[goddesslafay]'s diary

512939  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7140 days ago)

I cant wate till prom....guess what when i came home the other day with in my door there where a dozen red roses with a card and in the card it read Morgan, will you go to prom with me love Kevin. I am so happy^______^

485179  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-01
Written: (7171 days ago)

My boyfriend for 6 months called it off!
That sucks oh well they come and they go right.
So how are all of you people in the world any of you know
a good guy for a girl like me I need your help!!!!

well *hugs* to all of you ^_^

 The logged in version 

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