[Lethargic Panda]'s diary

812626  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-22
Written: (6836 days ago)
777345  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)
Next in thread: 813349

xD (All quotes are real!)

Fuzz says:
Fuzz says:

Fuzz says:
Fuzz is mad ghetto.

Fuzz says:
Fuzz secretly wants Crena's giblets and snickerdoodle.
Fuzz says:
Fuzz says:
Fuzz says:
Mmm. giblets.

739332  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-01-27
Written: (6983 days ago)
Next in thread: 761998

Well, I’ve put it off quite a bit, so here is the Multi-tiered Diary Entry of Jubilance! I don’t really want to make a bunch of diary entries in a row, so I’m just going to separate everything with <hr> tags, and you’ll be content, once more.

…So, here goes.

First, a quote intended to be placed days (or weeks, cough) ago, but wasn’t.

"So, I may have told her she might have a double-figured IQ if she spent more time learning and less time sodomising her cat; but she was mean too." - [windowframe]

Charming, yeah? ^.^

Second, Cabinet drew us, a lovely two; I need to add it to my wiki, however I’ve been putting that update off for at least half a year. >.>


Regardless, Cabinet makes me proud. :D

Third, a snippet from the conversation with [nokaredes] and her boyfriend…and Turkey too.:

hallolelijk = Panda
miss_informed_008 = Allie/[nokaredes]
the_bad_turkey = Turkey/Dustin
heavymetalguy1804 = The boyfriend

hallolelijk: Does he realize with ignoring, I can still see everything he says?
hallolelijk: >.>
miss_informed_008: Probably not.
heavymetalguy1804: im jus t takin my spikes out lol
miss_informed_008: ...in your hair.
miss_informed_008: ?
heavymetalguy1804: yea
hallolelijk: ...xD
hallolelijk: Did you presume the ones in his ass?
hallolelijk: <.<
miss_informed_008: I never know.
heavymetalguy1804: u never know what?
miss_informed_008: things x_x
hallolelijk: Explain that!
miss_informed_008: it's confusing talking to so many people...
the_bad_turkey: Wouldn't it just be easier to un-ignore hallolelijk...?
heavymetalguy1804: its just easier this way cause i use like really thick gel so it stays up if i run it under water it takes too long if i un tangle the spikes then its easier when i run it through water
miss_informed_008: I generally don't have to do it.
hallolelijk: xD
hallolelijk: Think of what he just said, but with the other spikes.
miss_informed_008: Shut up Dustin.
miss_informed_008: xD

Erm, what else? o.o; A little over a week ago, Laura set the record for most consecutive hang-ups, in a testament to her cruelty. *nods* It’s lovely, really.

More stuff involving Laura, that can’t be told, due to her immense dirty. *implies stuff about her* Bwa ha ha ha ha. >:D

The parcel…is almost ready.


And finally, if two other entries regarding her weren't enough, I made this a while back...and may very well put it on my house, when feeling less indolent. *nods*

 The logged in version 

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