[Aislin's Aurari]'s diary

714325  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-12
Written: (6863 days ago)

wow, it's been a while since I've posted something here. Heh, I guess since I've joined DeviantArt, I've been neglecting this site. SORRY ELFTOWN!!! Anyways, I turned 15 in October! Go me!!
Donovan and I have been dating for about 7 months now...and mom doesn't know...phew. >.< If she found out, not only would she kill him...but she would skin me alive and leave me to rot!! That's kinda creepy.
....and I'm bored as hell....

460440  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-12-31
Written: (7210 days ago)

Wow, haven't written in this for awhile. Hmm... what to write about?

I know!!! Anyone who reads this! Tell me one thing you got for X-mas or a gift over the holidays!

Me: A new CD player & a hyper pen(drawing thingie for the computer)

409135  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7260 days ago)

I've got messages...from random people! I feel so loved! Now I can truly feel like I exist! Hahahaha, that was a good one.

396781  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-10-31
Written: (7271 days ago)

It's Halloween! I'm going with my little brother. He's batman & I'm a girl dressed in black with cat-ears. yay! I was gonna steal candy from little kids, but i have to go with the runt.
Went to the State Marching Band Competition in Haymarket, Virginia. MVHS got an Excellent rating! We were proud of ourselves, despite the fact that I knew we could have done better. But I did my best, & I'm very happy. bye!

 The logged in version 

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