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Love and Death (new poll!!!!)

Member #179458 created: 2006-07-14 16:47:14Simple URL:   

Name: If your nice I'll tell you


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I will be putting up new pictures in a few days. see you soon. I love you all! your all my fwiends!

[It's better to lose a love than to not love at all]Repost this if you believe it

OK. I'll make you a deal, you can ask me any 5 question and I will answer them truthfully no questions asked. It does not matter how personal they are (exept of course if it's somewhere of the exact place I live aka address) I will answer them.. So come on.. what's your questions?

1. Smoked a cigarette: yes
2. Smoked a cigar: no
3. Snorted coke: does the soda count?
4. Smoked Weed: once
5. Been high: once
6. Had sex: nope
7. Said "I hope you die" to someone: Yes
8. Tried to kill someone: No but thought about it
9. Tried to kill yourself: yes
10. Got in a fist fight: Yes
11. Lied to your parents: Yes
12. Given someone a bruise: yes
13. Ditched someone: yes
14. Freak danced: lol.. yep and it was fun
15. Stole something: yes
16. Cut yourself:yes
17. Skipped school: nope
18. Hung up on someone: yes
19. Threw up at school: yes
20. Done someone else's make-up: yes
21. Kissed someone of the same sex: yes
22. Had a burping contest: yes
23. Snuck out: Yes
24. Been to a school dance: yes
25. Thought your teacher was hot: Yes, 6th grade, my assistant band teacher.

[ The new and improved things a guy needs to know: ]
1. a woman's mind is very different from a guys, we tend to notice that on the first immpersion.
2.women are very sensitive and if you put us down we tend to think you don't care even if you are joking it makes us think what made you say that.
3.women can be perverted ten times better than a guy... you could learn a thing or two from us.
4.when we say we love you we mean it... except for sluts and gold diggers they only want what they are after for.
5.don't force us to do anything that you or us will regret later in life cause it messes us up bad inside our minds.
6.when we cry just hold us all we need is comfort.
7.when we are pmsing you either run or prepare for doom unless you can handle us then you are lucky.
8.we do care about you but we hate it when you don't believe us
9.when we are cold don't just give us your coat be with us with coat around you and the woman.
10.don't ignore us we REALLY hate that it drives us crazy.
11.when we do something stupid don't point it out we know we did and we don't need you to announce it to the world.
12.we do not like it when you try to control us it could really put a damper on our parade.
13.if we have mood swings understand that we are either pmsing or we have mood swings we don't fake our feelings.
14.sometimes we need to know if you handle a situation on your own or with us.
15.when we feel like being dirty you WILL know trust us we know what you like its not all that hard to figure out.
16.when we say "does this make my butt look big"we expect you to say something sweet even if you say yes it does but i like it on you anyways.
17.we don't mind watching you trying to do something and you mess up because then we have something to support you on we are of course cheerleaders. matter how many times you tell us not worry we do anyways we are of course the biggest worry worts on the planet.
19.when we want to dance but you don't know how to its ok just stand there and hold us and swing lightly side to side and if you get boner just whisper it in our ears so that way we could help you hide it so that way you don't embarrass yourself and us.
20.ask for directions or we will tell you to pull the car over and we will find someone to get directions from.
21.when you are not around we eat alot we just don't want you to see it.
22.we do get jealous sometimes but other than that you could look, you could be friends with them,you can hang out with them,but you sure as hell will not kiss,touch,or have sex with them that will get you and her killed.
23.women like to have homosexual,transsexuals,bisexual,hetrosexual around them it doesn't matter we love them all the same and if you don't like it don't try to change it that will get you in trouble with us.
24.when we run away we expect you to chase after us because then we know you really do love us but we will tell you if we want to be alone but even then tell us no.
25.when we need privacy don't think that we are doing something that you think would turn you on because half the time we are watching chick flicks or making our selves look pretty for you.
26.we would like it if you would watch a chick flick with us besides we don't have to watch all of the movie you know.
27.its alright to cry in front of us it lets us know that you have feelings too all we want is to make you happy.
28.don't always buy everything let us help out because if you buy everything we want or when you and the woman goes out we will think that you are trying to buy our love.
29.we have secrets that we don't you want you to know quite yet.
30.we want you to love and understand us but you have to learn that some of our feelings have been mangled with past relationship with jerks and it will be hard for us to be happy or open up to you just give us time and then everything will be ok
31.if you want sex and we say no then take it seriously NO MEANS NO don't argue!
repost this in your diary or your house
for girls it must say [ the new and improved what guys need to know list ]
for guys [ what we all need to know about women ] message me if you would like to add something ok.

Age: 18Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 5Day of birth: 16

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 32°41.868'N 99°20.070'W

Place of living: USA-Texas

Town: you don't need to know

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglish

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
chatemailsystem administration
web design


Other interests
catschasing the preferred sexpoetry

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

Height: 152

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