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2005-05-14 10:06:58
Last author: jesska
Owner: jesska
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Juliet Marillier was born in Dunedin, New Zealand, a town with strong Scottish roots. She graduated from Otago University with a BA in languages and an honors degree in music and has had a varied career which includes lecturing in music history, professional singing, choral conducting and assessing tax returns. Currently she works part time in a government agency and spends the rest of the time writing.
Juliet Marillier now lives in the Swan Valley area near Perth, Western Australia. Her garden features trees and herbs, in keeping with druidic interests. She shares her home with two dogs, a cat and the youngest of her grown up children. (From inside Child of the Prophecy)

JM's current and upcoming books are:

The Sevenwater's Trilogy
- Daughter of the Forest
- Son of the Shadows
- Child of the Prophesy

Saga of the Light Isles
- Wolfskin
- Foxmask

The Bridei Chronicles
- The Dark Mirror
- Blade of Fortriu (this is the working title, the book is still in the making)
- The Well of Shades (this is the working title, the book is still in the making)

Short Fiction
- Otherling (Published in Realms of Fantasy magazine and again in Issue 7 (June 2003) of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine)
- In Coed Celyddon (Published in the anthology of The Road to Camelot, edited by Sophie Masson.)

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