Page name: Wisdom of the Fox [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-26 16:00:42
Last author: Wes Foxx
Owner: Wes Foxx
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Wisdom of the Fox

Thoughs on the world around us written by [Wes Foxx]

(Do not copy or distribute without my permission. Thank you.)


~Life is like a canvas: It begins blank, empty, and full of opportunity. A person draws upon it whatever they wish, each with their own unique style and colors. Good or bad, it is still a painting, and someone out there is always willing to give alot for the painting, for you. There is someone out there who can appreciate this canvas of life you paint with your wisdom, actions, thoughts, feelings, if your willing to wait for them to come along. Sometimes they feel nervous; they don't know if they can take care of this painting. They worry that they might damage it, or feel they don't deserve to own such a beautiful thing.
There are many who try to find their painting by finding the most colorful or the most expensive, overlooking other paintings. These are the people who have no common sense. Don't let these people ruin your hopes. Paint your life however you feel, following the brush that is your heart.

Clear and logical thought will sketch outlines, detailed but cold. Emotion is the brilliant colored paint that pours freely on to the page, but are undefined and blend uncomfortably together. Use your mind and heart together, and you will design a truly great masterpiece.

~Aric Boshoven - Wes Foxx~


~Fate. An indiscriminate force that no one can overcome, and overcomes everyone. It changes, it twists, it is our greatest gain, and our greatest losses. It is happiness. It is pain. It is death. It is life. It is time itself. It is the beginning and end of everything. Im almost lead to believe fate is the earthly presence of God himself.

Fate can be kind, giving us our loved ones, family, friends, the money you find on the street that lets you get by, someone there at just the right time to save a life.
But at the same time, someone is always there at just the right time to end a life as well, unexpected costs when you've just been fired, our friends move away, our family is viciously taken away from us, and most cruel of all is when our loved ones have left us with bleeding hearts and sometimes more.

The wheels of fate are turning again...

~Aric Boshoven - Wes Foxx~

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