Page name: Marauding Char. [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-12-22 00:44:07
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Marauding Char.
This is for Marauding Mayham

James Potter (Prongs)- [~Harry Potter~]

Sirius Black (Padfoot)-[yugiohgrl]

Remus Lupin (Moony)-[Amanar]

Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail)-

Lily Evans-[AnnMiuka]

Severus Snape (Snivellus)-[Wirey]

Headmaster- Albus Dumbledore-[~Harry Potter~]
Transfiguation-Minerva McGonagall-[yugiohgrl]
Charms - Flitwick-[AnnMiuka]

Made-up char.

RPG name:Vixen
Wand:10inch maple wood with phoenix tears and powdered dragon claw
Pet/Pet's name:a wolf named Seleria,and a bat named Lunar
Clothing:the school robes and under them she wears a black fishnet shirt over a pink tank top and black leather pants,and high heeled black boots(that amazingly she can run in!)She has spiky bright pink hair,with shocking green highlights.
Backround Info:friends with moony,padfoot and anamigus,she turns into a large white wolf with a black cresent moon on her forehead or a small white fox(arctic fox that is)

RPG name: Joan Carbella
Wand:12inch swishy redwood with unicorn tears
Pet/Pet's name: black cat named Fiery
in uniform: wears guys pants (has no qualms with skirts, they just restrict too much movement due to their exposing nature) and hates to tuck in her shirt.
casual: typically wears baggy pants and a tight t-shirt
Backround Info: Long brown hair tied in one solitairy braid. Grey eyes. Short. Lightly tanned. Plays Beater on Quidditch team. Has two older brothers who long since graduated. Mixed blood. She's extremely intelligent but extremely casual. Likes to tease and is mischevous. Generally likes people but you don't want to get on her bad side... she can get VERY creative.

Username:[Siraku The Demon Wolf]
RPG name:Hailey Wolfy or just Wolfy
Wand:13 inch grey shine with wolf tear
Pet/Pet's name: none
Clothing:I have grey shirt or hoodie with blue jeans.I will wear a skirt sometimes........I have regular white shoes.
Backround Info: My best friends are Remus Lupin and Fred and George Weasley. I am an animegi (a wolf). I have blonde hair, blue (right) and yellow (left) eyes. I am very protective of my friends and am not scared to say Voldemort's name. Can get very angry and loose temper if someone talks about Lupin's condition (a werewolf)or mentioning something about half breeds. Does not get a long with Snape, Malfoys', Fudge, and/or Voldemort.

Username:[~Crimson Angel~]
RPG name: Misty Earle
House: Gryffindor
Wand:Doesn't know it was my older sisters'
Pet/Pets name:Snowball (Owl)
Clothing:Pink shirt with blue jeans.I never wear shorts,skirts,or dresses.I have pink shoes.I will wear pink alot.
Backround info:I am friends with Harry Potter,Hermione Granger,Ron Weasley,and Ginny Weasley.I have long dark brown hair,and my eyes are green.I am not afraid to say voldermort's name.I have a secret crush on someone at hogwarts.I don't get along with the Malfoys,Snape,or Voldermort.

Username:[Singing my own Song]
RPG name:Alexandra
Wand:12 inches willow phoenix feather
Pet/Pet's name:Black cat called Nightshade
Clothing:tee-shirt, jeans, hoodie and tainers
Backround Info:friends with everyone apart from anyone in slytherin!!i have long, curly brown hair green eyes and im allways smiling!

now go do mischief at ~Marauding Mayham RPG and thats an order!!!

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-19 [AnnMiuka]: When do we start?

2004-08-20 [AnnMiuka]: As long as everyone else getrs two charachters, I might as well too.

2004-10-08 [sexy mama-2-b]: thats not fair. i would like to join, but dont want to be wormtail. hes evil.

2005-02-06 [sexy mama-2-b]: thats not fair. not evryone can have 2 characters!!! then nobody else will want to join.

2005-03-03 [Bookwyrm]: I'm exactly does this work?

2005-03-21 [Kyromanic]: is that right??

2005-05-11 [Cat in the Hat]: start when ever

2005-06-15 [Cat in the Hat]: um misty they are not alive yet this is about James and them at school

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi.

2005-06-15 [Cat in the Hat]: they aren't alive yet

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know I don't come in untill after Harry is born.

2005-06-15 [Cat in the Hat]: oh ok

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep so why hasn't this Role play thing changed

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: yep so why hasn't this Role play thing changed?

2005-06-15 [Cat in the Hat]: you said that twice

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: sorry it was my computer,well why hasn't it changed?

2005-06-15 [Cat in the Hat]: it just did

2005-06-15 [~Crimson Angel~]: oh cool let me go see.*leaves to look*

2005-09-26 [Singing my own Song]: i hope no 1 minds me joining!

2005-10-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2005-12-21 [AnnMiuka]: Join us!!! any player you like

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