet tho...so yeah....but neway itlked wit talun this AFTERNOON,at like 11 and we tlked til like 1:15 then he had to clean up his room and shit so yeah then L8r on he called me bac...wen i WAS CHANGIN CLOTHES!!lol so i called him bac and we tlked til like 5 then my mom came home and i said i had to go then i called up my cuz to se wat was goin on and stuff......so yeah then i went wit my mom and bro to wash the car,git pizza and we got some icecream cones from macdonalds and cheked some videos bac in:Coach Carter,Man on fire and ...somethin else,idont remember actually.....b
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By B5
see related
HeY everyBdy nuTtIn mUch b33n HaPpNun l8ly but Mii b-day is CommIn Up,Im iNviTin a few Ppl But my DaD woNt lEt m3 InVite Shabozz...IduN
hey everybdy!well today i wokup watched tv,got online then my dad came and i ate while listnein to CDs then watched tv and then after ahiwle my mom came home then i went wit her to git some icecream and go git gas then i got home.
My bike was outside and my mom was pumping the tires and i just went inside and harold came over then i went outside and we said hey c/ he was playin basketball wit my bro iwas liek hey watsup he like nutin much so then my tires were fine to go so then i rode round the block 4 to 5 times then i came bac and i was soooo exhausted so ijust stopped and hungout wit harold and muh bro Chris and then my mom got on my bike and started riding it then harolds like ur moms riding ur bike and shabozz is playing basketball so then i was like wat???>.....
and he said shabozz is outisde playin basketball so then i went over to my mom and i ask if i could hav my bike bac so then after i had it ,i rode my bike round to shabozz's and he was playin basketball and i ask wat was up and wat skool he was goin to and man hes goin to the skool i wanted to go to!!!EAST CAMPUS....but noooo i gotta go to MOUNT...owell neway then we tlked and i was like wanna come over to my place and play some basketball??he
neway then after a while we stopped playin the game c/ harold left and rishard and tony came by and we hungout then after awhile i got bored so i just shot some baskets and then i decided to hang wit them and then there werent ne balls left so i decided to wait for an airball but then i decided to go bike riding again c/ i wanted to think a/b things then i came bac round and sahboz was leaving!!!iwas liek wtf???so yeah...he left i dint wanna sound to desperate so id int go after him owell ill heopfully se him tomrw well then after that i decied to go in and chill a bit so i got online cheked my email and i gotta emial thomas bac and im tlkin wit ppl on yahoo,im soo exhausted i sooo hafta take a shower l8r on neway thts it so igotta go,bye guyz!!