[shadowic]'s diary

770136  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-28
Written: (6628 days ago)

001. How many keys are on your keychain? 1

002. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis? None O.o

003. Is your AIM away message on? Nope

004. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cookie Dough!!!
005. What curse word do you use the most? Damn

006.Whats high school did you go to? Mandarin

007. Who on your Myspace "Top 8" do you talk to the most? Gerri and Brie

008. What time is your alarm clock set for? 5:45

009. Have you ever bid for something on ebay? My soul O.o..

010. Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside? No my feet cant handle that ;_;

011. Where do you buy your groceries from? Winn-dixme and Publix

012. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture..dont like strange people taking pics of me..if its friends then its fine...

013. What was the last movie you watched? Ultraviolet

014. Do any of your friends have children? Uhmmm dun think so

015. If you won the lottery, whats the first thing you would buy? Whatever my family or friends needed

016. Has anyone ever called you lazy? Psshh << yea

017. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? Sometimes

018. What CD is currently in your CD player? None i dont have a working CD player XD

019. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Niether..lactose intolerant X_x

020. Has anyone told you a secret this week? Not that i remember

021. When was the last time someone hit on you? errr dunno..O.o

023. Do you wear hoodies often? yea

024. What color is your car? Transparent..o.o

025. Can you whistle? Yush

026. What is your favorite Christmas/winter movie? I hate xmas movies..

027. Do you make your own jewelry? O.o no

028. Have you ever participated in a protest? eh..possibly..i dun remember o.O

030. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? I like the one..where you like...get food..and sit down...and eat the goodness XD

031. Are you happy with your "love life"? what love life O.o

032. Have you ever dated one of your best friends? Nope

033. What area code are you in right now? Uhm...904..<< yea

035. How big is your local mall? O.o big enough that i dont want to walk all the way around it

036. What is your job title? Retard ;\

037. How many siblings do you have? 1

038. Would you ever sky dive? nah bungee jumping is more my thing

039. What are you allergic to? many things..dust...pollen...fleas O.o

040. What is your biggest regret? Befriending those i shouldn't have

041. Have you ever had Jamba Juice? O.o....

042. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? Uhhmm...its been awhile..

043. What movies do you know every line to? Ace Ventura: Nature Calls and Spaceballs XD

044. Do you own any band t-shirts? Yush

045. How much did you pay for it (them)? $30 for one..$45ish for another..$12 for the other 3

046. How many aunts and uncles do you have? alot..O.o

047. When was your last plane ride? Never

048. Do you crack your knuckles? *crraaAAAccCKKK* no of course not >>

049. How many chairs are at your dining room table? We dont have a dining room table..or chairs...we have a random counter with 3 stools O.o

050. What is your favorite salad dressing? Italian

051. Do you read for fun? Yeah

052. Can you speak any languages other than english? Not fluently XD

053. Where is your cell phone? In my pants..call me ;) tzzztt..ahem...>> no really its next to me..on the desk...>>

054. Do you do your own dishes? I wish..X__x

055. What color is your room painted? White..X__x..

056. Are your parents divorced? No never were married ...so i guess seperated..broken up..somethin

057. Have you ever cried in public? yea

058. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Desktop thingy

059. Which do you make: wishes or plans? both..wishes for my plans to work XD

060. Are you always trying to learn new things? Depending on what i want to learn

061. What messenger programs do you have? yahoo and msn along with aol

062. Do you shower on a daily basis? sometimes..usually every other day..

063. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? yep

064. Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date? Both should

065. Can you skip rocks? nope

067. Have you ever been to Jamaica? nope too hot

068. What do you like to snack on at the movie theatre? Usually nothing..but something sugary ish good..or nachos >>

069. Who was your favorite teacher? Coach McCarter ^_^ he was awesome

070. Have you ever dated someone out of your race? No..havent dated at all

071. What is the weather like? Cool cloudy or partly cloudy with a nice breeze..

072. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? If they had a truly good personality and such then yes

073. Do you have an online journal? Yea

074. Did you ever play Capture the Flag in school? O.o'

075. What was your favorite class in high school? Psychology

076. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Side..curled up in a little ball...XD

077. What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite prefered sex? Honest and open minded

078. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? dun think so

079. When was the last time you slept on the floor? eh...*ponders*

080. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Mikes hard ice lemonade

081. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? probably Raymond or somthing..O.o'

082. Do you like your living arrangement? Its alright..

083. Has anyone ever called you spoiled?No

084. What are your mother's and father's hometowns? Dad was from somewhere in Georgia..mom is from Jacksonville, fl

085. Did you ever go to the same school as your parents? Nope

086. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? At least 8ish...but i have to have time to wake up ..o.o

087. How much is gas around you right now? ehh...dun remember..2.40ish i think

088. What was the last thing that scared you? Dont remember

089. Do you own a playstation? Yush

090. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? once so far

093. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3 i think

094. Are your days full and fast-paced? sometimes X__x

095. Do you ever get in trouble for talking in class? No

096. Is there carpet, wood or tile in the room you're currently in? Carpet

097. Were you a "planned" child? Nope i was an "Oops, Oh shit!" baby

098. What is your mom's name? Melanie

099. What is your dad's name? Sonny

100. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 18..legal woo!!!

755815  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-28
Written: (6656 days ago)
751518  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-20
Written: (6664 days ago)

About your PAST
When were you born?: September 2, 1988 
Where were you born?: Jacksonville, FL 
What was your first word?: i dont know.. 
What was the first thing you remember wanting to be when you grew up?: palentologist..o.O.. 
At what age did you start Kindergarten?: 5 or 6...started late 
How old were you when you got your first kiss [if you didn't yet put n/a]: n/a 
What is the most embarrasing thing that's ever happened to you?: uhm..i dont know..i dont get embarrassed too easy...not in the mood to think back anyways 
What was your first pets name? [If you've never had a pet put n/a]: uhmm...Chia 
Who was your first best friend?: Betsy 
When did you loose your first tooth?: sometime in the first grade 
Have you ever made the honor roll in school?: once...AB and straight A's..i was smart back then..XD 
Have you ever been to a funeral?: no 
Can you nremember your first nightmare? What was it?: O.o no.. 
Have you ever sleep walked?: yep... 
Have you ever smoked cigarettes or anything else?: nope 
Have you ever drank alcohol? [before you were 21?]: yea 
What is your scariest memory?: i dont want to divulge that information... 
What is your best memory?: coming to highschool and finally having friends for the first time 
Where is your favorite vacation spot that you have been to?: no where..my family picks horrible vacation spots... 
When did you get your first computer? [How old were you?]: meh...13..14..i dunno... 
At what age did you get your first boyfriend/girlfriend?: havent gotten there yet.. 
What was your favorite color when you were growing up?: ive always been fond of midnight blue..then it went to black..<< 
Did you used to play with Barbies or other toys in the bathtub?: i dont remember..i know i didnt own barbies though << 
Did you ever have your tonsils taken out?: nope 
Did you ever have stiches?: nope 
Did you ever get in a fight?: yes 
Did you ever get suspended from school?: nope 
Did you/do you ride the school bus?: didnt start riding the bus till the 8th grade 
What do you wish you could change about your past?: alot of things... 
About your PRESENT [MotherSOUND]
What are you wearing?: sicko...jeans..some random black tshirt and a hoody 
What are you listening to on the radio/cd?: Midnight Rider - The Allman Brothers 
Are you alone in the room?: yes 
Are you alone in the house?: unfortunatly not.. 
What's your favorite scary movie? [lol]: wtf is up with the giant lol?...anywho..uhm..hmm..i have no clue.. 
What's your favorite comedy movie?: Spaceballs 
What color is your hair?: blackish... 
What color are your eyes?: brown.. 
Do you have any peircings or tatoos?: yes..just my ears...for now...the rest is soon to come 
Do you have any birthmarks?: yes on my hip somewhere 
What is your favorite song?: at the moment..If Everyone Cared - Nickelback 
Who is your favorite band or singer[s]?: Nickelback,Shinedown,Pink Floyd...just to name a few.. 
As of today, how many concerts have you been to?: eh..4..i think.. 
Do you remember New Kids on the Block?: yes 
Do you still watch Full House? [I DO!]: no..never watched it 
Do you have any of the Dawson's Creek DVD's? [I dont need you]: hell no 
Do you have any pets?: yes 
Are you in high school, college, Out of school, Middle, elementary?: Highschool 
Are you bored with this survey yet?: meh.. 
Are you missing Roseanne because your taking this survey? [i am]: no 
What do you want to be when you grow up?: myself... 
Are you in a relationship?: no 
Are you happy with how your life is going?: not really.. 
Do you like storms?: yes 
What is the last movie you have seen in the theatre?: Underworld Evolution and Final Destination 3..saw them back to back.. 
Do you live with your parents?: yes 
Do you live in Pennsylvania? [I dont need you]: no.. 
Do you live in the US?: yes 
About your FUTURE
Where do you want to die?: somewhere quite and peaceful... 
What do you hope your life will be like?: simple.. 
Do you want to get married and have kids? [If you don't already have it]: no 
What is your biggest goal?: to be happy 
Do you think this world can ever live together and be HAPPY?: not unless the entire human race was erraticated from this earth.. 
Who do you want to be with on your dying day?: someone close to me 
If you could meet one person dead or alive one day, who would you pick?: i dunno.. 
Why did you pick that above person?: .... 
What do you want to name your kids? [If you have them, whats their names?]: i dont want kids.. 
Where do you wish to go on vacation someday?: alaska 
[morbid question] Do you want to be buried or cremated or something else?: both 
One more: Do you regret anything in your life and what?: letting the wrong people into my heart.. 

747472  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-02-12
Written: (6672 days ago)

1000 Words

I know that you lied to me
Using gentle words to shelter me
Your words are like a dream
But dreams could never fool me
It's not right to me

I'm acted so distant then
Turned my back as you walked away
But I was listening
That you fight your battles far from me
It's not right to me

"Don't you worry 'cause I'll come back"
I could hear you speaking as you walked to the door
I acted strong
To hide the pain
When I turn back the pages
Crying might have been the answer
What if I shed my tears then begged you not to leave
But now I'm not afraid
To do what's in my heart

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
So far out there
I'm sending them to you where ever you are
Suspended on shining wings

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
They'll cradle you
Making all of your pain seem so far away
And hold you forever

That dream isn't over yet
I pretend and say "I can forget"
I still live in my day
You've been there with me all the way
It's not right of me

"Don't you worry 'cause I'll write to you"
I could see you speaking as you look away
I acted strong
To hide the love when I turn back the pages
Anger might have been the answer
What if I shook my head and said that I can't wait
But now I'm not afraid
To do what's in my heart

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
So far away
I'm sending this to you where ever you are
Suspended on shining wings

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
They'll cradle you
Making all of your pain seem so far away
And hold you forever

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
La la la la...
I'm sending this to you where ever you are
Suspended on shining wings

Those thousand words
Have never been spoken
La la la la...
Making all of those years feel like only days
La la la la...

697864  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-13
Written: (6763 days ago)

What time are you starting this? 8:36PM

Name? Kristin  

Nicknames? Shadowic, Shad, Jane,Trunks, Morbina, Nibbles..uhh think that's it

Date of Birth? 9/2/88

Sex? Female..i think..*checks* yea <.<

Height? 5'2 chibeh!

Eye Color? Brown

Where were you born? Jacksonville, Fl

Number of candles on your last birthday cake? Oh damn..i dont even remember the last time i had a b-day cake..might have been 5 or 6..O.o'

Pets? Yush, my dog Jack, and my snake Checkers

Hair Color? At the moment black

Piercings? Ears..for now

Town you live in? Jacksonville, Fl

Fav foods? Uh mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Seafood...good ole southern delights..XD

Ever been to Africa? Nope and i dont care too..too friggan hot..><

Been toilet papering? Not that i remember

Love someone so much it made you cry? nope

Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons

Been in a car accident? Yes..few minor ones

Fav day of the week? Friday

Fav Restaurant? Clark's Fishcamp..*drools*  

Fav Flower? Rose

Fav sport to watch? Dont like to watch sports

Fav drink? Tea or MD  

Favorite ice cream flavor? Dont like ice cream

Warner Bros. or Disney? Warner Bros

Favorite fast food restaurant? hmmm Taco Bell or Sonic

Carpet color in your bedroom? err beigeish tanish...

How many times did you fail your driver's test? None

Whom did you get your last email from? err i dunno..*checks* my gma

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Spencer's XD

What do you do most often when you are bored? uhh..spin around in circles in my chair while singing horridly off tune with random music

Most annoying thing to say to me? err..i dunno..you tell me

Bedtime? Whenever i feel tired or around 10ish if i have to get up early

Favorite TV show? CSI when i watch tv..quite rare

Last person you went out to dinner with? damn..now i gotta remember the last time i went out to eat...uhhhhmm..*ponders* i think i was with my dad,gma, and my brother to Clark's for my gma;s bday...i think....

Been out of country? Not yet..

Believe in magick? if you are talking about spiritual energies then yes

Ford or Chevy? Chevy all the way

What are you listening to right now? Stand My Ground - Within Temptation...darn you Fae got me addicted to random bands now! *shakes fist* XP

Have you ever failed a grade? nope

If you have, what grade did you fail? i hate these questions..

Do you have a crust on someone? nope

Do you have a bf/gf? nope

If so, what is their name? damn youre nosey

What are you wearing right now? Planetfest 5 tshirt and jeans

Would you have sex before marriage? Yes considering i dont believe in marriage..

Have you ever had a crush on any of your teacher? nope

Are you a virgin? yuppers

Do you smoke? Nope

Do you drink? On occasions

Are you ghetto? fo sho dawg *grabs crotch* <.<..hehe

Are you a player? a player of video games yes...XD

What are you favorite colors? Black, silver, grey, dark blue..

What is your fav animal? Dragon <.<...Tiger if you wanna be realistic XD

Do you have any birthmarks? Yes..one on my hip and another on my neck

Have you ever gotten you ass kicked? Literally yes..but not in the context you are asking

Who do you talk to most on the phone? I dunno dont talk on the phone much

Have you ever been slapped? yes many times ^_^'

Do you get online alot? yes i have no life...

Are you shy or outgoing? Shy mostly unless im around friends then im more outgoing

Do you shower? yes

Do you hate school? to an extent...

Do you have a social life? somewhat..

How easily do you trust people? Not so easily

Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? yes im a man...hehe XD no..uhm..dont think so

Would you ever sky dive? No..knowing me id pull the wrong thing and get tangled and smash into a tree

Do you like to dance? Im white....

Have you ever been out of state? Yup

Do you like to travel? Depends on where and with who

Have you ever been expelled from school? nope

Have you ever been suspended from school? nope

Do you want to get out of your hometown? hell yes..

Are you spoiled? nope

Are you a brat? nope

Have you ever been dumped? nope

Have you ever gotten high? hehe yes..but on accident..

Do you like snapple? eww no

Do you drink a lot of water? yush..gallons a day

What toothpaste do you use? uhh i dunno..whatever is cheap and minty

Do you have a cell phone? yea..doesn't work though...

Do you have a curfew? yea..12..sometimes..

Who do you look up to? lots of people...too many tall peoples..><

Are you a role model? No i think that would be a bad thing..heh

Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? No and i dont want to

Have name brand do you wear the most? uhm..i dunno dont go by brands...probably Levi..got a lot of jeans..

What kind of jewelry do you wear? Earrings, watch and some occaisonal braclets and a ring

What do you want pierced? My tongue and my eybrow

Do you like taking pictures? Yup

Do you like getting you picture taken? Not usually..if its a good friend being random or something then i dont mind as much

Do you have a tan? Er..no not really...my arms are slightly tanish..well my lower arms are..O.o

Do you get annoyed easily? No..unless im around children or my brother..X_X

Have you ever started a rumor? Why would i waste my time spreading a lie when spreading the truth is so much more better...

Do you have your own phone or phone line? Nope

Do you have your own pool? nope..

Do you prefer boxers or briefs? boxers

Do you have any siblings? Yes..unfortunatly

Have you ever been played? Nope

Have you ever played anyone? Nope

Do you get along with your parents? most of the time

How do you vent your anger? Usually i keep it all locked up until i can tell someone,and if im in the mood ill write or draw...but if im really pissed ill go around punching walls and things..

Have you ever ran away? Been close to it..

Have you ever been fired from a job? No i quit before they could do that XD

Do you even have a job? Not at the moment..

Do you daydream alot? *stares off into space...snaps out of trance* oh im sorry what were you saying? XD

Do you have a lot of ex's? I have the record low for my agegroup...0..mwuaha

Do you run your mouth? Nope

What do you want a tattoo of? A dragon,tiger and my snake

What do you have a tattoo of? nothing

What does your ex bf/gf look like? I'll tell ya when i get one

What does your most recent crust look like? Dont have a crust

Whats her/his name? .....

Have you even been bitched out? Many times

Are you rude? No..maybe to the formal high class people...

What was the last compliment you recieved? Hell if i remember

Do you like getting dirty? Doesn't bother me one bit..

Are you flexiable? hell no...can barely bend over without going "Oh my back! Gah knees..jammed..up...gahh" before tipping over..

What is your heritage? Blackfoot,Cherokee,Welsh

What is your lucky number? 28 i suppose

What does your hair look like right now? Just there..probably a little messy seeing as i just woke up..

Could you ever be a vegetarian? Noooo!! e_e i lurve muh meat...

Describe your looks? short...brown eyes, naturally brown hair but black now..uhh..fugleh..XP

If you had to completely dye your hair itd be what color? Well ive already done and gone that, was red..now black..might try blue or purple or something odd next..

Would you ever date someone younger than you? If they were mature enough..but highly unlikely...prefer them a bit older...

Would you ever date someone older than you? Yea

When was the last time you were drunk? I dont get drunk...i get buzzed and then sail through the night with my bag of chips..XD

How many rings until you answer the phone? As many as it takes me to get to the phone..

Have you ever been skinny dipping? No i prefer to spare the world their retinas..

If yes, when was the last time? ......

When was the last time you went on a date? Never...

Do you look more like your mother or father? Father

Do you cry alot? Nope

Do you ever cry to get your way? Nope

What phrase do you use the most when on the phone? Damn....i suppose dont remember

Are you the romantic type? Dont think so...

Have you ever been chased by the cops? Nope

What do you like most about your body? Uhm..i dunno...my eyes i guess..

What do you like least about your body? Im fine with everything...

When did you have your first crush? Dont think i ever did..

When was the last time you threw up? Oh..uhmm..few years ago i think..

In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? Brunettes

Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly? No..

What about cleavage? Definatly not..

Is your best friend a virgin? One of them is..<.<...

Have you ever fucked someone up? No o.O...

What theme does your room have? Randomness...i suppose..

What size shoe do you wear? 5ish...

Whats your screen name on AIM? Mystikrain88

How are you feeling right now? Sick..kinda tired...thirsty...

When was the last time you were at a party? Im always at a party seeing as my dad throws them all the time..

Have you ever given a lapdance? Nope

Have you ever received one? Im sure i have from some random person..

Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? Meh probably...dont really care though

What is one of your bad qualities? Im highly paranoid and protective

What is one of your good qualities? Ill be there for my friends for whatever they need..i wont leave ill stick by their side...

Would you marry for money? No

What do you drive? Nothing now...

Are you more of a mommys or a daddys child? I guess im a daddys girl


Well? well what...

When was the last time you cried in school? Uhm..i think it was my freshman year when i had my breakdown

Would you ever hook up with the same sex? Nope

What kind of music do you like? Rock,Celtic,Techno,Country,Meditative,Classical...

Would you ever bungee jump? When and where..hehehe XD

What is your worst fear? Loosing everyone i care about and being alone...

Would you ever join the army? Nope

Do you like cows? mmmm cow....XD

If you were to die today,what would you do? Id gather everyone i care about and tell them goodbye and have one final good time together...

If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....gotta make someone smile..

Do you like to party? A little..

Hearts or broken hearts? Hearts

Moons or stars? Moons

Coke or Pepsi? eww..

Favorite scent? Rain

Favorite band? I have too many to choose a favorite..

Would you ever dye your hair red? Already have XD

How many languages can you speak? None fluently...i know bits and pieces of many languages though...

What time are you finishing this? 8:17AM

696948  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-11
Written: (6765 days ago)

Pictures of the past

Me when i was a baby

My parents and i

 blackmail picture of my aunt..XD

my mom back in the day

my nana and a tiger cub

yea got really bored and decided to post some pics up..enjoy

689974  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-30
Written: (6777 days ago)
Next in thread: 697609

 More useless info about teh Shad

1. Initials:

2. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
George Rosen-something or other..used to be a neighbor..
3. Where was your first kiss?
No where yet..never had a first..
4. For or against same sex marriage?
im all for it..doesnt hurt anything

5. Are you homophobic?

6. Are you bisexual?
No but its a common mistake...

7. Do you believe in God?
8. How many U.S states have you been to?
1..how sad eh..

9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in?
1..that shall change soon though

10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S?

11. Name something you like physically about yourself:
Hell if i know..i dont pay attention half the time...

12. Name something non-physical you like about yourself:
My sense of humor i suppose

13. who ismike jones?
Mike Jones is Mike Jones..

14. What is your dream car?:
 hmm...a black 77 Corvette or a 93 silverado
15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
here we go with the long list...Alaska,Ireland,Wales (zee home land!), Scottland,England,Portugal,Australia,Japan,China,New Zealand..uhh i think thats it...

16. Have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house?:
 Yes..quite often...
  17. 17 kinda poofled
18. Do you download music?

19. How many illegal things have you done?
 pssh hell if i know

20. Where would you want to go on a first date?
 Depends on what we both like
21. Would you date the person who posted this before you?:
 I got this off of a friends journal...so no...shes taken anyways..XP
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?:

23. Ever been kissed under fireworks?:

24. Do you like president Bush?:
I could really care less about the government..all it does is corrupt things...at least he actually represents the people..cause the people in this country are bloody morons 

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?:
not yet..

26. Have you ever white-water rafted?:
No..im terrifide of water

27. has n e one 10 yrs or older than u ever hit on u?:
Im not worth hitting on..

29. Have you met a real redneck?:
Im related to them..

31. What song are you listening to right now?:
Ringfinger - NIN

32. What is your current favorite song?:
dont have a particular fav...

33. What was the last movie you watched?:
hmm...oh yea...Rocky Horror Picture Show

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?:
hmm..emilys house to pick her up

36. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property?
uhmm..dont think so..

37. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?:
Yea plenty of times

39. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?:
eyes and personality

40. What really turns you on?
Ill let you know when i find out...

41. What do you usually order from starbucks?:
only been there once..but the last time i was there i got a caramel machiatto...pretty damned good

44. Say something totally random about yourself:
o.O..uhh...i think my toe is seriously injured cause it hurts like a BIATCH!

45. Do you have an i-pod?:
No..id probably end up breakin that little thing..

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?:
Had a few people say i looked like Hillary Swank,Avril Lavrigne...and someone else but i forgot..

48. Do you have braces?:
no..if someone even got that close to sticking something in my mouth they'd have fingers missing

49. Are you comfortable with your height?
yea...cept for when i have to reach for things up high..><

51. When do you know its love?
Dont ask me..i wouldnt know..
52. Do you speak any other languages besides English?:
I can understand and speak basic Spanish, I want to learn German.

53. What kind of alcohol do you enjoy while out?:
I dont drink much..but when i do usually Mikes Hard Ice Lemonade or Smirnoff..Yeungling aint too bad either..

54. What magazines do you read?:
I dont read magazines

55. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?

57. Do you watch MTV?
Nope..only have 4 channels..5 if the weather is right...
58. What's something that really annoys you?
there are so many things...i guess all these religious idiots who go around preaching their shit is right and critisizes everyone else and their beliefs and tries to push theirs on them...irritates the hell outa me.
59. What's something you really like?
Tea...tea is good..

60. Do you like Michael Jackson?
 Depends on your definition of like..

61. Can you dance?
Overly Caucasion: Do Not Place on Dance Floor

62. Have you ever surfed?
No terrified of water...
63. Do you know how to pump gas?
 what kinda dumb ass question is that..

64. Do you drive?
i wouldnt really call it driving..more like swerving and crashing..

65. What's the latest you have ever stayed out?
2:30ish i think...

66. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
Nope..at least i dont think so..

67. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
No i come from a family of rednecks...duct tape,paper towels and some antibacterial cream fixes everything..

68. Have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do?
Probably...but it doesnt mean i did it..im too stubborn..

69. Did you enjoy this survey?
Not really..but it gave me something to do with my uselesss time...

674552  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-10-01
Written: (6806 days ago)

A 103 Question Survey
Full FIRST name:: Kristin 
Nick name you are most commonly called:: Shad i guess... 
Nick name you like to be called:: dont care.. 
An odd nick name that you've been called:: Nibbles... 
Favorite Color/Grey Scale:: Black 
This or that
Black or Red?: black 
Black or Pink?: black 
Red or Pink?: red 
Black or White?: black 
Black or Grey?: black 
Black or Sivler?: black 
Red or Silver?: red 
Black or Gold?: black 
Red or Gold?: red 
Did you believe in Santa when you were a kid?: yea not for long though 
Do you still believe in Santa?: no 
If not, at what age would you say it lost it's magic?: 6 or 7 probably 
Do you prefer chatting online or on the phone?: whichever is fine 
Do you prefer chatting in person or online?: depends on the person 
Do you prefer chatting in person or on the phone?: depends once again...really wouldnt make a difference 
Why did you decide to take this survey?: cause its 7:16am my allergies are acting up..im irritated..and most of all bored... 
Do you prefer orange or green?: green 
Do you prefer red or green?: red 
Do you live in a house or an apartment?: house 
Apartment Q: How many rooms? / House Q: How many stories does it have?: one 
Do you have dsl/ dial up/ other?: dial up.. 
What kind of computer[System] do you use?(Mac,Windows 2000,Windows XP etc.): windows 
Have u ever met someone n prsn u met online 4rm the otherside of the World?: nope 
If so, were they male or female?: ... 
[contin. same question] What did you think of them?: .... 
[contin. same question] How old were they?: ... 
In general, would you really recamend meeting someone from online?: not unless you are absolutly sure they are who they say the are... 
How old are you?: 17 
What country (not state...) are you from?: US 
Are you in your home right now?: yes 
Do you prefer blue or pink?: blue 
[attraction wise] Do you prefer men or women?: men 
Do you have any tatoos?: not yet.. 
If so how many?: ... 
Do you have any body pearcings?: yup 
If so how many?: two 
Do you use any blog sites/ journal sites?: yes 
If so what blog sites/ journal sites?: aol...used to use livejournal but i forgot the password..o.o; 
Do you have your own website [that you created yourself, aside from blogs]?: no..i tried once and confused myself 
Would you consider yourself political?: nope 
Where do you stand politically?: no where ..i could care less 
What school grade are you in for this year?(5th, Soph. in HS, Soph. In C): 11th 
What is your eye color?: brown 
What is your natural hair color?: brown 
What color is your hair right now?: brown with a random red spot.. 
Have you ever had a boy friend/ Girl friend?: nope 
If so, which one? Bf or Gf?: ... 
Have you ever been asked out on a date?: nope 
If so, did you except or decline?: ... 
Have you ever been asked (to be a gf or bf) and declined?: no.. 
If so, why?: ... 
What is your marital status right now?: pathetically single 
Do you consider yourself to be a: O.o' 
If so, why?: ... 
Do you flirt with multiple people?: nope.. 
If so, why?: ... 
Do you think it's okay to flirt with other people even if you're taken?: no 
If so, why?: cause it makes you seem you dont care about the person that your with and that you are still free for the taking for other people.. 
Do you think it's okay to make out with someone else even if you're taken?: no.. 
If so, why?: cheating.. 
Do you think it's okay to be dating more than one person at the same time?: no 
If so, why?: cause its wrong for the people you are dating and if you have to be that low to date two people then that is sad.. 
Do you think it's okay for someone to have an: pleas finish your sentences before asking...stupid survey person 
If so, why?: ... 
What do you think of marraige?: its pointless 
If you're not already married, do you think you want to get married?: no.. 
If so, to a man or woman? [forget about what's legal for this question]: .... 
What kinds of colors are in your wordrobe?(Lights,Darks,Brights,Whites etc): darks.. 
Do you feel labeled by other people?: yea...but thats cause people are idiots and have to label others 
If so, what kind(s) of labels do you feel people give/ have given you?: lets see...goth...gay...insane....etc.. 
% wise, tell me how much YOU would say you are this or that Ex:'A baby: 1%
Popular:: 0% 
A Prep:: 0% 
A Punk:: 0% 
Emo:: 0% 
A Goth:: 0% 
A Nerd:: 0% 
A Jock:: 0% 
A 'Player':: 0% 
A Flirt (besides with bf/gf):: 0% 
An Outcast:: 50% 
Unpopular:: 95% 
Worried about your appearance:: 0% 
Worried about how you sound when you say things:: 0% 
A Slut:: 0% 
An animal lover:: 100% 
A Gangsta:: 0% 
A Thug:: 0% 
Ghetto:: 0% 
Helpful:: 90% 
Hopeful:: 50% 
Responsible:: 50% 
Respectful:: 90% 
Honest:: 95% 
Positive:: 50% 
Negative:: 50% 
Outgoing:: 30% 
Funny:: 75% 
How much you liked this survey:: 50% 

AAAll About YOU
General Stuff
name: Kristin 
age: 17 
birthdate (happy birthday!): September 2 
country you live in: US 
Your Love Life
dating anyone?: nope 
if so, for how long?: .... 
do you like blondes or brunettes better?: brunettes...blonde is quite blinding... 
have you ever been kissed?: nope.. 
made out?: nope.. 
held hands?: nope.. 
met his/her parents?: no 
gone on a date?: no 
Your Favs
band: Staind,Nickelback,KoRn,Evanesance,Third Eye Blind and a shit load more 
boy's name: dun have one 
girl's name: dunno 
color: black 
theme park: dont like theme parks 
roller coaster: dun like those either 
scary movie: Exorcist..now thats what i call comedy XD 
comedy: uhmm Spaceballs or Ace Ventura 2.. 
tv show: CSI,X-files and Miami Ink...when i do watch tv 
pet: checkers..^_^ snakes arent loud and irritating as dogs... 
clothes store: dunno wherever.. 
book: Out of the Dark 
magazine: dont read mags 
Final Question
Did you like this survey?: meh.. 
660044  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (6832 days ago)

 Fill Me Up

I just had to let you know
Cause i dont always let it show
You give me needed room to grow
And I just had to tell you so

You fill me up, youre in my veins
A look could take my breath away
And all these things, you give away
Sometimes I take for granted

Its just like poetry inside
To hear you breathing by my side
Like Im in heaven and ive died
So glad youre with me for this ride

You fill me up, youre in my veins
A look could take my breath away
And all these things, you give away
Sometimes I take for granted

I see your face to start my day
Makes all my bad dreams go away
And all the stupid games we play
Wouldnt have it any other way

You fill me up,youre in my veins
A look could take my breath away
And all these things, you give away
Sometimes i take for granted

You fill me up, youre in my veins
A look could take my breath away
And all these things, you give away
Sometimes I take for granted...

  Price To Play

We fail to see
How destructive we can be
Taking without giving back
'Til the damage can be seen
Can you see?
Can you see?

The more you take, the more you blame
But everything still feels the same
The more you hurt, the more you strain
The price you pay to play the game
And all you seek, and all you gain
And all you step on with no shame
There are no rules, no one to blame
The price you pay to play the game

Apathy, the chosen way to be
Blindly look the other way
While you waste away with me
Can you see?
Can you see?

The more you take, the more you blame
But everything still feels the same
The more you hurt, the more you strain
The price you pay to play the game
And all you seek, and all you gain
And all you step on with no shame
There are no rules, no one to blame
The price you pay to play the game

What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game

The more you take, the more you blame
But everything still feels the same
The more you hurt, the more you strain
The price you pay to play the game
And all you seek, and all you gain
And all you step on with no shame
There are no rules, no one to blame
The price you pay to play the game

What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game
What you pay to play the game

595173  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-10
Written: (6919 days ago)


In this hole
That is me
The dead are rolling over
In this hole
Dirt shoveled over shoulders

I feel it in me
So overwhelmed
All this pressure centerizing
My life overturned
Unfair the despare
All these scars keep ripping open

Peel me from the skin
Tear meat from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?

In this hole
That is me
A life that's growing feeble
In this hole
So limiting
The sun has set; all darkens

Buried underneath
Hands slip off the wheel
Internal path-way to contention

Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy now?

Are you

Are you

Are you feeling happy?

In this hole
That is me
Left with a heart exhausted
What's my release??
What sets me free?
Do you pull me up just to push me down again?

Peel me from the skin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear meat from the bone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy?

Peel me from the skiiiiiiiiiin
Peel me from the skiiiiiiiiiin
Tear me from the rind
Does it make you happy now?

Tear me from the boooooooooone
Tear me from the boooooooooone
Tear me from myself
Are you feeling happy?

Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost left with nothing

Does it make you happy?
Are you feeling happy?
Are you fucking happy?
Now that I'm lost left with nothing?

"Bang Bang"

Bang bang, you shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

I was five and you were six
We rode on horses made of sticks
I wore black, you wore white
You would always win the fight

Bang bang, you shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Seasons came and changed the time
I grew up, I called you mine
You would always laugh and say
Remember when we used to play

Bang bang, you shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Music played and people sang
Just for me the church bells rang
After echoes from a gun
We both vowed that we’d be one
Now you’re gone I don’t know why
Sometimes I cry
You didn’t say goodbye
You didn’t take the time to lie

Bang bang, you shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

  "Gypsies, Tramps and Theives"

I was born in the wagon of a travellin’ show
My mama used to dance for the money they’d throw
Papa would do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of doctor good

Gypsys, tramps, and thieves
We’d hear it from the people of the town
They’d call us gypsys, tramps, and thieves
But every night all the men would come around
And lay their money down

Picked up a boy just south of mobile
Gave him a ride, filled him with a hot meal
I was sixteen, he was twenty-one
Rode with us to memphis
And papa woulda shot him if he knew what he’d done


I never had schoolin’ but he taught me well
With his smooth southern style
Three months later I’m a gal in trouble
And I haven’t seen him for a while, uh-huh
I haven’t seen him for a while, uh-huh

She was born in the wagon of a travellin’ show
Her mama had to dance for the money they’d throw
Grandpa’d do whatever he could
Preach a little gospel, sell a couple bottles of doctor good

 "Feel Good Inc."

City's breaking down on a camel's back.
They just have to go 'cos they dont hold back
So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see
You wont get out the county, 'cos you're bad and free
You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style.
A melancholy town where we never smile.
And all I wanna hear is the message beep.
My dreams, they've got to kiss, because I dont get sleep, no..

Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let?s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,
Lining them up-a like ass cracks,
Ladies, homies, at the track
its my chocolate attack.
Shit, I'm stepping in the heart of this here
Care bear bumping in the heart of this here
watch me as I gravitate
Yo, we gonna go ghost town,
this motown,
with yo sound
you're in the place
you gonna bite the dust
Cant fight with us
With yo sound
you kill the INC.
so dont stop, get it, get it
until you're cheddar header.
Yo, watch the way I navigate

Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

Dont stop, get it, get it
we are your captains in it
watch me navigate,
Dont stop, get it, get it
we are your captains in it
steady, watch me navigate
550231  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-13
Written: (6977 days ago)
Next in thread: 551271

What are you going to do to end the silence?

 Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence, a national youth movement protesting the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. I believe that ended the silence is the first step toward fighting these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today.

517496  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-09
Written: (7012 days ago)


Your words to me just a whisper
Your Faces so unclear
I try to pay attention
Your words just disappear
'Cause it's always raining in my head
So I speak to you in riddles because
My wordes get in my way. I smoke the
Whole thing to my head and feel it
Wash away 'cause I can't take anymore
Of this, I want to come apart,
 Or dig myself A little hole inside
Your precious heart
 'Cause it's always raining in my head
Forget all the things I should have said
I am nothing more than a little boy inside
That cries out for attention,
though I always try to hide
And I talk to you like children,
But I don't know
How I feel but I know
I'll do the right thing
If the right thing is revealed.
But it's always Raining in my head
 - Forget all the things
I should have said....


 The logged in version 

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