Town Herald Trivia

Things you Never Knew You Wanted To Know About Science and Science Fiction

* Did you know that the word "laser" is an acronym? It stands for, L ight A mplification by S timulated E missions of R adiation.

* If you like eating jelly with your fingers, you might want to try this next time! The sound of the lovable alien E.T walking, was made by someone squishing their hands in Jelly!

* The actor who played Chewbacca in Star Wars was over 7 foot tall and given the option to play eith Chewbacca or Darth Vadar.He chose Chewbacca because he wanted to be the good guy.

* More Chewbacca trivia - During filming, Chewbacca actually spoke English when talking to other actors. This was so the conversations would appear more natural, and Chewbacca's trademark growl was dubbed in later.

* In Men In Black, When Jeebs the alien has his head blown off, it grows back again with his crossed eye on the oppisite side to what it was before!

* The hover cars given to Lilo and Nani in Lio and Sticth, make the same noises as the Jetsons hovercars!

* Most of the film E.T, was filmed at the eye level of a child. This was because the main characters were child size, and it allowed viewers to identify with them easily.

This issue's trivia was found at the foloowing sites.

Useless Trivia Facts
A site with a variety of interesting facts, that are both amazing and interetsing but fairly useless!
Credit given to [ Avaz ] who recommended the site to me.

Internet Movie Database (IMDB) - Various Movies

If you think you recognise an actor in a movie, but are not sure where from, then you can use this site to find out! Just type in the name of the movie and it should come up with the list of actors, and by clicking on an actor's name, you can be taken to their list of credits and biographies. There is also movie trivia and other interesting facts.

I apologise for the lack of trivia this month. Science Fiction is not an area I am all that familiar with so I am unsure as to what trivia would interest people! If you love trivia, and have time on your hands and have been a regular Elftowner for some time, maybe you would like to help?
Go to Herald Hopefuls and put in an application with your details!