can somebody please let me know if im in the right state of mind, becuase it shure dosent feel that way. my vition is gone, my heart stops every now and then, and nothing feels like its holding itself together any more.reality is a total bitch if you make it that way. i love. i know i can still feel that otherwise i would not tell anyone how i feel. i guse if i think about it every thing will be ok in time. i will definantly try my ass off, to pull it all back together. a state of sublime seems like a nice feeling. how ever it all can cost one every thing they have going for them. well im just glad i stillhave that speacial person by my side, she means a lot to me. and i now know how fast i can loose her. i will never for love of my life, and every thing i hold dear to me fuck up agin. i realise for the second time in my life what it feels like to be a complete fuck up. and if any of you who i call my friends reed this, i just want you gys to know that i can se everything clearly now. i love and always will. to deny myself this love for her is much like suficating.
at times like this its odveous that no matter how hard you try to do the right thing you fuck shit up. that only makes you human, but at times where you contrediced yourself it makes it harder to focus on what is right. you can look inside your self and ask what is really going on, but if you cant really hold on to focus than at times like these its odveus.
wow........My diary sux
Iv been thinking life is made of choices, and a note to myself is dont make the choices tha fuck up your relationships with people,....... like the girl you love , or the dude you consiter your brother.well if this ever gets raed by any one,think abuot it for a minute, it can help you some day
The Grim
I feal kind of wrong ,but i really shouldent . I am single now so that means i can talk to any girl i want. I guse i feal like im untrue to myself. i dont know. man this is some touhg shit......
this world needs to hurry up and end.
welcom. this is 21 centry. no one loves any more, it's all just a big game of lust and sin. i dont wont to be a part of this fucked up worl any more. the only real people just kill them selfs becose they cant deal with the shit that happens to them when some one falls in love. they find nothing but a broken heart. the people who do want to be faithfull and never lie,cheat,or miss lead always find a broken heart.
it's fucked the way the world is. idont want to be a part of it any more.fuck!
heart braeks a bitch.fuck....
my diary is sad and empty.