[HiddenFire]'s diary

297412  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-24
Written: (7228 days ago)

To explain my current mood (My ex raped my virgin hair. 0.o):

Today my ex was over (we are still friends... a lot of people say they want to stay friends... somehow we actually managed to do so). She got a bug up her butt (I should dig it out and kill it) and she decided to straighten my hair. Now I look like Jesus! It wouldn't be so bad if my hair didn't flip out at the end. I took a few pictures but no good ones... the camera died. T_T

I know that technically I still have virgin hair, because the straightening iron isn't permanant... I still can't help but think that my innocence has been stolen. Surely I will never be the same again. The worst part is... I like it... I am afraid that I might like it too much! What if I want to do it all the time? There are certainly plenty of other things that we can do. Now we're just fooling around but what if it become serious? something we can't take back?

By the way, I know know how long my hair really is. It is down to just past my shoulders. That is pretty long considering the fact that I have a 7 inch neck! 0.o
HiddenFire Photos

283038  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-12
Written: (7240 days ago)
Next in thread: 296004, 298516

I have developed a new magickal theory! If you are wondering, I would technically be considered pagan... though I do not claim or disclaim any religion. I am spiritule on an individual basis, and perfer to discover the world on my own. I will bore you no longer with this and get down to the basics of my new magickal theory.

It is dependant upon an older theory of mine wich states that the soul is nothing more than condensed magick (this is comparable to stars being the souls and stardust being the magick). What I do is use a simple property of magick (that it wishes to diffuse into the void and is thusly attracted to it) to create a simple soul. What I did was create a void singularity, wich is a little bit of void energy wraped in on itself creating a direct portal directly to the void. Such a strong attraction draws in a large amount of energy fast. This energy condenses into a dynamic form of magick that is somewhat like a soul but it is not large enough to hold itself together and requires the void singularity to provide the gravity. Once you produce the simple soul you simple as a question of it. Oddly enough it can understand your thoughts (I am uncertain why, it makes no sense to me and I should question why that is but at the moment I am merely interested in this from an acedimic point of view and am fascinated that it actually works). You simply give the soul some simple instructions. Do not make it too complicated all at once it will work like coding a program on a computer, it will do EXACTLY what you ask of it, as long as you ask nicely and make it seem like it is their choice to do so. Once the simple soul has completed it's task it will eventually degrade and collapse, exploding back into the magick from which it came. (the same thing happens when someone dies). Or you can banish the simple soul and it should fall apart. I am still playing around with this theory at the moment, and I do not know all there is to know about it. If I where you I would not go around playing with things as powerful as the void. I happen to have a strong connection to the void and am blessed... or cursed with being able to deal with it for the most part. I need to try more examples of this new form of magick to be certain that it is real and that it actually works but my results so far have proved promissing. Just today I searched out my internet service provider and managed to get my internet connection back up. I will assume that this is a coinsidence but it was a marvelous one if I may say so myself. ^_^ I will try some more things and record the results.

244722  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-06-04
Written: (7278 days ago)
Next in thread: 298508

School is out and I need to get a job. I'll be moving to Phoenix when the summer is out. I am not looking forward to it. I am acutally on the verge of freaking out. I can usually see the future, but right now everything is cloudy and I can't see 30 minuets into the future, let alone a few months. I need a job so I can buy all the crazy suplies I'll be needing, but what decent place would hire me knowing that i'll be leaving in a few months time. I am working hard not to fall into another depression over all this. Blaire has been calling more and more often, she seems to be under the impression that I have gotten over her, which is not entirely true. I need to tell her how I feel about her but I would like to tell her in person, because I am against saying such things over the phone because to me it seems cowardly. But when we are together we are never alone. I must tell her before I move out to phoenix or I am sure I will be regretting it for the rest of my life. I feel like I am losing my mind.

229106  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-21
Written: (7292 days ago)

I created a few new graphics today. I got bored again and decided to help out Hopeless Romantics by making them some graphical horizontal rules and a boquet of roses.
and its mirror image:
then the boquet that I thought would be simple but it ended up taking me THREE HOURS! That and about half way through I thought that they looked more like red cabbage than roses but I finished anyway. It's actually done with only a brown and a red micron pen. All of these roses where done with micron pens.
and for crazy goths I did a greyscale version so they could have a boquet of black roses.

for some strange reason drawing these kinds of things makes me happy. happier than when I draw fantasy images! It's strange but these little versitile decorative pieces make me happy! ^_^

Because of my donating these images [Morgan le Fay] has asked me if I want to be the Graphics Manager for Hopeless Romantics. I don't know though, I am great with drawing up stuff, and I am particularly good with roses for some strange reason beyond my understanding. But my grasp on computer software to produce banners is not all that good. I could draw up banners but they would not have that proffesional crispness to them that I would like to obtain, rather they would have all the fuzziness of things that are hand-drawn. I'll have to think about taking the job.

I need a real job and I am not sure how much time I will actually have for drawing once I get one. I need to make a considerable amount of money for my move to Phoenix as well as to fix my car and buy my suplies. I also need to buy a new computer and a new photo-quality printer as well as a graphic tablet.

222593  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-14
Written: (7299 days ago)

i am done with college for now. so until the summer is over and i move out to phoenix i have nothing to do. well, i do need to get a job so that i can afford it all. right now i am nearly broke. what i really need is a sugar momma, any takers?

i had a crazy dream last night. i forgot most of it. but i do know that i had to fight an evil serpant that respawned every two days. it turned out that it wasnt really evil. and it developed a was to use electro-harmonics to make people grow very rapidly. what you had to do was plug in some music (the music from the game boys tetris to be exact) and then because of the harmonics of the serpants chamber you had to stick the wires for the headphones in your ears and then the wackiest music woulf fill you head and then it felt like you became the music and when you took them away you had grown a little. so what i did to capitalize on it was to do some pushups and run in place for a bit before hand so that my muscles would be a little sore. then after applying the wires to my ears i would grow more in the places that were stressed. i also think i did a good many other exercises. in any case i got pretty damn buff.

222187  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-14
Written: (7299 days ago)

i actually have a alias... a character... an alternate personality now. i figured it might be fun to do so i made another account here. i am also [Ne]. [4V0r41] was actually my insiration. even though he's an annoying prick i figured i might be able to have fun with similar psychological dysfunctions. of course i will never reach the same level of psychosis as he has but its still fun to play around.

i have now created an entire mythology behind [Ne]. [Ne] is actually latin for 'not'. i have made him and some unnamed energy well the creators of the universe. actually [Ne] is the personification of the void, not the actual viod itself. it's pretty interesting. i am just waiting for someone to be curious enough to check my or his diary and discover who we really are. *evil grin*

219419  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-11
Written: (7302 days ago)

i must be the goose that lays golden eggs because that research paper i pulled out of my ass got a B-! i was sure i was going to get an F. granted, when i picked it up i could sense the dissapointment rolling off my proffesor. it was almost tangable! now all i have to do is manage a decent grade on my final and my drama paper and i will be set! i could get a B or a C. either one is fine by me! ^_^

now i have two more essays to write. one only has to be 250-500 words long and the other does not have a limit. but they are both about drama. which is going to be though since i havent read a single drama this year and have managed to bs my way through it all. wish me luck! ^_^

216033  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-07
Written: (7306 days ago)
Next in thread: 312098

i got bored so i started a few new wikis:

offended is because i got tired of people whining about being offended by things. when one is offended it does not make it time to whine! it makes it time for that person to look inward and discover what their problem is. i think this is a must read for ALL people, but a good many will be offended by it. those that are offended by this are the ones it is most important to; they need it the most.

GUR is the Guestbook Upgrade Revolution. i think it is hillarious.

Elbow lickers is pretty self explainitory. it is supposed to be impossible to lick your elbow but i can.
that is me licking my elbow :P<
Aren't i hot? :3

214578  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-06
Written: (7307 days ago)

i have my final project due for my next class in my next class. i have only completed 3 out of the ten sections. so this should be fun! ^_^ also i am almost certain that i bomed my research paper and will likely be failing composition 2. yay for me ^_^! i also have a drama paper and my final due soon for that class (next week) and i havent even started, i havent even read any plays! ^_^! i am the worst procrastinator in the world! ^_^! i think i am just going to go insane now ^_^! and kick myself in the head until my skull caves in ^_^! (yes i can kick myself in the head) death would be such a sweat release right about now. ^_^

so we didnt get our research papers back today. which just means i'll have to go through even more hell for the antici...

...pation! i couldnt help myself. in reference to rocky horror. i didnt finish all that work i was supposed to do. i finished all but the last one and decided it was bullshit and gave up. ^_^. im going to spend my last class working on my english final and/or drama paper. i am so tired.

207478  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-27
Written: (7316 days ago)

i took some time to read through this whole diary. its interesting to be able to look back at these things and see how i was feeling in the past in comparison to how i feel now.

Ive been talking to Blaire more and more often. i think she is finally comfortable with talking to me on a regular basis and i cant say no to her. I am not over her and i dont think i ever will be because i dont think i can change the way i feel about her. i'll just have to deal with it i suppose. i dont know why i am attracted to the women i can never have. perhaps that is because i dont have a real chance with any of them. or perhaps i just need to stop feeling sorry for myself and, as afore mentioned, get over it.

im going to have to turn my research paper in tomorrow. i am a horrific procrastinator... it is my curse, it is my kingdom. its only three pages long and it needs to be seven pages! i also dont have enough sources!

202264  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-22
Written: (7321 days ago)

i invented a new word game and wiki called 4word. it is simple enough, come up with a four word sentece where all four words start with the same letter. there are a few simple rules to make things more interesting and force people to think. 'x' is by far the hardest one to do, and i do believe that it requires the dictionary to accomplish. it is EXTREAMLY fun!

200123  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-20
Written: (7323 days ago)

back from lunch with 15 min till my next class. i didnt go to my first class because i didnt feel like it. i hate that class with a passion, i compare it to a slow and painful lobotamy with a single chop stick being the method by which the blind, half-dead, brainless, deformed, handless, monkey is slowly removing my frontal lobe. that class is so mind numbing i would not be suprised if my brain actually liquified and started dripping from my ears like lumpy grey gravey. so instead i worked on my research paper.

198154  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-04-18
Written: (7325 days ago)

i am not over Blaire. i dont think i ever will be.

187628  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-07
Written: (7337 days ago)

ive finished making my website but now i have to get it uploaded. but in order to do that i need to find a new host that is free and ad-free. its not easy to find.

186168  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-05
Written: (7338 days ago)

i have been working extreamly hard today. ive been trying to update my website. it needed a complete overhaul. this time i went for simple and stylish. nothing extreamly fancy. i got the basic design down and an idea of how i want the rest to display. i just got done scanning in all of my images again and saving them in high res 300 dpi so that i can use some of them on Cafe Press. tomorrow i will be working on touching up the images and making thumbnails to be used for the website. that is going to be a ton of work! after i finish up a bit more i am going to call it a night, its allready past midnight and i have been working since ten this morning.

my dreams are taking interesting turns. i have begun to chant in my dreams. i am not sure why or what words i am saying but i do know that they are four two-syllable words. i have also gained greater control over things, i can now move objects with my mind with much greater ease and i can now move particles like dirt or other small things as a group.

179070  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-27
Written: (7347 days ago)

i started a new wiki, that makes two so far. its called We Believe and was made as a place for the believers in the paranormal to gather. i know that ET is a huge community and has people from all over the world so i figured there would be more than a few people out there who would believe in some of this stuff. at least the We Believe in Magick should do well, since i know there are a good number of pagans and practicing witches around here somewhere. there are many topics covered in this new wiki and i do believe in all of them so far. i may add more if i get any requests. i have an opinion about almost everything. as for the section about psychics, in it i admit to being from a long line of gifted people. that is true and i am not lieing. my father is a very powerful untrained psychic, he has visions, and he is a transmitter (broadcasting his emotions and thoughts all the time). my mother doesnt like to talk about such things so i dont know about her. my grandmother can predict the future, especially when it comes to family issues like births and deaths. my little sister and my aunt are both a very specific kind of empath, they can communicate with the dead. my little brother doesnt like to talk about such things either and probably feels left out because he doesnt have an active gift, he is very strong though because he can block out people, he is nearly impossible to read, he is even resistant to witchcraft, he is more powerful than he knows. as for myself, i am a true oddity, i am an energy sink, i absorb any and all forms of energy, that means psychic, magickal, and mostly heat from the mundane world. i absorb emotions and sensations as well, wich leads my gift to manifest itself as a form of empathy when it is realy much more. i also have the occasional vision, one of which saved my life... saved me from myself that is. i, however, am no where near as powerful as my father, he is more like a jack of all trades when in comes to this sort of thing, you name it and is likely that he has done it, though not usually on purpose. oh and my brother has VERY meaningful dreams, almost prophetic. its odd that he is an atheist when some of his dreams could start a new religion, he could be a guru or somthing.

oh, an if you are questioning my sanity by now that's fine. i admit to being somewhat insane. i know how all that sounds, i dont expect my credability to improve because of such statements. consider this a comming out of the broom closet. i need a place where i dont have to pretend and i am tired of being afraid to speak. in this small town i must still remain quiet about it all and pretend to be a good kid for my grandparrents sake. i am no longer afraid that what i do online will get back to them.

177337  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-03-25
Written: (7349 days ago)

i should be working on some stuff for my english class but i have all weekend for that boring lobotimizing drivel.

i had a strange dream last night, i only remember one part though, i was lost and trying to get somewhere so i decided that if i could see the city from above then i could see where i wanted to go. so then everything was like water and i was swimming upwards. then i realized that i couldnt breath because the air was water. i tried to just hold my breath and hope that i could find air soon but i couldnt and i took a deep breath, and water filled my lungs. i was suffocating. but then a peace came over me and i began to breath the water as if it were air and i saw where i wanted to go i looked at it floating there above the city and there i was right where i needed to be.

174263  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-22
Written: (7353 days ago)

i got mods choice for my frog fae. i had a vague idea that it might be good enough and most nearly unique enough to enfluence a mod to choose it. but i didnt think i would actually get it, and i didnt create the piece with the sole intent of getting mods choice as i did with the last one that got it. i'm so tired from commenting on peoples galleries. i am thankful for the incomming flood of comments, it was a much needed infusion. i dont want to go to school on tuesday... ug...

172743  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-03-20
Written: (7355 days ago)

i drew a new picture yesterday. i revisited my idea for "Got Blood?" its great. i also updated my EW gallery today, i was very suprised to see how quickly the ticket was handled. i submitted it some time this morning and it was published just a few hours ago tonight. same day! congrats to the mods. my dad was just taken to the emergency room. so we dont have supper... he had a high temperature and since he's got some sort of thing going on with his sinuses and lungs and thought, he's sick. whatever it is we have all got it. it just hit him the hardest. im sure he'll be fine, he had higher temperatures when he was sick in the army. right now he's only running a 103 F, in the army he had a temperature of 112 F when he caught pneumonia and they decided to lower his temperature with icewater which only made it worse... he survived and with little to no observable amount of brain damage! im not the kind of person to worry... of course that might make it more devistating if it were to be serious. he's not allowed to die though, we dont have life insurance on him. lol.

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