Page name: Dragon Battles [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-12-10 03:14:27
Last author: Hatake Kakashi
Owner: Cat in the Hat
# of watchers: 4
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Welcome to Dragon Battles where i,[Hatake Kakashi], an the owner of this wiki. if you have any question fell free to message me. Well this kinda like dragon booster but the dragons battle insted of race. There are arenas, shops,trading centers(TC), stables, aution houses, and a whole bunch of other places.(we/i need to get some of these up) here is alittle background info:

Long ago, the dragons had and all out war against each other started by Senile the dragon of darkness. after 50 years of fighting and deystoring a young human Breeder created Anima the dragon of light.Anima fought against Senile for 7 more years, at the spot the humans would build Drakcon, Anima destroyed Senile but before he died he launch his last attack Destiny Bond and vowed he will come back and finish what he started. Anima and Senile turnd into a force of energy(white for Anima, black for Senile) and spilt apart and turned into eggs. Some humans were effceted and caught the weak dragons and Tamed them. 500 years l8er humans still control dragons for power and battling. but the evil(i need the team who is looking for Seniles' egg)is looking for Seniles' egg.but one girl stumbles apon Animas' egg and its almost ready to hatch(me of corse) now her and her friends is training to stop the Dragon War from happining again.

1.No killing other dragons.- They faint. if i catch you there will be serous actions will be taken.
2.No cussing.- i can tolorate mild cussing.
3.One dragon per Tamer- stick with the one you have unless yours dies from old age or an accident then you get a new one.
4. If you do not want to be a Tamer there are other applications(see other applications)
5. no thives-do not steall anyones dragon unless you are a Wrath Tamer.
6. no trading dragons.
7. be clean- no blood or guts anywhere
8. if you want to open a shop/stable/areana/TC or aution house ask me and i will help you.
More will be added

we also need some ideas for some items for battleing

ok to sign up first you have to vistit a few sites:
Dragon Battle species to check out what type of dragon you want.
Tamer teams to see what team you want to be on.
And go to drakcofor the money
Afterword then go to:
Dragon Battle Tamers
other applications to sign up

if you are privilged to open something post it here at Drakcon city

ok lets start this rpg!

Username (or number or email):


2005-06-17 [SunCloud]: can i join?

2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: of corse so do you have your species and your team

2005-06-17 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hi,I am doing some advertising so please go to Rape=hate.

2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: i know.

2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: and after your done with that got to Dragon Battle Tamers

2005-06-17 [SunCloud]: ok i am a cilia dragon who colors are light blue, dark blue, aquarmarine, and saphire...... and how should i choose a team?

2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: go to Tamer teams

2005-06-17 [SunCloud]: i will be on your team

2005-06-17 [Cat in the Hat]: k now go to Dragon Battle Tamers

2005-06-19 [drakkar]: hmmm

2005-06-20 [SunCloud]: yay i am a dragon  grrr

2005-06-20 [Cat in the Hat]: hello drakkar

2005-06-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: cool

2005-06-20 [drakkar]: oi

2005-06-21 [SunCloud]: -yawns-

2005-06-21 [drakkar]: moo/

2005-06-23 [SunCloud]: -blinks-  no one wants poor me  -is sad-

2005-12-10 [Hatake Kakashi]: Dang this .......hsan't started a bit*im [Cat in the Hat] but i forgot the password*

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