The Town Herald Crew


The people responsible for this madness:

Badges by [May-lea] and [TheRogue]



The Town Herald Article Editor & Organizer / Featured ElfWood Artist Organizer

The editor of the Town Herald and corruptor of the innocent. One of the Senior Citizens of Elftown and a first-class over-extender. Lerune clutters up the forums periodically with insane posts and keeps Ducky in line. She is struck by random moments of creativity and is known to come up with outrageously big ideas that may or may not be possible. She has been called many things since she came to Elftown, Grandmother Spider being one of the nicest, and has been drawn in a very compromising position by Calico Tiger


Town Herald Webmaster / Advice Columnist

Alathea Houseright

You've probably seen me before. I'm the crazy butterfly chick who is always running around the Herald all hyper and stressed out. And being chased with a butterfly net by the evil [Calico Tiger] and [All_Most Punk]!!Meep!O_o I'm the webmaster for the Herald, and responsible for the overall design and visual layout. So if you don't like the website, then feel free to tell...someone else. about it. Just kidding, you can tell me.;) And yes, I actually give out advice to people.*grins* Okay, I've bored you enough for now..*skips off to get more chocolate*


Town Herald Artist /Horoscoper /Featured Elfwood Artists Organizer

Beannú ~ I am one of the Resident Artists of the Herald, and also write the Horoscopes. I am a 17 year old Irish Wiccan girl now in the horrible city of Atlanta...I waste most of my time in CrystalBlue-feels more like home. I am a Writer an Artist of all three sections of Elfwood, so go anywhere and you'll find me eventually, My Birth name is Kheatheriel and my Wiccan name is Mordigen, and that is what I go by here in Elftown-if you wish to learn more then stroll over to my house there *winks* ~Faroreda Win


Town Herald Reviewer /Mature Arthographer

Laura Skylie Engler
With my head usually somewhere else, I am a (currently) nineteen year old student at Central Michigan University, where I eventually plan to earn a degree in history. In the meantime, though, I busy myself with writing, drawing, and dance. I've been a member of Elfwood for three years now, and one of Elftown since October of 2002. I (obviously) write for it's e-zine, the Town Herald, specializing in the music section, but I'm also a member of the Elftown crew, in charge of Mainstreet Polls and the Daily Art Feature. Other projects include working at my university radio station and being a member of the Vision Theatre Dance Company. Needless to say, I keep myself rather busy! I can be reached at . Comments, questions, and criticisms are very welcome!


Town Herald Reviewer / Featured ElfWood Artists Organizer

Hi there. My name is Kaeirdwyn, but in the mundane world I go by Kristie Baker. I am married and have two children, a boy and a girl. Sound like the perfect picture?? Not!! Try being a novelist and writing until three in the morning when you have a two year old. Try writing in the afternoon when you have a seven year old and FIVE of his friends over! Ok, whew, I am better now. So, uh, you can check out my other works on my Wyvern page. I cannot draw to save my life so there is no other page for me, *grin*. Don't forget to join my fan club. Just ask Delorin or Lerune. They are in charge of the details, *laugh*.

[All_Most Punk]

Town Herald Reviewer

Hi, my name is Patricio or All_Most PUNK (for you citizens of the internet). You probably remember me as the always slightly confused guy from my house in Elftown whose posts always seem to be bad jokes (they actually are)...or the one who writes the horror/fantasy/humorous short stories at the Wyvern's library at Elfwood... or, and this is even more probable, you haven't never heard of me. That's ok. Most people haven't. Even worlwide. I'm not so famous. So here I am, writing reviews for the Herald, in the hopes of becoming more popular. (Actually, I'm here cause I like the idea of the Herald and it seems something worth of my time. I've never cared a lot about being popular). Because I love almost all the expressions of what Cels Piñol calls sub-culture (video games, fantasy, sci-fi, comic-books, TV, movies, music, etc, etc) I'll be making reviews.


Town Herald Head of Art Department/ Keebler Elf

I am [TheRogue]. I am 29 year old half-hispanic writer, poet, musician, singer, comic artist. I am also an avid Airbrush artist, working in a Wal-Mart booth in sunny Florida. I walk a fine line between writing and art, trying to master both. I own my own Graphic Design studio in my house (a 6x4 room, with a 4x4 drawing room converted from a closet...) Phenomenal cosmic power.. itty bitty living space...I find much joy in the community of Elftown, and my work can be seen all over the place if you look at some people's houses, and other areas. I am but one of many great people that make up the crew of The Town Herald.


Town Herald Happy-Trevelling-The-World Faery

Who am I? I have asked myself that question for ages... I go by the name Marie de Bellefeuille, Faëry Mieke is my fantasy name. I have been on this earth for nineteen years, and haven't lived a thing yet! I am free spirited, a traveller of many realms. This is probably why I am the travel columnist of the herald! I am a student, bookworm and chocolate lover…and also a writer! I want to be a journalist when I finish university, but right now, I am travelling the world! I live in Québec, which is in many ways a contemporary example of Asterix's village! And not unlike him, I visit around, from Nicaragua to France, from Morocco to USA! So… just follow me!


Town Herald Reviewer/Contest Organizer/Occasional advice

Marion Z. Skydancer - Chaosian Artist, works in several mediums, Photography, PhotDigitial (C) Paintings, Color Pencil, Graphite, Pen & Ink, Mixed media, stained glass, sculpture, writer, composer, poet and cook.
Born Oct. 19, 1948 in Wilmington, Ohio. Raised in the farmlands and
rolling hills of southern Ohio. Very much connected with the natural
forests, fields and mountains, could not possibly be happy in an urban
Primarily a realist style artist, expressing the unseen weave of the
natural world in a fantasy, native American and Indo-European mythic
genre. A very strong promoter of the community of the arts, and the
sacred expression of all life, and the open, free and sacred
expression of the female spirit, and of man in balance with the Gaian
spirit, as a child of the Earth and relation to all things.
Primarily self taught, his education is mainly in the sciences, and
mythic literature. Most of his techniques, methods, processes and
works are all self adapted, discovered and crafted.
A great believer in technology serving the artist, not dictating to or
seducing people, he builds his own computers, does his own web
programming and builds what he needs, when and as he needs it, or
adapts what he can get his hands on to the task or art project at


Town Herald Floating Reporter

Well, who am I? Well, I'm a seventeen year old nutcase who always takes on more than I can handle. I am an avid reader, writer, role-player and all around nutcase. I first joined the Herald as an advice columnist. Now I merely reside in the Herald offices, putting my two cents in whenever needed, dealing with new Heralder applications and down random articles as I get crazy sparks of imagination. So in other words, I am the Herald's resident Floating Reporter. Yes, well, enough about the Herald and more about me. I am also a major cat lover (I have three and will one day write a major soap opera about the life and times of my cats. How does the "Furry and the Feline" sound?). I am also a very proud Canadian and a very large supporter of Ottawa's cultural experience (I am working on this year's Canada Dance Festival and work at a community center). Wow, I am utterly rambling. I will just go and sit down now. *falls into a large armchair and pulls up her laptop computer, glances over at you* If you will excuse me, I have work to do.


Town Herald Poetry Corner

(No Photo Available)

5'-10'' Brown hair brown eyes. Likes swords and knives. Practice swordsmanship and archery while dabbling in black smithing. Loves art and wishes he could do things like that ><!!!!! Writes poems which he thinks are barely decent but people seem to like them. Dabbles in writing descriptions and maybe a lullaby or short story every now and then. Will do insane things just to be able to spend time with friends watching a good movie *cough* anime *cough* *cough* playing video games with them and just being with those that are considered family.


Town Herald Opinions

(No Photo Available)

She is an art minor in college, and can be found drawing or sketching whenever she isn't either sleeping or on Elftown (which she spends way too much time on). She has earned a reputation of being the local nitpicker when it comes to typos and grammar, but assures the readers that she isn't a grammar Nazi all the time. She is very happy to be working with the Herald staff, and thanks...I mean, scolds...them for corrupting her innocent mind.


Town Herald Elftown Scribe

Hello, I am a twenty three year old regular fella, living in Nigeria. I write thrillers and a bit of high fantasy (although I am trying my hand on a few other things). I see life as a challenge and will try anything at least once. I don't talk much and this is giving me a hard time, so I ma toss my keyboard aside. :)


Town Herald Humor/ Trivia

I work on the Humour section...meaning I write some articles that are somewhat humorous or at least try to be...And also I have just started a trivia section in my bid to take over the world. My theory is that if I fill up people's heads with enough junk, perhaps there will be no more room for thoughts of sensibilities and smartness!

*dons a pirates hat and waves a candy cane madly about in the air*

I am relatively new to the Town Herald and hope to be here for a little while...or a long while :-D *chains self to a chair in the Herald Office...*


Town Herald Assistant Editor


(art by [ NICTE ])
   Mirime is an editor in the Town Herald, assistant to the All-Powerful [ Lerune ]. She has also written several contributions for various Herald issues. In the ideal world, she would be an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Sadly, she is only a rather obsessed WoT fan in this world.
   Mirime has been editing ever since she was little. When everyone else was learning to color between the lines in their coloring book, Mirime was taking a red crayon to the newspaper...
   Currently, she is considering which universities to apply for and frantically trying to make it through her senior year of high school. Wish her luck!


Town Herald Reviewer and Healthy Living

Hello all! Here on Elftown, I write for the Herald in the Healthy Living and Review sections. I also assist [Lerune] with editing. Beware of my purple pen! You can also find me cluttering up the forums and editing my wiki pages like a madwoman! In real life, my name is Amy. In my spare time, I can typically be found with a camera, a book, or my laptop.


Town Herald Webmaster/ Art Corner/ Poetry Corner/ Hopefuls assistant/ Terribly jack-of-all-trades-ish


Heya all, this is [Kaimee] and I help out at the Poetry Corner and the Art Corner where people can submit poetry and art for each theme and get it featured in the herald:) Im also one of the two webmaster-ettes for this thing, so if you have any ideas on how the Herald should look, tell me! I'm a 17 year old Australian college student and I really should spend more time on my school work instead of wandering around Elftown.... but I don't, and I love it here :) I spend a lot of my time organising wiki pages (Everyone go see the anime guild !!) and contests, but I'm actually here for the art ;) I think that's about it then, everyone remember to check out the Poetry and Art Corners!


Town Herald Assistant Webmaster


(No Image)


Hey, well I am 20 year olds, I am a writer, and Uni a student.  I pretend to do lots of work on ET,

but really we all know that I am naturally lazy.



Writes Articles For Opinion


Hey there, this is dil, and I'm a writer for the town herald. I also help with the web design. I love drawing (dilandau's sketchbook), reading and writing poetry (dilandau's poetry). I also love joining and running contests.


[ hanhepi ]

Han, also known as Jes, Jess, Jessie or Jessica, is a happily married 25 year old woman who lives in eastern North Carolina. She has two children (both boys) ages 5 and 2. She is head of both the Interview and Advice departments here at the Herald, and enjoys the power that gives her. Jes can be rude some of the time, but you will never have to doubt what her opinion on something is. Her computer is always having some malfunction it seems, and there are days she desperately wants to put a baseball bat through the monitor. She is also currently having a contest to get a better description of herself and a picture for this Bio, so if you want to give it a shot visit Han's Crew Pic . If you want her Advice on any matter, visit Whoa! You Want My Advice?? and you can see your questions answered in the next exciting edition of the Herald!