[Ailwen]'s diary

738612  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6820 days ago)

Okay...Imma back...cookies werent done...but I have to go anyways...at least for now! Byez!! Oo...and look at me pic...its of my friend badassgirl. She put it up. Then go to her page!

738608  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-25
Written: (6820 days ago)

Imma baking cookies for a church thing tonight...It was funny. We were suppose to mix up all the ingredients and junk...I think the brown sugar broke the darn thing...never work again...*ish sad*...Me grams put it to rest about 5 minutes ago. Anywho...Heres a tip for future cookers: Never put brown sugar into the fridge and forget about it. It becomes hard and its not easy to break apart...just put it in the cupboard like normal people...note: Me mums is not normal! She went and put the brown sugar into the fridge...we never use the stuff, so we forgot about it...it got hard...and now its in clumps...not easy to measure with clumpy brown stuff...O.O...scratch that...that sounded wrong....very wrong...brb...cookies

695828  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-11-09
Written: (6897 days ago)

Today was GRD (Grim Reaper Day)... I thought it was fun, but I think most of the students enjoyed it just because they got out of class... I am in SADD so I helped out with it alot... I ran alot, too... When Im told to do something I run really fast... I need to stop that...

 The logged in version 

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