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2004-10-07 13:31:25
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a guide to tortalls towns and cities

A short guide to Tortall and surrounding areas. (I haven't included minor fiefs, just cities, major barony's, major duchy's, important fiefs & a few other important places. When I get chance I will put in the minor ones too.) Some of this information was taken from the glossary in 'Page'. The rest is from my own knowledge.

Barony Olau
Home to Sir Myles of Olau (a teacher at the palace in Corus and Alanna's adoptive father). The ruins and history date back to the time of the Old ones.

The Black city
Situated in the middle of the Great Southern desert. A deserted city, home to the Ysandir (until Alanna and Jonathon destroyed them), nameless and evil beings who had been around since the time of the Old ones. They used to draw young people into the city and steal their souls.

Carthak is a country south of Tortall and across the Great Inland sea. The capital city is also called Carthak and is situated close to the River Zekoi. It is also the home to the current Emperor: Kadder Gazanoi Iliniat. His reign started after his uncle, Emperor Ozorne Tasikhe, turned into a Stormwing and was forced to abdicate. He was later killed by Daine in TROTG. He supported Tortall during the Immortals war. This slave holding empire includes all of the Southern Lands. It is big, hot, dry, ancient and powerful, a store house of learning, sophistication and culture. It's university was at one time without a rival for teaching. It's people reflect the many lands that have been consumed by the empire, their colours ranging from white to brown to black.

City of the God's
The City of the God's is the oldest and best place for the teaching of magic in Tortall, due to the magical aura that surrounds the city for miles. Lord Thom of Trebond trained to be a master here with Mithran priests. There is also a convent where girls learn to become young ladies.

Chitral pass
The second pass in Lumuhu valley. Alanna recovered the fabled Dominion jewel after journeying here. Chitral, guardian of the Dominion jewel, describes himself as an elemental. He says he is the mountains.

The Copper Isles
A slave holding island nation to the south and west of Tortall. The isles lowlands are hot, wet jungles, the highlands cold and rocky. Traditionally their ties are to Carthak rather than Tortall, and their pirates often raid along the Tortallan coast. There is a strain of insanity in their ruling line. The isles hold an old grudge against Tortall, since one of their princesses was killed by Alanna, on the day that Jonathon was crowned. During the Immortals war the Copper Isles go against Tortall.

The capital of Tortall and home to the rogue. It is located on the Northern and Southern banks of the Oloron river. Corus is home of the New royal university as well as the royal palace, a huge castle, situated above the city.

It is home to King Jonathon the 3rd, Queen Thayet and their family, nobles, servants, the pages and squires learning to be knights of the realm, and more. Inside the high castle walls, even higher towers fly flags and the small dome in the middle shines like silver.

A busy market city and the capital of Galla.

A fief that lies in the Lake region. After their father died, half was given to Yolone and half to her younger sister, Maura. After Yolone and her husband, Lord Belden attempted to trade with Carthak without asking, then their partner in crime, the war-mage Tristan Staghorn, tried to kill a company of the King's Own, Yolone was arrested for treason against the King and Maura was put in charge, with Douglass of Veldine, as her guardian until she is old enough to rule by herself.

The Emerald Ocean
The Ocean to the West of Tortall.

A mountainous country with extensive forests, north-east of Tortall, and Daine's native land. They are Tortall's allies.

Home to Sir Raoul, head of the King's Own. Situated in the Lake region of Tortall.

A small village south of Port Legaan, attacked by the skinners, slightly before the last battle of the Immortals war.

The Great Inland Sea
Divides Carthak (to the South) from the Eastern lands in the North, including Tortall, Tyra, Maren, Scanra, etc

The Great Southern Desert
Home to the deserts native people, the Bazhir. It is most of the time avoided by Tortallans because of the Bazhir tribes (who dislike the King of the North and any nobles associated with him) and the hillman.

A large, powerful country east of Tusaine and Tyra, and west to the Roof of the World. It is the grain basket of the Eastern Lands, with plenty of farms and trade.

Home to Keladry and her family. Her three older brothers, Anders, Inness and Conal, are already knights of the realm and Keladry wants to join them.

Home to Duke Gareth, the elder, former King's champion and training master at the palace; and Sir Gareth (better known as Gary) the younger, prime minister. Situated in the Lake region of Tortall.

Built by the Bazhir to guard the Black city.

Pirate's Swoop
Home to Baron George Cooper and his wife, Lady Alanna. It is situated on the coast up on the cliffs and over looking the sea.

Port Caynn
A large city built on the coast, close to the capital: Corus, and one of Tortall's main ports.

Port Legaan
Built further along the coast to Port Caynn. Tortall's other main port. The last battle of the famous Immortals war was fought here.

Sarain's capital. A bustling, trade city, packed with things to see.

Roof of the World
A hilly kingdom to the far east of Tortall and to the east of Sarain. There is no single government. The Capital city is unknown.

The Royal Forest
Situated behind the palace in Corus. Pages and squires are often taken into this vast forest to get some camping and hunting experience for when they are knights of the realm.

A country east of Maren, and Queen Thayet's native land. It is ruled over by a warlord, the equivalent of a king, and up until recently it has been a country of civil war between the K'miri people and men loyal to the warlord. The capital is Rachia.

Situated North of Tortall. Little is known about this mountainous country and it is totally unknown what lies North as it is further than most Tortallans have ever journeyed. Bandits from here often attack the north of Tortall. Fiefs such as Trebond defend.

The little mountain village that used to be home to Daine, Sarra and her Grandfather, before she came to Tortall with Onua as the housemistress's assistant.

Home to Sir Alex of Tirragen, who Alanna kills in Lioness Rampant. Situated in the Hill country.

The chief kingdom in which the Alanna, Daine and Kel books take place, between the Inland Sea and Scanra.

Alanna and Thom were born here, in this little fief. After their Father died in Alanna's first year of being a squire, Coram ran the fief for her whilst she was in training. When he came to the desert, then the Roof of the World with her, he left a capable man from the village in charge, whom he had been training.

A country east of Tortall. They went to war with Tusaine in years when Alanna was a squire and Jonathon was crown prince. At the time King Ain was ruler; he had to give in and sign a treaty after Jonathon held his brothers Count Jemis and Duke Hilam hostage.

A small, merchant republic on the Inland sea between Tortall and Maren. Tyra is mostly swamp, and its people rely on trade and banking for income. It's capital city is also called Tyra. They are Tortall's allies.

The Yamani Islands
Situated to the north-west of Tortall, and west of Scanra. They are ruled by an ancient line of emperors, whose claim to the throne comes from the goddess Yama. The country is beautiful and mountainous. Its vulnerability to pirate raids means that most Yamani's get some training in combat arts, including women. They are Tortall's allies. Keladry of Mindelan spent a lot of her childhood here, when her father was the Tortallan ambassador. It was her family who got them to make peace with Tortall.

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