[JohnyG]'s diary

1138440  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-07-03
Written: (4703 days ago)

I've been thinking, for a while now...

I' can speak two languages perfectly, and now a little bit of four more.
And it one day occurred to me one day, what is the one thing that all languages have in common, first one is obvious, it's communication, but the second thing is, emotion, because all words are in the end representation of different emotional states, witch in turn represent ideas and pictures in our minds.

just think about it, kuroi, crno, nero, black. If you put that word in your head and represent it in your mind it will be black (for most people ad least), and what is the most resistant thought ?

Idea, once you have it it is really difficult to erase. The whole advertising industry knows it, that's why commercials aren't just simple messages like: buy our vacuum cleaner ! ( Protect your family, do something for your kids, our technology is the best thing you can afford.).

Notice it also plays at guilt factor, guilt is also an emotion...

What does it all mean ?
It's simple, emotion is one of the first things we humans possessed, and it's even now the most influential thing in our lives, If you strive to be a good writer, you simply incorporate vivid emotional images in your work's, and use ideas to connect those emotions to the real world, witch surrounds us all.

If you wish to move masses, use the most common emotion within that mass, and connect it to your ideas, this makes people think about you as a leader every time the idea is represented, using an anthem, symbol, or something third.

emotion + idea = communication, ti can be good, or it can be bad, depending on how you use it.

only hing that is left out is experience, but when you think about it, it's also connected to your emotions.

We all experience the world around us differently, that difference, is an difference in potential, witch in turn gives power to those who see more than the rest of us, we all have similar opportunities, but most of us don't see them, because the world o round us is too noisy, and our emotions amplify whatever idea is the most prominent within us.

I mean, some are born with an better background, and some are not, but as long there are people o round us, we can move them, and they can lift us, and be our wings.

so remember, if you want the world to work for you...

emotion, represented by idea gives rise to thought witch changes our perception so we can see more than the rest, and the res of the world will give us the strength to get of the ground and build our dreams.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, as I have writing it, feel free to leave some comments, but please think rationally !

1138237  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-29
Written: (4707 days ago)

sutra cu napokon vidjeti pocetak raspleta ovoe situacije, idem na konzultacie, pa mogu saznat kako se ovo moze razrijesiti, ako ovo propadne uzet cu prvi dostupan posao i upisat lingvistički fax, barem je to nesto sto ce me zanimati ovaj put...

1137656  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-06-19
Written: (4717 days ago)

ok... opet sam na rubu, sve ovisi o jednom predmetu... Fizika 2, sve sam u stanju rijesiti, ali taj jedan mi o svemu odlucuje... ako ga oknem ona baj baj sve.

ustvari plan je da dođem na ispit, pisem ga, prođem, i zamolim da mi da rok u devetom mjesecu, ili da na neku foru dođem kod dobrinića odgovarat, pa ce me on pustit, el teh imam 3 samo da mi upise i fiz 1 trebam doc na ispit uskro, a prog za 09 ostavljam.

i u 07 mjesecu krecem radit u Basku iznajmljivat lezaljke :D, samo da prođem fiziku, i prog i na konju sam za ovu godinu.

1119806  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-07-19
Written: (5051 days ago)

Ok ajmo se malo pravit pametni :D, uglavnom ovako stvari stoje. ovu godinu nisam isao radit u basku. skuzio sam da je dobro imat ovakav jedan dnevnik, ali lose je nemati origiralne stvari za upisat,

pa da vidimo, imam plan za ovu godinu necu se nigdje zaposljavat nego cu ostat tu u rijeci, pa da vidim sto ce se desit... mozda bi trebao bit picajol :D

sjebao sam dosta situaciju na filozofskom cini mi se da uviđam obrazac u svojoj povjesti. uletim u nesto di uopce se ne trudim i onda se pravim pametn kao da sam zno sto ce se dogoditi... ne ulazem truda.. pa hvala ti boze da ce sve ic u kurac.

a vidi me sad 1 je ujutro a meni se neda nis radit nego ovo cudo pisem
eee kupio sam si maketu aviona za sklepat i obecao sam si da kad ju zavrsim da cu sve bacit u faks 100 posto, da cu se pocet trudit ali sam ju totalno zaboravio(maketu) pobrisao sam kristinin mob iz memorije odtada su mi se lljepse stvari pocele desavati

925176  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-31
Written: (6258 days ago)

lol you actaly thought you will find somtin here :)

If youre so courious, ask and I will answer...

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