I think I'm going to listen to Jurassic Park theme over and over and over until it completely takes over my ming and then, when someone finally decides to have a conversation with me, I'll have no choice but to speak with inflections that go with the main tune.
It's brilliant.
And I just freaking realized why I wanted to listen to Jurassic park music. I HAD A FREAKING NIGHTMARE ABOUT DINOSAURS AHHHH
It was fairly frightening.
I creeped out into the hall because I really don't want to do my Electronic Imaging project and I heard people talking. And as soon as I walked out, Scott, several doors down walked out as well. Only there was this group of people talking in between us and IT GETS BETTER Scott's marshmellow assassin was part of that group and I stare at Scott. And Scott stares. And then we both stare at his assassin and then she stares at Scott. And there's this amazing pause when no one knows what to do and then everything shoots into action. The assassin (Taylor) runs into her room to grab her marshmellow and I yell RUNNNN and Scott darts down the hall out of the doors.
I think I'm channeling some animal whisperer. The other day my AD119 class went to the city cemetary to draw landscapes and we were sitting at this pond and all these ducks and geese just start walking among us with no hesitation. And then this chipmunk sits on a stump and stares at me for the entire 2 and half hour class, leaving only to retrieve some morsel to nibble on. Phegan came over and burst out: "SO CUUUUTE." This is my extremely monotone professor that rarely laughs or expresses emotion. I was like: O.o the hell, Phegan...
And then today at Breakfast I was walking to the den and this chipmunk confronts me. Yes, confronts me. It just stopped in front of me and stared. I looked at it and said: "Hiii... wanna be friends..." and it scurried closer to me. I slowly crouched down and started reaching out my hand to try and pet it and I got like 6 inches from it! Then someone came out the other door and it tried to sneak into the dorm..
Whatever. I know they're all domesticated. I just like to think I'm special.
I really don't want to do this project.
Mmnmmm no sir.
Sure is a long entry.
Evidence of my unwilliness..
Going to draw in the cemetary later. It's surprisingly peaceful there.
"Bull fuckin' SHIT" repeated the drunk man outside Nicole's window at 3:37 am.
There's always this car that drives by with it's bass bumping some techno beat. Every few hours or so part midnight...
I think my neighbor's girlfriend cheated on him. That's why he's still yelling.
I adore this neighborhood.
But seriously, guys... Why don't we ever update our diaries anymore?
It's like we involve ourselves in each other's lives so I guess there's no point in reading about them.
The man outside is scaring me.
Hope he don't busta cap in ma ass...
Bettah call the po po
I hear banging..
Hope it's not gunfire.
Oh yes. And I also had a dream that I was in college and leonardo decrapio shot me in my sternum but my sternum was so solid that the bullet just sort of mushed into my skin and muscle and then I went around showing people this nasty bump thing.