[leah of lightsword]'s diary

974976  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-11
Written: (6121 days ago)

Wow a diary entry. Weird huh? But yeah my day so far is sucky. I get to school after 5 or less hours of sleep and what happens? My car decides it hates me and wants to overheat...yeah I really hated that. Buuut it could have been worse, I could have not made it to G-ville. So yeah. But at least I'm on the internet now and that makes me happy. I'm about to go call Jessie and more than likesly wake Andy-roo when i call him. So yeah I'm mad at my car. But otherwise in a good mood!

559065  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written: (6993 days ago)
Next in thread: 561360

 Well for those of you who keep up with my diary, since the last timeI wrote in here, I'm not marching Teal this summer, although it'd be really cool if I was. But yeah things are going good in my life other than that. My walk with God is better than it has been in a while, I'm reallly glad about that.
 I'm just bored at the moment and happy that I get to go to Prom.

492407  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written: (7064 days ago)
Next in thread: 492717

 I've just been really happy lately. Things between me and Andrew are going really well, or so I think slash hope. God loves me. I'm just happy even though some things really suck. I'm just not sure if I want to march Teal this summer. I'm letting God decide for me, and I just hope I can hear his voice over everybody and everything.

                         ttfn ta ta for now,

488677  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-06
Written: (7069 days ago)
Next in thread: 488694

  Hehe I'm happy life's good even with all the bad mixed in it makes the good so much better. ^_^
 The other day i was sitting in my jazz class, and Mr. Manna ( our band director) hands me and Ona a peice of paper. I read it, then read it again. Yea! Mr Manna had gotten an e-mail and Teal Sound a drum corp needed more people to march in the brass line, so he suggested it to us!!
 For those of you out there Drum Corp International (DCI for is short) hardcore marching band, however weird that may          sound, that's the only way I know to explain it. So i'm excited about having a life over the summer, even though I'll be gone for like three months, I think it'll be worth it. Well that's what's new in my life, so yeah.

                       ttfn ta ta for now,
                         a very happy Leah

481392  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-01-27
Written: (7079 days ago)

"I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.

Then I wrote it in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.

So I wrote it in my heart,
and that's where it will stay"

 That's a quote I found on someone's house and I liked it, so i decided to put it up here!! ^_^
And here are some wonderful Emery lyrics.


Disguising Mistakes With Goodbyes

just take it back (I feel)
they're only words (your hair)
we hold the tethers (through my)
we're here together (fingers)

we paint the night (every)
only to find (silk stand)
it's cracked and peeling (takes my)
each face revealing (breath a-)
what we don't say (-way)

let's take these lines and
draw ourselves out of here
this shipwreck
from set-sail
we'll map the stars
tonight they help to find a way
when all is said
words can breathe more life than death

the inner sense that people share
touching on secrets and letting down hair

over and over let's not forget last time
i've kept the best parts and play them in my mind
this is tomorrow so take it or leave it

empty diaries
there's nothing to say
and we'll take the right steps
to keep these pages clean
you want the answers
i see them on your face
you need to know this is where the promise breaks

i can give you my answer
i can give you my answer
i can give you my answer
i can give you my answer

i know (i know)
if you stay (if you stay)
this will be (this will)
ours to take (be ours to take)

inside i (i feel)
am overwhelmed (so good)
from holding back (i want)
but know that this won't be forever (you for all my days, but tonight...)

i can't stay here
you can't ask me
just so you would know

                  ttfn ta ta for now

467064  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-01-09
Written: (7097 days ago)

 I had fun today!! Lydia, Ona, Andrew, Jessie, and I went to see Kimber. There was so much stuff we did that I couldn't mention it all even if I wanted too. But yeah I had lots o fun.
 Gah!!! I want to say stuff but then again I don't want to. I don't think anyone understands.(maybe ona, but no one else) . Welll that's all for now, so bye! ^_^

                          ttfn ta ta for now,

465571  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-01-07
Written: (7099 days ago)
Next in thread: 466523

I'm missing your laugh
How did it break?
And when did your eyes begin to look fake?

I hope you're as happy as you 're pretending.

More Dashboard. I wish I could kow what your thinking, to be able to get inside your head learn your motives. Then again I should look inside myself first, figure myself out first, then ask you. No one knows who I'm talking about. Saun probably has an idea, but not to many other people know. that's good though.
 I love Bro Tim. And God too, even more. I know now what it means to have an accountability partner, but as hard as I thought it would be, it wasn't. I'm glad I can have someone to talk to honestly, and know that no one else will know.
 Life's been alright for me, but not spectacular. My Mom needs to get a job, but the pne place she applied at has weird hours. I like my new classes, but I'm missing something, I don't know what it is though.
 Now that I think of it, why DO we date people? To try to fill that hole in ourselves, to get a higher scocial status? Why? Why. I just wish I had more pieces to this puzzle. Well I need to go, but that's just some stuff for all of you to chew on .

                         ttfn ta ta for now,

405510  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-11-08
Written: (7159 days ago)

Mood- bad, just bad.

Music-Lord if the Rings Soundtrack (the third one)

"Don't be a liar, don't say that everythings working when everythings broke and you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor, and you might say the jokes on me."
        -Dashboeard Confessionals
                      "Saints and Sailors"

 Ya know, I could hate you, but I don't. I don't know why. Why do I have to think this now, of all times? Not that's I'd do anything drastic. But I just have to wonder. Why did I say yes,why did I do this rather than say no? Do my own folish desires get in the way of my logic, of my better thinking? Should I have thouhght this through more, would I have been happier elsewhere? I think of this now, but why now? Why? Don't know why.
 On the better side of things, God's called me to do this after school Bible study. He's been telling me to do it for some time now, and I'm finally taking action.

                  TTFN ta ta for now,

377450  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-10-11
Written: (7186 days ago)

And you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor and your eyes say the joke's on me.

Mood- "I feel weird." ...

Music- Dashboard Confessionals

I've had a decent week. I'll say it was good till wednesday after school. My boyfriend broke up with me. I figured it was coming with the way he was acting at lunch. He's a loser. But to make things even better he starts flirting with my bestfriend...on friday. I just have to wonder what happened to the guy who liked me so much he'd wait for me and tried so hard, only to say "I'm too good for him" too "nice". But like Mrs. Shelly said "You don't need him." And that's right. But I hate to admit this, but I actually...never mind. That's all for now.
                     Ta ta for now,

333471  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-08-27
Written: (7232 days ago)
Next in thread: 378785

One Way Mule by Silverchair

Let my spirit ride on a one way mule
Blistered skin in a cold hearted pool
Distant emotion hides a concrete wall
Naked and anchored I'll climb right back
To you
Love me for my mind, coz I'm a dangerous heart
When I've got time to kill I'm coming back for you.
I'll stake out just to find
The knife in a dangerous heart
When I've got time to kill I'm coming back for you.
Distant memories in a cage by my bed
Viscid dreams stick to holes in my head
But a patient career of sleep in a Sunday dress
Rides my wake

That's how I feel now. This morning I thought I was gonna have a good day but, I was wrong. Rocco was about the only person who cheered me up. SO if you read this Rocco, thank you. But after band practice it went downhill from there.

320948  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-15
Written: (7243 days ago)

Copeland- There Cannot Be A Close Second

You've got an extra special heart and a perfect light that shines through.
But it seems like the hardest part is shining back at you.
So forgive me if I don't know what to do when you look at me.
There can be no hesitation; there cannot be a close second to you.
I've got a perfectly normal heart, bruised and broken from within.
At times I don't know how to start to let you in here.

311425  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-08-05
Written: (7253 days ago)

Mood-content ^_^

Music-Dashboard Confessionals

 I've had a weird week. Sam broke up with Lydia. Man is tomorrow gonna be weird.They were like always together, it's gonna be weird.
 Band camp has been going on since Monday. It's torture I tell you. My band director has to much fun telling us one more time, like fifty million times. Gah. But I have to say Friday nights at the football games are worth the sunburn and sore arms and legs.

280737  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-09
Written: (7280 days ago)
Next in thread: 280991, 286959, 306061


Music- Jack Johnson

Right now, I guess I could say I'm fighting a battle I thought I had already fought. Old emotions are coming back from the grave to haunt me. I hate that. I thought I had already gotten over this but i haven't. Grr. I'm so afraid of becomng that which I fear the most. Why is it that we learn from others mistakes? I learned from one, but I am so afraid that by having learned that I'll limit my actions. It's weird.

268505  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-29
Written: (7291 days ago)
Next in thread: 268547, 269337, 275534, 277775, 294158

mood- sad not really but i miss people.

music-silverchair "Too Much Of Not Enough"

 However hopelessly romantic I sound, I miss him. Wah. I wish they'd get back from the bahamas already. I miss Nessy too. Poor Nessy.Missin them. the summer sucks. Period.

p.s. this is the shortest entry of mine ever.

 The logged in version 

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