Page name: Chapter Two: Into The Hornets Nest [Exported view] [RSS]
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Chapter Two: Into The Hornets Nest

… So here you stand again, the gate market. This time you all enter from different angles, so very different but all with the same task at hand. The shadows seem deeper in the market this time and the light so much brighter, it’s all so much more real. Both groups will find themselves moving towards a large stall run by an Epiphinite of Wisdom, dressed in white robes, who ignores you all, this is where the two opposites meet for the first time and the paths converge…

Driianalyn emerged, still in the shadows of a stall. It had been a bit since she had left Serrina and the others. SHe moved silently, holding onto her spear tight. What she didn't notice was that her footsteps were muted, as if shadows wrapped around her feet with each movement to silence her steps. She crouched behind a stall, waiting till the whites came into view. When they did, she moved forward, first in a crouch, then into a full straight backed walk. Her face was hidden from the world behind the hood of the tunic, and she said nothing. She just fell into line with them and bowed her head slightly, as if her place was to serve them.

Haelene appeared at her side, she would have been with her earlier, having left just after Driianalyn but as fate would have it she had gotten distracted. She mimicked Driianalyn's motion, her own hood was down. Though her coat was still worn, the black tunic, adorned with the silver head of a dog, was easily visible. Her hands were clasped neatly in front of her and her daggers remained unseen.

Jhayze whipped around at the sight of the two women, he recognised Drii as a Coast dweller immediately and grinned madly.
'Well hello!' He said loudly, adding just the slightest amount of light to his tone, making him sound more pleasant and respectable 'Another Coastie? I expected the body-guards would all be from Elleek! Rough and tumble types, y'know?....' He grins 'Sorry i tend to ramble, I am Jhayze Faldan and i think mine id one of the two bodies you're to be guarding, I do rather like mine so I'd like it in as many pieces as it's in now, if at all possible?'

Drii bowed her head once more, gracefully. Her eyes cast quickly to Haelene, catching contact with the other girl for a moment before replying to the man. "Coast lander, yes." She mentioned, wondering how the man noticed she was from the Coast. Possibly her stature, or that she carried a spear. "You may call me Drii. I am to be of service to you." Don't give out too much information, she reminded herself.

Jhayze actually looks taken aback by the formality of Drii's speech, he ponders a second and then grins. 'Then as your first act of service you can stop talking to me like I'm Lord Efron' He smiled warmly 'Heck, about two hours ago I was about as much an Epiphinite as you are! Please Drii, I'd rather travel with friends than servers...'

Driianalyn glanced at Haelene from the cowl of her hood again, and then glanced back at Jhayze. She lifted her head to where only her lips were in the light. She smiled, a soft smile. She tucked her spear under her arm and spread her hands in a fanning motion, then resumed her stance, head down, still smiling.

Haelene twined her fingers and tilted her head slightly, she had a small smile on her face, obviously amused by the situation. She glanced back a Drii, not speaking though her silence had no real reason behind it.

Jhayze clapped his hands together eagerly.
'Who are you?' He asked looking at Haelene 'And how many others are due to come and guard bodies?'
Jhayze began to lean on his harpoon, still smiling and occasionally flicking hair from his eyes.

"Hael," She smiled, moving her hands once more, "and there are three." She glanced up at the sky for a moment, before looking back at Jhayze.

Theed arrived at the stall, as black as the night, and his face hidden by the hood of his tunic. The silver dog emblem and the slight shine from the grubby sheath of his sword was the only thing that distinguished him from a shadow. He walked to the stall, trying to hold himself as a bodyguard would - tall and serious.

Jhayze grinned at Hael
'Five?' He mutttered half to himself 'I never thought I'd be of such importance... My companion, Winep should arrive shortly, it's ever so exciting really...'

Kryas spotted the others instantly and took his place beside Theed, wanting to get a good look at the man he was supposed to guard. He whipped his coat over the sword so that only the end of the scabbard poked out from the bottom. "Hello" He said, sizing Jhayze up. He didn't look much, so perhaps what Serrina had said to them was true about them being young to their path. "Name's Kryas" He offered no smile and simply maintained direct eye contact with him.

"Look's like we're waiting for one more of us and one more of you." Haelene glanced at Theed and Kryas and nodded to each in turn, a form of greeting, if you will.

Winep finally found his way through the crowds and saw Jhayze talking to four other people. He just grinned and stood next to Jhayze.

Driianallyn watched all of the others communicate wonderfully, and wondered whether or not Serrina would beat them for it, if she knew. She pondered that for a while, before laughing lightly to herself. "We're missing Eleirah." She said, glancing back in the shadows where the rest of them emerged from. "I wonder why she is lagging.."

Jhayze smiled at Kryas but didn't break eye contact for a second
'I'm Jhayze, this is Winep.' He gestured to Winep.

Hael looked towards the newcomer, her face bearing no particular expression. Shifting her feet slightly she averted her gaze, beginning to people-watch the passing crowd. There was no one strikingly interesting milling about but it was enough to keep her occupied.

Eleirah came running up, slightly out of breath with her coppery hair tumbled around her face. Her fiddle case and travel pack on her back, the straps cutting across the uniform tunic with the dog symbol. She hitched these up when she came to a stop nearby though she still stood a little ways off from the others. She blinked and looked at the gathering. "Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you waiting or anything, really!" She clutched the bow she was holding to her chest and looked apologetically at the group. "I'm really really sorry!"

"Shhhh." Driianalyn said, smiling. "You're fine. we were all just getting to know eachother." She motioned to the rest of the group.

'Righto then!' Jhayze's grin widened, he was going to show off. 'This is the route we're to take...'
Instead of withdrawing a map he closed his eyes and focused. A map of Ghelt apeared in the air, floating a couple of feet in front of Jhayze's eyes, he grunted slightly and a red line appeared between Elleek and much further north.
'We'll use the main farmers roads to avoid other bandits or various holdups...' He kept the illusion there for a little longer, feeling rather impressed with himself.

Theed's eyes widened, impressed with the image that man conjured up from thin air. From what Serrina said, Jhayze was only a new epiphinite too, and Theed wondered how far he could take his newfound powers. It was a shame he couldn't test them now, as he had to keep up the pretense.

Haelene blinked, did a double-take, then finally stared at the map. That certainly wasn't something a country girl, such as she, was expecting. She was tempted to reach her arm up and touch it but thought better of it.

Winep was shocked a little at first but then remembered they had powers now and just smiled.

Eleirah blinked and stared at the map, before shaking her head and tracing the path they were going to take with her eyes. She knelt down and dropped her travel pack to the ground. After a bit of digging she pulled out her own map of the same general area, though it wasn't all that detailed, and with a charcoal stick she'd also found copied the direction they were heading from the illusion map the other young man had created.

Driianalyn fought the urge to grab one of the daggars she had on her when the map appeared. She'd never seen anything like that before. So much for a fishermans daughter. she thought, and leaned in, watching the map.

Impressive Kryas thought, but he would never say it. "Wonder what kind of tricks we get?" He said quietly to Haelene. His head was still swimming slightly but the feeling was fading with each heartbeat. He never took his eyes off the map, studying closely the route they needed to take.

"Mmm, nothing like this though, I don't think." Was her almost whispered reply. Of one thing, Hael was completely certain; she would not forget this, it was far too fascinating to forget. She scanned the map, it was a long way but she was sure they'd be fine - or, she hoped they would.

Jhayze grinned and the illusion exploded into tiny points of light before dissapearing completely. There was sweat beaded on his forehead and he looked mroe than a little impressed with himself.
'Well then, shall we go!?' He asked 'There's a village we can stop off in over-night and then we should be in Upper-Bristlon by tommorow night.'
With that Jhayze began to walk towards the South Gate.

Kryas grimaced a bit. He had barely been gone from Upper Bristlton for a couple of months and already he was headed back, even it was for a short while. "Alright, to Upper Bristlton I guess" He said grudgingly and followed after Jhayze with a distinctly unhappy look on his face.

Haelene walked next to him, her arms swinging as she went, "Cheer up, Kryas, it might never happen." She grinned slightly, hopefully showing that she was trying to cheer him up.

Kryas raised an eyebrow. "What might never happen?" He said, although there was defensive edge to his voice.

"What ever you're looking so unhappy about." Haelene smiled slightly, she couldn't miss his defensiveness but she hoped she hadn't offended him.

Driianalyn licked her lips and frowned, then turned to follow. She had to work her long legs fast for a few moments before she actually made it up to them. She clentched and unclentchced her fists, but followed the group without a word.

Kryas snorted, almost touched that despite he knew Haelene very briefly, she seemed to care. "I just thought I'd seen the last of my hometown, that's all" He said it all in one breath, as if talking was a trouble.

"Ah." Hael though for a moment, "I think I'd like to see mine..." Her voice faded as she lapsed into a thought.

Jhayze smirked, he felt, for a moment a sensation of being watched and then finally set his stance to neutral.
'Come now, adventure is adventure regardless of the scenary!'!

"That it is," Driianalyn stated, now close to the group. She fumbled with her fingers and watched all of her surroundings, pulling the hood of her tunic further over her face. "Adventure," it sounded bittersweet.

Eleirah, finished marking her own map and picking up her things, hurried to follow behind the others. Her eyes scanned the ground and people around, and she wondered what would happen on this trip or mission. She trailed a little behind the others, but not so far off that she couldn't easily catch up if it became necessarry. 

Theed followed the group, relaxing with every step he took. He thought the light epiphinites would be uptight and stuffy, as is such when you have power, no matter how new. "So, Jhaze, Winep; what are your fighting skills?" He asked, trying to make it sound like a passing comment rather than an important fact.

Winep looked towards Jhayze then at Theed. His response "Umm...Only illusions really." Winep was a little embarassed after he thought about it. Physically Winep didn't really have "fighting skills". He hadn't thought about the aspect of combat when he left home. He just loved adventure.

Eleirah, remembering how Drii had sounded when she last spoke, picked up her pace till she was beside the other woman. "Is something wrong?" She asked quietly, a worried look on her face.

Driianalyn was a bit suprised to see Eleirah next to her, but she smiled nontheless. "Huh? Oh. I'm.. fine. Just thinking about how we'll never be the same, all that jazz." But that is what Father wanted... "Thanks for.. wondering. How are you faring?"

As she walked, Haelene listened to the world, not so much the talking of the others but the light breeze and the sound of their steps. She thought of the journey and where it would take them, as well as the places she had been and left. There was no real expression on her face, there didn't need to be.

"What? Oh, I'm all right. Maybe a bit nervous." Eleirah admitted the last while ducking her head a little from embarassment. "I'll be fine though, I just thought you looked sad."

"Not sad, persay. Just... Yeah, maybe sad." Driianalyn finally admitted, frowning as she looked at Eleirah. "I just realized that I sold my soul to... I don't know what. It's kind of.. nerve wracking, to say the least." She smiled though, and nodded. "But I'm sure it will be fun, and I will make a nice group of friends."

"No wonder you need bodyguards then!" Said Theed lightheartedly to Winep.

Eleirah smiled at Driianalyn, "Well, at least you're not all alone. We're all going through the same thing, more or less. I think I'd be more worried if I had to go through this by myself." Eleirah looked around the group and past them. "I'd feel better if we had a better idea what we were guarding against too." She added.

"As would I." Driianalyn replied, nodding her head. "It would make me feel loads better, because then I would know I could defend against it.."

From behind them Kryas spoke. "Why not ask then?" His tone was rather matter-of-factly. He looked to Jhayze and Winep. "Hey, Epiphinites, you any idea what we're going up against?" He called loudly to them.

Hael glanced towards them as Kryas spoke, choosing to move her attention back towards the group. It would be comforting to know what they would have to face.

Jhayze snapped back to attention, he turned and looked at Kryas, a smiled forming on this lips.
'I have fighting skills above allusion, I suppose!' As she spoke he whirled his harpoon arund and into a throwing position 'I have the best aim outa' anyone in my village and those on either side of me! Being a fisherman provided you with all sorts of skills...'
As to the second question, this made Jhayze flinch as it was something he hismelf had been wondering about too. Remembering he was an Epiphinite of wisdom now he focused on his next words, chosing them carefully and using some small power of Epiphany to make them sound more re-asuring.
'I imagine it's just bandits... The reports from up north have been rather garbled but you know how things are exaggerated, I can't imagine the Hornets are much more than half starved bandits really...'

... Time passes and the sun starts to set. The group approaches a clearing by the road of what had been a small wooded area. A man sized carving of an owl from dark wood stood on the roadside, marking the clearing as a stopping place for Epiphinites... In the clearing, apart from the owl, there are three small wooden cabins, a fire pit, a well and a covered food storage pit which was continually replenished by nearby farmers and hunters...

Jhayze immediately wandered up to the owl, he circled it once and then gave it a sharp kick, satisfied he returned to the group, his eyes aglow with an eager enthrusiasm.
'Okay! Stop number one, be on guard but otherwise we may as well get comfortable!' He said, still grinning.

Winep stared at the large figure and at the quaint set up. "Well that's convenient" he said under his breath.

Haelene stepped into the clearing looking up at the large owl in a sort of awe. "Wow, the carpenter who created this was amazingly talented." She moved her hand to touch the wood then moved on to look around the site.

Eleirah walked slowly into the clearing after the others. She didn't say anything, but she looked around curiously at everything she could see.

Driianalyn couldn't find it in herself to say anything. She excitedly looked at everything, especially the owl, and wondered why Jhayze had kicked it. She was eager to get to know the other Coast man. She wandered up to him and smiled, "So, you're from the coasts as well, yes?"

Jhayze looked up and smiled at Drii
'Yeah, though it's been a while since I've been back there...' He said, still smiling 'So, when did you leave the coast, if you don't mind me asking?'

"Oh, not too long ago." Driianalyn smiled, reaching into her dreadlocks to lightly touch the fish bones and other trinkets hanging from them. "I must say that I miss it, but I wouldn't miss out on this adventure for my life." She grinned.

'Same here!' he said, warming up to Drii 'It's very exciting, but it's weird not being able to see the ocean, at least it has been to me...'

Driianalyn laughed outwardly, feeling closer to him in a few easy moments. She knew it was because they came from the same homelands, which made her extremely comfortable around him. "Oh, I know! I miss the smell of the ocean, as well. And the sand."

Jhayze nodded eagerly
'Aye! Well i hope that our travels will eventually get us back there' He said hopefully 'It's exciting to go north though, I've never seen the mountains! I heard that's where the Duke was banished, the highest peak or something, that'd be something to see, oh yes indeed!'

Eleirah wandered around looking at everything and listened with half and ear to Driianalyn and Jhayze's conversation. She wondered absently what they would say if they knew she didn't miss her home at all. She missed the library a little maybe, but the only other thing she missed was gone and would never return. She sighed sadly. With curious fingers she stroked the wood of the owl statue and wondered how long it had taken to be carved, and who might have carved it.

"I have never been anywhere aside from the Coast before, so all of this is very exciting to me." Driianalyn stated, smiling at Jhayze. "Hopefully our adventures will bring us to be close friends."

Kryas listened closely to Driianalyn's words, and frowned a little at the close friends part. He was sure Serrina did not want them making friends with the other side, even though she hadn't explicitly stated this. He found a wood store behind one of the cabins and began building the fire. He pulled out the pieces of flint he had kept with him since he left his hometown. They were wearing on a bit, but they were still good for making a fire. The sparks eventually caught on the kindling and Kryas left it to go get some meat from the food stores. He pulled out a clean leather cloth and set the meat down on it. He fanned the fire and watch the fire catch on to the bigger pieces of wood he had arranged into a rough tee-pee shape. "Alright, we got a fire!" He said triumphantly. As if in answer, the fire roared into life, burning about halfway up the wooden structure.

Jhayze would lay a friendly hand on Drii's shoulder and squeeze a little
'I hope so too!' He announced.
After removing his hand Jhayze turned to find Kryas had lit the fire and wandered over, taking a seat on a split stump close to the roaring inferno.
'What's wrong with you?' He asked, thoguh the words in the question may not have been hugely polite, he meant no offence and seemed genuinely worried.

Kryas looked at him. "Wrong with me?" He said, suddenly awkward and stiff. He picked up a piece of meat, and suddenly realised he didn't have a proper skewer. He looked around for a twig and picked one that looked like it could hold the piece of meat. He unsheathed the dagger from his boot and sharpened the end of the twig before poking it roughly through the chunk of meat. He held it over the fire, rotating it slowly.

Haelene walked towards the fire and sat cross-legged beside it, chewing on an apple she got from the foodstore previously. She watched the flames as she ate, her eyes occasionally flitting towards her companions.

Winep found a position to sit where he could watch everyone, which had become a habit of his. Not because he didn't trust anyone he just liked to know what is going on all around him.

Jhayze nodded at Kryas.
'Aye, you seem glum...' He said, lounging back on the stump he sat on 'Anyhing on your mind?'
Jhayze wasn't hungry, he couldnt eat when he was excited and he really and truly was, more than he'd been before.

Haelene moved her gaze to Winep, noticing his people watching and smiling. Her gaze then shifted back to the fire. The expression on her face was one of a relaxed nature, almost completely at ease.

"Oh" Kryas said simply, checking on his meat, which appeared to browning nicely. He held it above the fire again, resuming his previous action. "Just none too happy about going home after only being away for a short while"

Eleirah, finished with looking at the carved owl for the moment, wandered closer to the fire, but did not quite join the group that was around it. She stood back in the shadows a little watching and listening, but as was usual with her, too nervous to simply invite herself.

Kryas took another look at the piece of meat, which appeared to be well-cooked. He cut into the meat quickly with his dagger, and saw dark pink on the inside. "Aah, perfect!" He smiled and sheathed his dagger. "Who wants this?" He held it on the end of the stick still, but slightly away from himself.

... The shadows grow longer until the sun finally dips beneath the horizon leaving the the roaring fire as the only light source. Out of the night swirls a cloying white mist which obscures all but the closest things. The fire beats back the mist a few metres in every direction, but very soon all the companions can see is eachother and the crackling flames...
Now noises in the misty depths, the crunching of leaves and a frightful whisper of mocking voices. There is something about it, something which seems to lead your thoughts. You all come to the same conclusion, these are the Hornets and they mean you nothing but ill...

Jhayze stands up, fear darkening his previously sunny expression. He picks up his harpoon and slowly moves himself into a throwing stance, not quite sure whats going on but possitive it would be better to be prepared than not. Drawing a slow breath Jhayze wished his Epiphany enhanced words could console him as they could others

Winep didn't want to believe the hornets were here. But if they were here and they attacked what could he do. Winep remained where he was planning a strategy while being aware of his surroundings, listening to the the cracking leaves and whispers.

Kryas' hand went straight to the hilt of his sword. He stood up but remained where he was, not wanting to run into the darkness of the woods. Without taking his eyes from what he could see of the trees, he half-turned and spoke "Does anyone have a good ear?" His tone was harsh and his words quick.

Haelene moved fluidly to her feet, somewhere within the transition from sat to stood two of her four daggers had found their way into her waiting hands. She stared out into the darkness her eyes flickering from tree to tree and back again, searching fore any signs of movement. Her fingers twitched on the handles of the daggers, as if waiting to be of use.

Theed crept up to where everyone was observing the Hornets. "I can hear well, if you need me." Theed quietly removed the sword from its scabbard. The scabbard was built with a soft piece of leather on the inside, so made no sound when it was withdrawn from its hilt. Theed appeared to stay perfectly still and started to listen to the conversation the hornets were having.

Jhayze shuddered, this all seemed unduly frightening to him. He searched his mind for anything useful he could do, he found nothing. Even his new grasp of Epiphany seemed to shrink in comparrion to this almost ethereal display.
'T.. they shound like they're all around us...' He muttered 'how many of them are there?!'
Each word wavered as Jhayze battled to keep his composure, but as with everything he did the seconds before action terrifed him.

Eleirah, standing back from the fire, jumped as the mist surrounded her. She clutched her bow, but knew that the long range weapon would do very little good to her if she could not see her targets. She started to take a step toward the fire but then stopped, she remembered that the new abilities she had were best used in shadows and darkness. The fire would be more of a problem than a help to her and the others who she assumed had learned something similar at least to what she had.

Kryas stepped back from the fire, not wanting to give the Hornets any sort of visual advantage; just because he couldn't see them by firelight in the darkness didn't mean they couldn't see him. He was in fact focusing so much on staying hidden that his power activated and shrouded him, rendering him almost invisible in the darkness. He still had not drawn his sword, thinking it un-neccessary until absolutely so. "Theed, what can you hear?" His tone was less harsh, but he still spoke quickly.

Haelene moved round the group towards the food store, knowing that they would be vulnerable if it was left unguarded. She crouched in the shadows, waiting for one of two things: Theed's answer or some form of attack.

... The misty shadows seethe with life, they pulse and snake as if trying to enter the ring of light cast by the blaze. Finally they emerge, one ran at Jhayze, a blurr in the darkness, slashing at him with a short knife and then retreating again into shadows. One ran at Kryas, seeming to shrink as it came, slashing at shins and then jabbing at his chest as it passed. Lastly one would grab Eleirah and pull her into the darkness (if allowed)... The rustling and whispers continue unabated....

Though he couldn't see the shadow, Kryas' eyes caught the glint of firelight on the knife just a tad too late. It cut deep across his shin and he yelled in pain, but barely avoided the jab to the chest, instead receiving a minor flesh wound to his right side, grazing just below the swell of his ribs. Ugh, wondrous. They're fucking Epiphinites! "Guard up guys, there's more to them than wandering bandits!" He no longer cared about keeping quiet.

Eleirah was thinking so hard that she almost missed the shadow that grabbed her. Struggling in its hold she tried to get her hands on the knife that she had taken though she didn't know how to use it. She kicked and bit viciously at whatever had a hold of her, but she didn't really have much experience with fighting.

Hael launched herself into action, moving through the shadows and being sure to keep away from the light of the fire, she felt her powers moving within her. Shadows moved towards the being that was dragging Eleirah, wrapping themselves around it and clinging to its form. Haelene hoped that it would slow it down long enough for them to help her. Her head felt heavier due to the effort she was exerting, she only hoped that it would work.

Theed saw what Hael was doing, and sent his own shadow hand to grasp the attacker as well, hopefully to slow him down. He kept the corner of his eye focused on Winep, in case anyone attacked him. He also tried staring into the darkness to spot more of the attackers. In an obscure thought in the middle of a battle, he wondered why that he had been granted the power of shadows, yet no extra power to see in them.

Kryas observed the others' actions, and they seemed to be handling themselves for now. He was more interested in the one that had cut his shins. His boots had protected him from some damage, but the slash was still deep enough to be an impairment. He grabbed randomly in the darkness with his tendrils, once or twice grazing something, but not quick enough to maintain a hold.

Eleirah finally found her knife with one hand, and started slashing at her attacker. She noticed what Hael and Theed were doing, and tried to add her own shadow grasp to theirs, but it was difficult for her to concentrate and fight at the same time.

Jhayze stood, stunned, as he was slashed by the knife blade. The wound wasn't deep but it ran halfway down his entire arm. He cried out and prmoptly fell to his knees. Jhayze was terrified and confused, he'd never been in a combat situation before and it scared him to think he could die here.

...The attacker dragging Eleirah began to move like he's walking in thick mud, each step is laboured and forced. His lack of movement alows the firelight to illuminate him and for the first time a Hornet is revealed. He wore a wide brimmed hat, similar to those who work in rice paddys, decorated with green ribbon. His face was obscured by both the hat and a green cloth mask pulled up to just below his nose. His clothing was tight fitting pale leather, also decorated with green ribbon or painted green in places. He wore an obscure tube strapped to his back and a strange cross bladed dagger on his hip...
... He swore as he was slashed and released her from his grasp, arms bloody. The Hornet then melted back into the mist, seeming to shake the shadows off himself like water...
...Moments passed and the mist seemed to receed and then they came again, all three at once. One moved at Theed, two daggers in his hands, he made three slashes, one at face, one at neck and one at chest height, this time however he didn't retreat. The second, who carried and short-sword attacked Haelene, whipping the sword with such speed it was as if it were made of grass. The third, bloody from his encounter with Eleirah, moved past Jhayze to Driianalyn, he charged her, cross-dagger raised to stab...

Theed leant back sharply, dodging the daggers slicing at his head and neck. He tried parrying the third dagger with his sword, but blocked it a little too late, leaving a cut in his left side. Theed thrusted his blade perfectly forward, towards the attackers stomach. wincing slightly as pain flared in his side.

It was chaos and blood all around. Winep knew he couldn't defend himself physically. He would have to use his epiphany. Though the firelight was dim Winep managed to make an impressive illusion of a great dragon arising from the fire. you could see it's outline in the shadows, it's wings expanding. Winep could only hope that the illusion would be enough to scare the hornets.

With a small squeak Haelene thrust her daggers upward, blocking the first swipe of the sword and moving backwards. But she wasn't fast enough, the second swipe found its way to her middle. Letting out a strangled grunt she swung her daggers towards her attacker in an almost haphazard fury.

Driianalyn noticed the weapon first, and then noticed it's size. Her hand was already on her spear, and she hoped it was strong enough to with hold some sort of pressure from a dagger. She slid back into the shadows, feeling the power run through her body as shadows wrapped around her feet and up her legs, hiding her into the deepest of shadows. She held her spear out right, ready to fight.

Jhayze cried out in fear, but as time passed he began to calm down. It was odd, it seemed as though Epiphany had granted him some control over his fear.  He stood up, grabbing his harpoon and raising it to throw, Jhayze took careful aim and let the weapon fly. The weapon flew towards Driianalyn's attacker, as it did he growled, though he barely knew her Drii was a fellow coast dweller and he felt an odd kinship to her.

While Driianalyn's attacker was changing direction to see who had thrown something at him, She lept out from the shadows, the after effect of the shadows being on her showing only by streams that followed after her body, only dissapearing when they got far enough away from her power. She pulled her arm back and, with as much force as she could, pushed her spear into her attacker.

Now that Eleirah was free, she looked around at the attacking shadows. They were difficult to spot, attacking in three different places at once. Eleirah ran to where she'd dropped her bow when the first shadow had grabbed her. She aimed the bow carefully at the center point in nearest of the shadows. Breifly she used her shadow grasp to attempt to pin Haelene's attacker in one place for just a moment before releasing the arrow.

Kryas drew his sword and slashed at a movement in the shadows, catching no more than thin air. This is going nowhere, we can't even see! He saw Jhayze chuck his spear and Driianalyn shove her own deep into the side of her attacker. His attention was drawn back to Jhayze as he had a brainwave; hadn't one of them become visible when he got too close to the firelight? "Jhayze!! Can you create a burst of light with your powers?!" He shouted to Jhayze, his attention now no longer on his surroundings.

The great dragon glowed with ethereal light, seemngly making the fire morph and grow inside it. Slowly the mist was pushed back and the Hornets became more human...
...Theed's attacker is dazed a little by the sudden light and the great shimmering beast above him, he tries to turn Theed's blade and the weapons strikes him a glancing blow across his arm, drawing blood. He then drops low and whips his leg around in an attempt to knock Theed down...
...Haelene's attacker parried her clumsy slash with ease but was almost totally unprepared for Eleirah's arrow which burried itself into the back of his thigh. The attacker screamed in pain and in an act of rage, ripped the arrow from his leg, scattering gore and blood in all directions. He then spun back on Haelene, moving like a frenzied beast he kicked and stabbed and struck with his free hand...
...Jhayze's harpoon bit into Drii's already wounded attackers back, unfortunately not deeply. However as he turned to find his new foe, Drii's spear skewered him neatly and he howled in pain. Finally the third attacker collapsed, dying from his wounds. Before he died he uttered
'The Silent Wasp see's you minions of dark and light, she prepares for your entrey to her country...' He coughs up blood 'She will be your end...'

Jhayze looks up and Kryas and almost shakes his head, he then notices Wineps great dragon and the light pouring off it, he grins.
'Drii!' He shouts, weariness in his tone 'Can you help Theed?'
Jhayze then closes his eyes, returning to his path of Epiphany he channels the light. With his mind he finds Wineps great Drake and adds his own light given Epiphany to it. The beast grows in size and begins to throw off far more light, the final two Hornets become fully visible.

Kryas grinned wide, showing all of his teeth. "Bit too bright for you boys?" His tone was strangely flat and dry and he felt the welcome red haze of battle descend on him; that cold feeling he loved so much filled his body. He charged one of them, who drew his cross blade and parried a slash to his midriff from Kryas' sword.

Haelene had to concentrate more on dodging than she could on fighting, her attacker was fast and trying to fight it could be disasterous. She looked as if she was dancing as she moved around her assailants slashes and movements. With her daggers she added her own slashing into the mix, earning herself some knicks from the Hornet's blade - a larger slash found its way to her left arm as she realised she was moving swiftly backwards towards a tree. Falling, half on purpose and half by accident, into a crouch she thrust her leg forward kicking him hard in his already injured thigh.

Theed deftly jumped over the swipe, and still in midair, lifted his sword high, pointed down attempting to strike his attacker through his skull. "Don't worry about me!" Theed called out. "Protect Winep instead!"

"Gah. So many directions!" Driianalyn joked, even though there was fighting. She danced around all of the movement to Winep and grinned deftly. "Hi, I'm here to protect you." She grinned and turned, battle stance and spear ready.

Finally able to see more clearly, Eleirah began to shoot off more arrows, but was still careful to aim well clear of her companions. She'd rather miss a shot on one of the attackers than to accidentally hit one of her friends. She aimed mostly at legs and arms, hoping more to incapacitate than to kill.

...Haelene's attacker stumbled, a strangled scream escaping his lips as the already bleeding wound from Eleirah's arrow was kicked. It was then that Kryas moved in, takin the downed hornet off guard completely...
... Theeds attacker, yet to be wounded in a real sense, seemed to have become dizzy in the light projected by the illusion. He would try and turn Theeds blade, but instead recieve it deep in the shoulder, he screamed. It was then that one of Eleirah's arrows struck home, burying itself into his sword arm and leaving it limp. The Hornet knew his time had come and grinned through the pain.
'The Silent Wasp will destroy you all...' He released a racking cough 'We're simply scouts... You're as good as dead...'

Jhayze shudders slightly, so much mental exertion in was costing him. He looked around and smiled, glad that he and Theed were helping their friends and protectors, glad to see they wern't simply dead weights. He strangled a sob and fell into a sitting position, still clinging to the huge illusion which stood vigilat above them. If only they could sic that thing on their foes, he grinned wearily, now that would be an Act of Epiphany to see!

Kryas, very aware that his target was incapacitated, lunged straight and intended to run his blade through the middle of the Hornet to the soft organs underneath.

Theed picked up his attacker and slammed his back against the tree, holding his body up with one hand. "What are you talking about? Tell, or I'm running this blade right through your chest." Theed positioned a dagger at the man's heart, slowly adding more pressure. "And how are you epiphinites?"

Haelene faltered, her eyes going hazy as if a new wave of information was being thrust upon her. As her senses came back to her she was vaguely aware of something new and different about herself but more importantly that Kryas was lunging towards the Hornet she was under. She pulled herself away from it, pretty certain that it would fall on top of her if she didn't move, "Kryas, thanks." A small smile flashed across her lips.

Driianalyn shook her head slowly, feeling a bit ungrounded. She had a slow realization that her body was different, and she knew exactly how. She turned her attention from Winep, who had never replied to her aid, to Theed, who was questioning another. Without barely a thought, half of Driianalyn's concious was completely on Theed, shot from her body to a nearest shadow, hiding and listening to the very words. Seeing it, to her, was incredible. Streams of shadow shot across her vision and out of her body till they hid in the silent form of herself, waiting to hear. In her head she saw two different visions; that from her body, and that from her shadow. A smile twitched, but she did not falter.

The mist started to recede as Kryas skewered the second Hornet through the chest, the man died with a gurgle...
...Theeds Hornet laughed in his face and spat a gob of saliva at Theed...
'We don't need to resort to Epiphany to best you shadow skulker...' He wheezed 'and the rest, ooooh, the rest you will discover soon enough...'

As Kryas removed his sword from the chest of the Hornet and his blood lust cleared, he recognised the swimming vision and pounding headache. He tore a piece of the Hornet's tunic off and cleaned his sword before sheathing it, ignoring the sick feeling rising in his stomach. "Don't mention it Haelene" He looked at her but didn't smile back; he didn't feel very much like smiling.

Jhayze hissed and lost his concentration, leaving Winep alone to hold his illusion. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was and what was going on, when he did he blanched white as a sheet. The air was heavy with the iron tang of blood and Jhayze struggled not to be sick, he'd never been around so much death before.

Hael pulled herself to her feet, looking down at her former assailant and shuddering. She looked at her coat and narrowed her eyes as she noticed the new slits and holes that adorned it, this would have to be dealt with. "I wonder if there're any more..." She spoke half to herself, half to anyone who happened to be listening.

Winep had surprisingly been prepared for this epiphany. He spent many days idly watching bees dinking nectar or the trees sway in the wind. Blocking out his other sences was one of his strong points. Sencing that the fight was over he broke his focus on the illusion as the dragon disappeared in a crakle of sparks.

Theed threw the Hornet to the ground, spitting back at him. The Hornet had given Theed enough information to guess what would happen. He spotted Jhaze and Winep. Jhaze looked like he was about to throw up, and Theed guessed it was now Winep holding the illusion on his own. "Everyone back near the fire!" Theed roared. The "Silent Wasp" must be their leader, and if the hornets are epiphinites, that means the Silent Wasp has got to be a high ranking one. While putting most of the group at a disadvantage near the bright light, it would also put the Wasp in a disadvantage too.

Driianalyn let her shadow come back to her, into her body. She felt whole again, and smiled. It was slightly strange, the way she smiled, but it was a smile nontheless. She eyed Theed and wondered what had made him become the leader. Normally she would question, but she was tired now, too tired to wonder. She wandered her way over to the middle fire and began to clean her spear.

Jhayze took a deep breath and go to his feet. Trying not to look at the dead Hornets he retrieved his harpoon and went to join Drii to clean it by the fire.
'That was impressive Drii!' He said happily as he forgot about the bodies 'We make a good team, though to be honest I think that we all make a pretty good team together.'
As he spoke he slid his harpoon into the dirt and then whipped it out quickly, leaving the gore behind and cleaning the blade almost completely. He then set about polishing the barbed head with a cloth from his pocket.

Driianalyn smiled lightly at Jhayze and agreed. "It was impressive, of all of us." She set to getting every bit of blood off of her spear, holding onto the strong handle with a perfect grip. "I am glad we all managed to hold our own."

Eleirah stood in place, her arms still holding out her bow as something happened in her mind. Like before when she took her first step into Epiphany she felt that she had a new ability. As she returned to herself, she slowly lowered her bow and looked at it in her hands. She had always thought of herself as only a mediocre archer, but now it seemed she had a new skill that would add to her archery in the future. El rubbed her sore eyes and sat down abruptly, though she continued to keep her ears and eyes open for any other possible enemies.

Kryas tore a further piece of tunic from his kill and sat in the same spot he had before the Hornets came, and was disappointed to see that the meat he had collected from the store and the piece he had cooked were gone, lost somewhere in the darkness; only his leather cloth remained, twisted with the shape of a muddy footprint stamped right in the middle. He picked it up and replaced it in his bag, intending to clean it at another time. "Well, that was something!" He walked over to the well and filled up his water bag and returned to his spot by the fire. He poured water on to the new piece of cloth he tore off and wrapped it around his shin where the Hornet's knife had slashed him. Holding it in place with one hand, he picked up another twig and snapped it in half. He sharpened the two halves with his dagger and pushed them through the soft fabric of the tunic, creating a makeshift bandage.

Haelene moved towards the fire, frowning at the unfamiliar post-battle aches, pains, cuts and no doubt bruises. She'd had to fend people off before but it had never been like this and a nagging feeling told her that there would be more fights like this one. At least we're more prepared, I guess... She sat down, her expression slightly troubled.

Theed still had his blade drawn, scanning the darkness for signs of movement. "The fight's not over yet!" He said frantically to everyone. "One of the Hornets mentioned a "Silent Wasp" Is coming. He's gotta be their leader. Be prepared. He could come any minute."

...The mist faded completely leaving thick darkness illuminated by the crackling fire and the silvery moon, no other attackers emerge and it seems no others will for the time being...

Kryas shot a look at Theed. "I don't know who made you the leader of our merry band, but we can deal with the issue of the "Silent Wasp" when it comes" His tone was slightly edgy and he pointed at the wound in Theed's side. "But in the mean time, I suggest you get that wound of yours cleaned and dressed because we don't want to drag your sorry infected ass around with us!" The edge to his voice dropped and he threw another log into the fire. "You can use your kill's shirt for dressing" His tone was final, indicating he did not want to pursue the matter further.

Haelene, who was sitting almost completely still, flicked her gaze towards Theed, then Kryas, moving nothing but her eyes. It was clear that tensions were high, speaking seemed, to her, like a bad idea. Her eyes moved back to the fire, watching it as it flickered.

"I didn't try to become the leader." Snapped Theed. "I'm just making sure everyone knows what may happen." The Silent Wasp hadn't attacked yet, so he guessed that he may not attack until later. He roughly tore off the dead Hornet's shirt and wrapped it around his side. He had still too much adrenaline to feel any pain though. Theed pushed his blade into the round to clean it, before sitting cross-legged with it still out of it's sheath and laying across his lap. He took a sharpening stone from his pocket and started to run it across the edge of the blade, wiping any blood left over with the sleeve of his tunic. Every ten seconds or so, his eyes darted up and looked around, and every minute he turned his entire body so he could look backwards, wincing slightly as his side chafed.

"Just relax for a minute." Driianalyn said, to no one in particular, but it was obvious who it was for. "Just breathe for a few moments. We will band together, and work together greatly again when the time comes. For now," She studied her spear, happy with how clean it was, and set it across her knees, "We need to tend to wounded, and restock our energy."

Eleirah relaxed a little more, and started to examine her own injuries. Just a few scrapes and bruises, but she was lucky in that. She knew it could have been much worse for her if the others hadn't noticed that she was captured and rescued her. She forced herself back to her feet looking around for a moment to spot the two that had helped her. She wanted to thank them.

Winep was a little uncomfortable with the bitter air. And felt worse seeing everyone's wounds when he had none. He was the only one of the adventurers without a weapon. "How embarassing" he thought.

Jhayze nodded at Drii's comment, they all needed to calm down.
'Hey, if anyone's in charge it's Winep and me anyway!' He grinned 'We pay the way afterall!'
Jhayze still looked very weary, thought fairly muscular due to a life spent fighting the sea for its bounty he appeared to lack the concentration Winep so easily displayed.

"If anyone's got any needle and thread, I could sew anyone's clothes together again." Said Theed. He was still looking around nervously. "I gotta get my mind off this." Theed laughed nervously. He had finally stopped sharening his blade and looked intently at the edge. He brushed the edge with his thumb, to test the sharpness. Apparently he was pleased with his sharpening and pur it back in it's sheath, leaving a small gap so he could still take out the blade quickly. With his hands now free, he started drumming against his knee with his fingers.

Haelene moved her head lazily to look towards Theed. She opened her coat slightly, revealing a small display of random, small but useful items, a needle and thread included. "I have, but I can sew my own clothing." She pulled her coat closed once again, looking as if she was hugging herself - this was probably true, she probably was.

Winep looked up at Jhayze in shock. Jhayze no doubt had what it took to lead but himself a leader. The thought made Winep smile although acheiving that position was unlikely. He ducked his head so no one would see the excited look on his face. He didn't want to start another arguement.

Eleirah walked up behind Theed and spoke in what was just barely above a whisper, "I have some in my pack that you could borrow... Umm... I also wanted to thank you." She added the last in what was a whisper.

Kryas examined the wound on his side. It was bleeding a little but it was already clotting, so he decided to leave it as it was. Once he was content that everyone was relaxed and tensions had relieved, he took a deep drink from his canteena and spoke. "Well, I don't think we want to get caught with our pants down again" He capped his canteena and returned it to his satchel. He looked at Theed "Sorry I snapped, but you do seem to have a solid head on your shoulders, so what ideas do you have?"

"Thanks." Said Theed, then his tone dropped down into a whisper too. "But why are you thanking me? You were the one who saved me. I should be thanking you instead?" Theed wondered why Eleirah was whispering, but didn't want to reply loudly in case she wanted to keep something secret. Theed threaded the needle, his once shaking hands now perfectly smooth. He put the needle in the corner of his mouth, and said to eveyone else, "Well, chances are the Wasp will attack in the night again. They appear to be able to conceal themselves well in the dark." Theed didn't mention that they were Epiphinites, in case Winep and Jhaze hadn't noticed everyone elses ability. "This Silent Wasp guy seems like a leader, so there's two main options. He'll either attack on his own, confident in his ability, or send another group as cannon fodder to weaken us again, and then attack. I'm willing to bet he'll confront at least one of us. These kind of people have an ego the size of a planet. He may not attack tonight, but as a precaution, I think we'll have at least one lookout. The rest can sleep. I'll be the first lookout, and if someone wakes up, they can switch with me. Does anyone desperately need their clothes sewn?"

Haelene let out a small chuckle at the ego comment, wincing slightly as she jarred one of the more painful wounds that adorned her body, though it wasn't severe enough to make a fuss about so she tried to ignore it. She would never admit it but this had scared her more than she was willing to let on. It was not long ago that she was travelling to find money for her family, everything had changed so quickly and it would be unnatural for her not to find it overwhelming. With her arms still wrapped around herself, she watched the flames again, listening to the conversation going on around her.

Kryas nodded. "That sounds good" He thought for a moment, then decided that Theed's approach was probably best even if the others had their own ideas. "I'll follow Theed, who else wants to offer their services?"

"I'll look out, as well." Driianalyn said. Her new power would work incredibly well for this job, and she knew it. She looked at a few of the wounds she had caught, none were that big or worrysome. "That should get us through the night, yes?"

Eleirah looked down when Theed said he should be thanking her instead, and she shook her head in embarrassment. She slowly backed away and turned to walk over to Haelene as the other person who'd helped her when she was almost taken. "Umm... Haelene?" She interjected quietly when she was close enough.

"Yeah?" Haelene turned slightly, looking up at Eleirah with a smile on her face. Her arms moved from their hug-like position as she clasped her hands together, placing them on her lap.

Jhayze smiled wearily, he wasn't wounded but the fatigue had become a deep ache in his bones.
'Well, I think I'll go to sleep then...' He said to no-one and everyone 'Let's hope we have no more excitement tonight...'
With that Jhayze stood up, resting a friendly hand on Drii's shouldr for a second,and then went into the nearest cabin, collapsing on the firwst bed he comes too.

Driianalyn yawned into the back of her hand and watched the others, before standing. "I'm following Jhayze's lead." She smiled, "Wake me when it is my turn, I will watch then." She wandered in the same direction Jhayze had went, and, in the same motion, curled up on the nearest cot and slept.

"I... just wanted... to thank you. I mean... for earlier." Eleirah said to Haelene in her quiet voice. "You and Theed both helped me."

As no one seemeed to mind about ripped clothes, Theed set to work on his own tunic and jacket, quickly and expertly threading the needle through fabric, making a near seamless finish. He then scaled to the top of the owl statue and sat on top of it. "I'll be up here if anyone needs me." He said, before sitting nearly motionless and staring into the darkness. The only things that seemed to be moving were Theeds eyes, constantly darting forward and back.

The night passed with no-more incident and the shadows slowly faded and allowed light to curl into the campsight. From the highest bough of a tree an owl sat, it's severe eyes keeping watch over the slumbering Epiphinites. In the distance a dog barked and a wolf howled, the day was begun and there was much to do...

Jhayze woke as soon as the light touched his eyes being as light a sleeper as he was it was a wonder he'd not woken earlier. He stood and stretched, leaving everyone who shared his cabin to sleep a little longer he walked outside. Jhayze wandered happily through the sunlight to the well, hauling up a bucket of water he proceeded to wash his face and the rest of himself as best he could. The water was cold, but that was good, it forced him to properly wake up. He sighed as he remembered the dead men by the fire, he supressed a tear and went to the food pit, retrieving a couple of apples and a pear. He put te apples safely into his pack and began to eat the pear, ravenously, having forgotten how hungry he was. As he stood there the light seemed so pure, he couldn't help smiling, the daylight was a relief after such a frightening night. 

Theed had been sitting on the owl all night, and snapped out of his trance-like state of taking in everything around him then immediately forgetting it after when Jhaze woke up. The noise of Jhaze snapped him to attention, his heart beating quicker for a couple of beats, before spotting Jhaze moving about. He slipped off the owl and walked over to Jhaze. Seeing Jhaze's smile at the sunrise, he said; "Beatiful morning, isn't it?" Theed rummaged in his pocket and took out a couple of small leaves, munching on them. "Want any? They wake you up if you're tired."

Kryas sat up from his spot near the dead embers of the fire and stretched. He had slept little, mostly because he was still too agitated from the fight; even the little sleep he had was broken. He rubbed his eyes in a one handed motion and winced at the pain in his side and realised that the wound was going to end up scarring even though it was small due to where it was. He took a drink from his canteena and stood up, letting the sun wash over his face, slightly revitalising him. "Morning fellas" His voice was thick with sleep.

A very tired looking Haelene made her way out of one of the cabins, her messy hair was, if possible, even more messy than usual. Hael had never been a morning person and felt that it would be a small while before she could function properly. She walked towards the food store pulling out some fruit that she didn't care to look at beforehand, made her way over to the once-burning fire and slumped down on to the ground in front of it. She couldn't help but notice the ache from last night's battle, it wasn't doing much for her early-morning mood as she stared out of her currently mouse-like eyes.

Eleirah also made her way out of the cabins, rubbing her eyes a little, but not saying anything. She sat over near one of the trees and started digging through her pack to see if there was anything in there she could use for breakfast.

Driianalyn woke up quickly, sitting straight up on her cot. She was pondering her just over dream as she stood, stretching her arms above her head. She began to arrange her dreadlocks around her head in a ponytail while she walked out of the cabins. She took a seat near everyone and closed her eyes to the sunlight.

Jhayze smiled warmly at Theed and nodded once.
'It is indeed, one of the best I've seen for a good long while.' He said, he then raised his voice slightly so that the others who had woken could hear him 'We'll depart soon for Upper Bristlton, eat, drink and wake up, we'll need out energy for the trials ahead!'
Jhayze laughed to himself slightly, he sounded so knowledgeable when reallyy he was winging it totally and completely. After shaking his head slightly to Theeds offer of leaves he moved to Drii and rested a friendly hand on her shoulder for a second.
'It's odd sleeping and not beign lulled by the waves isn't it?' He asked, quietly.

Winep had just woken up and was laying quietly in bed. He heard Jhayze's voice out side and thought he might have made an important announcement. "I guess it's time to get up" Winep thought. He went outside and sat by the embers with everyone else.

Eleirah munched on her food and wondered if she had time for a quick practice run on her fiddle. She figured that she probably didn't and sighed quietly to herself. She'd have to wait till there wasn't any danger of being attacked before she practiced.

"Very much so," Driianalyn replied. "It is strange to not be rocked to sleep, listening to the sound of the ocean. Makes me a bit land sick, unfortunatly." She smiled despite her miss of the ocean. "I fare, though. Don't you?"

Kryas was rummaging through the food stores, trying to find anything other than meat. He had a feeling that they didn't have the time. He found some fruit, which had been kept quite fresh due to the cold nights and out of direct sunlight by a deerskin cover. He took two apples and bit deep into one of them, savouring the fresh juices that burst in his mouth. "There's some fruit in the back, if anyone's interested" He said without looking around.

Haelene raised a hand to her mouth as she yawned softly, still not very aware of the world. She looked at each member of the group in turn, making sure she remembered their names. Fortunately, the events that had befallen the group were enough to stamp their names into her mind, at this thought she smiled a small smile.

Jhayze nodded, his smile widening.
'Indeed, I certainly do!' He said 'Is everyone ready to head off? we have a lot of land to cover to get to Upper Bristlton before Sun-down...'
Jhayze's eyes fell onto the great wooden owl and his eyes shone just for a second.

With the sun still rising they set off, walking through wooods, fields and hamlets. After a long time, when the sun had begun to dip under the horizon they arive at their destination, Upper Bristlton, but things are not how they should be...

Back to Epiphany

Username (or number or email):


2009-03-04 [Elwyne]: sorry, it's really close to where I live so I tend to use it to give an idea of where I live without giving exact location.

2009-03-04 [Chimes]: Why are you saying sorry? XD I thought it was a neat coincidence. ^^

2009-03-04 [Elwyne]: oh... I always apologise too much... or so I'm told.

2009-03-05 [Chimes]: *hugs* It's okay, I'm like that too. XD

2009-03-05 [Elwyne]: (accepts hug and hugs back) 

2009-03-05 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Just incase you think Theed's doing musical drumming, he's just sort of rapping his fingers against his knee quickly, like when you're waiting for something/nervous.

2009-03-05 [Chimes]: Llama... you put 'Sorael' again. I fixed it for you.

2009-03-05 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Thanks. >.<

2009-03-05 [Chimes]: S'ok. :P
It's kind of amusing that you commented just after with the right name.

2009-03-10 [Chimes]: Where did the link back to Epiphany go? O.o

2009-03-10 [Chimes]: It bugged me... so I fixed it. XD

2009-03-10 [Barock]: odd girl xD By the way i hope all you Rpers will join HaRPy! :-) If you're in this Rp you can be a member :D

2009-03-11 [Elwyne]: I already asked about that before and I was ignored.

2009-03-11 [Barock]: On the Harpy page?

2009-03-11 [Chimes]: I am odd, yes.

Elwyne, you weren't ignored. :P We just hadn't put the rules up yet, so weren't adding members... and currently, none of us have gotten round to adding members yet. :P Don't worry, I have your comment stored in my brain.

2009-03-14 [Elwyne]: ok thank you, Chimes! I'm afraid I've got a problem right now. Barock, do you think you can have Eleirah kidnapped or something similar for the time being? I'm on my sister's computer right now, because my internet connection on my computer is being difficult. I'm not sure that I'll be able to get on regularly for a while, so at least until I can come on reliably again Eleirah might need to disappear for a while. I'm sorry.

2009-03-14 [Barock]: Alright, we're going to a new chapter soon and I'll have her snatched by the hornets then :)
I hope you come back soon, I'll miss Eleirah! :(

2009-03-14 [Elwyne]: thanks, I'll try to get things together soon, but I'm just not certain what the problem is.

2009-03-14 [Thrice]: I'll be on the new page tonight. I have to go to work soon, but I will be there no later.

2009-03-15 [Barock]: I'll put up some bold texts tommorow, new page then sleep now :)

2009-03-15 [Barock]: Riiiight, post in Chapter 3 now :-

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