Emborg's theory on muses

my theory on muses today in Danish (for English look down)

muser er eller var de ni gudinder i græsk mytologi som hver især står for en kunstart el. videnskab. det er så to et halvt tusinde år siden, nu tro jeg ikke på at de ikke har formere sig i den tid(se xanadu), og da de er udødelige i en form ellen en anden, det har med ført en ny art(ok 2500 år gammel ) som har mindre kræfter end gudinderne. de står så hver i ser for en mindre gruppe af folk, men lige som de 9 første består de kun af kvinder. det er også der for at de altid betegnes som hun køn. de er her der alle steder, fordi de kan holde sig usete.
tænker du nu "hvem har muserne formeret sig med?"
er svared
"de stor kunsterne og videnskabsmænd gemmen tiden "

my theory on muses in English from Danish
The Muses was the nine goddesses in Greek mythology who each stood for a art form or a science. that was two and a half thousand years ago, now I don't belief that they haven't reproduce in that time (just look a xanadu), and since they are immortal in one form or another, that would over time add up, that terms have created a new species (ok 2500 year old ma not be new). who has less power than the goddesses (who was Daughters of Zeus, and Mnemosyne) . . .each of them (not the goddesses) are then responsible for a smaller group of people or a single person , but like the first 9 who only consist of women, the muse to are all women. It is also therefore they are always defined as female.
They are here there everywhere, because they can keep themselves unseen.
If you are thinking now " who did the muses reproduce with?"
answer is
"the big artists and scientist through ages"

My theory on muses in English from Danish by [Veltzeh]
In Greek mythology, muses are or were the nine goddesses who each stand for an art form or a science. That was approximately two and a half thousand years ago, and I don't believe they haven't reproduced since that (see Xanadu). Since they are immortal in one form or another (((What?))) each of them (not the goddesses) are responsible for a smaller group of people, but like the first 9 they consist only of women. That is why they are always defined as female. They are everywhere, because they can keep themselves unseen.
If you are thinking now "Who did the muses reproduce with?" the answer is "The big artists and scientists through ages."

(((Wrote it clearer, but couldn't figure out what exactly is meant here. So I guessed.)))

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