[deleted 87498324666]'s diary

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Written about Thursday 2007-01-25
Written: (6322 days ago)

:x: birthday = December 18th 1992
:x: age = 14
:x: city = Hell
:x: height = 5'5
:x: shoe size = mens:8-9
:x: hair color = Dirty Blonde
:x: school = Home
:x: of siblings = 1 Sister, 1 Half Brother
:x: of pets = 9. 3 inside, 6 outside
:x: of shoes = Dont know
:x: of piercings = none
:x: of exgirlfriends = None
:x: of times I have been in love? = None
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = None
:x: of hearts I have broken? = None
:x: of Girls I have kissed? = 0
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 1
:x: of people I consider my enemies? = I treat people the way They treat me. None
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = None
:x: of scars on my body? = 1 on my Eyebrow
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Nothing Really
:x: movie you rented = Texas Chainsaw Massacre: the Beginning (Horror Movies FTW!)
:x: song that was stuck in your head = One of the New Metallica Songs
:x: person you've called = My Friend up the Street
:x: person that called you = My Friend up the Street
:x: person you were thinking of = my friend up the street.. thinking that we should go skateboard
:x: friends you made = Not sure
:x: you have a crush on someone = not really
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Yes
:x: you think about suicide = no
:x: others find you attractive = dont know
:x: you want more piercings = no
:x: you like cleaning = NOPE
:x: you like roller coasters = Hell Yes
:x: you write in cursive or print = print
:x: food = Pizza
:x: thing to do = Play on Computer, Skateboard, Play Drums, Play Hockey
x: thing to talk about = random things
:x: sports = Hockey, Paintball, Skateboarding, Football
:x: drinks = coke, orange soda
:x: clothes = Baggy jeans, Black Shirt
:x: movie = Pulp Fiction
:x: holiday = Halloween and Christmas
:x: word = DUDE
:x: nickname =Mop Top, Penguin
:x: eye color = Green
:x: flower = I dunno
:x: actor = Not sure
:x: actress= Not sure
:x: ever cried over a girl = no
:x: ever cried over a boy = no
:x: ever been in a fist fight = yeah, a play fight with my sister lol
:x: ever been arrested = well.. i've had to cops called on me before
:x: ever been on a talk show = nope
:x: are you scared of = SPIDERS, Drowning
:x: time do you wake up = Late on weekends 6-9 on skool days
:x: reminds you of your past = nothing
:x: makes you think = Don't know
:x: funny = a little
:x: friendly = sure
:x: amusing = yes i amuse myself
:x: lovable = I guess
:x: caring = I guess
:x: sweet = I guess
:x: dorky = If I want to be
:x: smart = Dont know
:x: understanding = Sort of
:x: entertaining= yes i entertain myself
-- Name: Scott
-- Nickname: Mop top, Penguin
-- Birthdate: 12/18/1992
-- Birthplace: A hospital
-- Current location: A house
-- Eye color: Green
-- Hair color: Dirty Blonde
-- Height: 5'5
-- Righty or lefty: righty

-- Your heritage: American I guess
-- The shoes you wore today: Vans Skate Shoes
-- Your weakness: spiders
-- Your fears: spiders, drowning
-- Your perfect pizza: Lotsa Cheese Lotsa Beef
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Think of a Goal

-- Your most overused phrase: dude
-- Your thoughts first waking up: i wanna go back to bed
-- Your best physical feature: Most people say my Eyes
-- Your bedtime: whenever
-- Your most missed memory: My Cousin (Rip)

-- Soda: orange soda/ coke
-- Fast food joint: sonic/ mcdonalds/BK
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: Either
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee

-- Smoke: nope
-- Cuss: maybe
-- Sing: nope
-- Take a shower every day: every other day
-- Have a crush(es): nope
-- Do you think you've been in love: no
-- Want to go to college: Yes
-- Like high school: Not in High School yet
-- Want to get married: someday
-- Believe in yourself: I guess
-- Get motion sickness: nope
-- Think you're attractive: Dont know
-- Think you're a health freak: nope
-- Get along with your parents: Yes
-- Like thunderstorms: sure
-- Play an instrument: Drums

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Smoked: nope
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Had sex: nope
-- Made out: nope
-- Gone on a date: nope
-- Gone to the mall: yeah
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Oh yeah
-- Eaten sushi: No
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Gone skating: Well Duh I play hockey
-- Made homemade cookies: yeah
-- Gone skinny-dipping: nope
-- Dyed your hair: No. I let my Hair be whatever color it wants
-- Stolen anything: nope

-- Played a game that required removal of
clothing: Negative
-- Been Drunk: Yes
-- Been caught doing something: nope
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Gotten beaten up: nope
-- Shoplifted: nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nope

-- Age you hope to be married: Mid 20's
-- Numbers and names of children: 1 boy, 1 girl I guess. Dont know what names
-- Describe your dream wedding: Hell if I know
-- How do you want to die: As painless as possible
-- Where do you want to go to college: Not sure
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Anything that has to Do with Computers, Or Maybe a Hockey Player
-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy, Germany, Canada
-- Who is your guardian/ most loved person: My Mom

In a girl...
-- Best eye color: any
-- Best hair color: Brown, Black, Blonde
-- Short or long hair: Medium/Long
-- Height: Same Height or Shorter
-- Best weight: Not sure
-- Best articles of clothing: anything
-- Best first date location: Don't Know
-- Best first kiss location: Don't Know

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 3 (My Friend up the street, Mom, My Sister)
-- Number of CDs that I own: Dont know
-- Number of piercings: none
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None
-- Number of scars on my body: 1
001: Name: Scott
002: NickName: Mop Top, Penguin
003: Country of living: United States
004: Shoe Size: men- 8-9
005: Birthday: Dec 18th
006: Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
007: Eye Color: Green
008: School/Work: Home
009: Smoke: nope
010: Hobbys:computer/hockey/skateboarding/paintball
011: Brothers/Sisters: 1 Sister, 1 Half Brother
012: Relationship: No
013: Piercings: nope
014: Tattos: nope
015: Favorite country to go to: Italy, Germany, Canada
016: Are there people you wont reply to: nope
017: Nicest person you met this year: Don't know
018: Person you rather not meet this year: Dont know
019: Who would you like to meet: Dave Lombardo, Patrick Roy, Criss Angel, Joey Jordison
020: Who do you admire most: Dunno
021: Most sexy person(s): Dunno
023: Favorite car: Dodge Viper
024: Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
025: Favorite City: Dunno
026: Favorite Music: METAL!
027: Favorite Stuffed Toy: Dont know
028: Favorite Perfume: n/a
029: Favorite Magazine: n/a
030: Favorite sound: rain, explosions
031: Favorite Tv Show: Family Guy
032: Favorite writer: dont know
033: Favorite Nickname: Mop Top
034: What is on your mouse pad: Black
035: What is under your bed: Stuff
036: Favorite Color: Red/Black/Green
037: Favorite song: The Faded Line - Lamb of God
038: Favorite song at this moment: The Faded Line - Lamb of God
039: Favorite Food: Pizza
040: Favorite class in school: I'm Homeschooled
041: Favorite Drink: orange soda/coke/Full Throttle Fury
042: Lucky Number: 31
043: What do you think is the greatist about yourself: Dont know
044: What deodorant do you use: Axe
045: Favorite Shoes: Skate Shoes
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: Whenever
047: What word do you use most: Dude
048: Most romantic moment in your life: dont know
049: Most embrassing moment in your life: Its hard to embarass me
050: You spend your time outside or inside: both
051: What do you do in the weekends: pc/skateboard/hockey/do stupid stuff
052: What class on school do/did you dislike most: Math/Language
053: Your Breakfast: I hardly Eat breakfast
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: Alot of things
055: Pets: 9
056: Laugh or dream: Both
057: Serious or funny: Both
058: Fast or slow: in the middle
059: You prefer being alone or have
relationship with someone: Dont know
060: Simple or complicated?: both
061: Cremate or Buried when you die: Not sure
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: Stay up late
064: Light or dark?: dark
065: Speak or Silence: Sometimes Both
066: Do you like a Tall or small girls: Middle
067: Newspaper or Television: television
068: Hug or kiss: dunno
069: Happy or Sad: happy
070: Life or Death: life
071: Gig or Disco:Gig
072: Left or Right: right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: wtf kind of question is that
074: Brunettes or Blondes: both
075: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: i dunno
076: You believe in reincarnation: nope
077: You believe in Aliens: Yes
078: When you die, what will be your last words?: Dude! I'm Dead
079: Does true love exist: Dont know
080: How many kids would you like to have: as long as it isn't the brady bunch
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: annoying people
082: Best feeling: Dont know
083: Worst feeling in the world: Don't know
084: What are you afraid of: SPIDERS
085: Are you an emotional person: nope
086: Do you ever cry during a movie:nope
087: Your goal in life: to Get A goal
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve: Dont know
089: Favorite art-artist: Dont have one
090: As what animal would you like to come back as: i dunno
091: What is the most beautiful part on the female/male body: eyes
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: where ever
093:What do you think of Elftown: its cool
094: Is there something you miss about elftown: nope
095: Where did you get this question list: one of my friends
096: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: Games, Music, Surf the Web
097: Is there a question you missed in this all: nope
098: Whats the most annoying thing that people ask you?: i dunno
099: Do you get in trouble a lot: nope not really *wink wink*
100: Is there a question you missed in this all: Nope

 The logged in version 

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