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song of the lioness

"D'you think I want to be a lady?" his sister asked. "Walk slowly, Alanna," she said primly. "'Sit still, Alanna. Shoulders back, Alanna.' As if that's all I can do with myself!"
Alanna: The First Adventure, Ch 1: Twins

"Ah. 'Free time.' I've heard about that. Don't fool yourself, Fire-Top. What with the extra hours of lessons for punishments, and the work you get everyday, free time is an illusion. It's what you get when you die and the gods reward you for a life working from dawn until midnight. We all face up to it sooner or later--- the only real free time you get here is what my honored sire chooses to give you, when he thinks you've earned it."---Gary

"I buy---and I sell."---George

"I almost had to fight Gary for you. He said it wasn't fair, me getting the best because I'm the prince."---Jonathan

Coram (to Alanna): Watch your saddlebags. There are some here as would steal their own mother's teeth!   George: Who, me?

"You know" he murmured , "I'd almost rather face old Ylon again than Lord Martin in a temper."
"I'll blame it all on you," she replied sleepily. "See if I don't". ~Alanna and Jon

"Because he is my friend. Because I always know where he stands, and where I stand with him. Because I think he'd die for me and I think I'd die for him. Is that enough?"
- Jonathan of Conté (Song of the Lioness - The First Adventure)

"I'm not quitting!" Alanna snapped. "I - I'm protesting! I'm protesting unfair treatment - and - and being worked till I drop. I want to have time to myself. I want to learn to fight with a sword now, not when they decide. I want - "
Alanna: The First Adventure, Ch 2: The New Page

"Your Majesty, even I know better than to dirty the air with incense and surround Jonathan with wailing people," Alanna told her. "Besides - he called for me. He trusts me, and he doesn't even know I have the gift."
Alanna: The First Adventure, Ch 4: Death in the Palace

"I want to be a warrior maiden and do great deeds. Thom likes sorcery, and Father hates it. The only way we could get what we wanted - was to lie. I had to pretend to be a boy."
Alanna: The First Adventure, Ch 7: The Black City

Alanna: I fell down, Your Grace.
Duke Gareth: Mithros, boy, can't you think of a better excuse?Alanna: But this one works so well, sir. It has tradition behind it.

"I don't like people nosing in my affairs, especially sorcerers."
- Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness - The First Adventure)

"I'm an everyday man. I like my books and my brandy and my friends. I like everything in its place, and I like to know today where I'll be tomorrow. When the gods brush my life - they brush eveyone's life at some point - I get nervous. There's no accounting for what the gods want."
- Myles of Olau (Song of the Lioness - The First Adventure)

"Hello. You must be Alan of Trebond. You're very hardy to have made it this far the first day. Has anyone said what we try to learn here?"
"The only thing I know is that I jump when I'm told and I have no free time."---Myles and Alanna,

Jon: Who else knows? (in response to Alanna being a girl.)
Alanna: George and his mother.
Jon: You trusted George?

"I am not afraid," Alanna snapped. Emerald eyes caught and held hers, until she swallowed and looked away. "All right - I'm afraid. But it won't do me any good to give into it, will it? I mean, you're going to talk to me, and I can't prevent you, so I may as well accept it."
In the Hand of the Goddess, Ch 1: The Lady in the Forest

"You're celebrating His Higness's birthday? It's not even midnight! Does he know you're so loyal, 'Fingers?"
In the Hand of the Goddess, Ch 3: The Prince's Squire

"Tortall!" The cry was loud and fierce over the crash of weapons and men's screams. "Tortall for Trebond!"
In the Hand of the Goddess, Ch 5: By the River Drell

"if hate is wanting to crush someone because you know they're evil, then yes - I hate the Duke of Conté."
In the Hand of the Goddess, Ch 8: Fears

A lioness rampant. I like it.
In the Hand of the Goddess, Ch 9: The Ordeal

"You know something? There are sandstorms that strip man and horse and bury them - I have seen them. I saw bones piled higher than my head for the folly of a bad king and those who wanted his throne. I lived through a blizzard that froze every other living creature solid. Against those things you are only a man. I can deal with you."
- Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness - Lioness Rampant)

"They did not think I was a worthy opponent either. Can you say that my friend and I would be dead at the hillmen's swords if you had not come? They took my sword from me." She swallowed hard and said recklessly, "What is a sword? I have my axe, and my dagger, and my spear. I have Coram Smythesson to watch my back, as I watch his."
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Ch 1: The Woman Who Rides Like a Man

"So? He was stupid. If I killed everyone who was stupid, I wouldn't have time to sleep."
- Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness - In The Hand Of The Goddess)

If I'd known I'd be ridin' with a legend, I'd've thought twice about comming along."
- Coram Smythesson (Song of the Lioness - The Woman Who Rides Like A Man)

"We belong to each other. Is that silliness. Surely you've realized all along that this had to happen."-- Jonathan

"I love you, Alanna. Ignore it if you want, but I do love you."---Jonathan

"I don't feel like a stranger here," she confessed as she wiped her eyes. "It seems to me that I've known these people for a long time - all my life, perhaps. I don't always agree with them, but they make sense to me."
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Ch 5: Apprentices

Alanna: How can Thom live in such a cursed ugly place? I'd go mad if I had to look at this all the time. George: He probably doesn't notice. Most scholars don't.

Myles: You didn't kill him. He would have killed you, but you didn't kill him.
Alanna: So? He was stupid. If I killed everyone who was stupid I wouldn't have time to sleep

"Obviously!" she retorted. "Find yourself someone more feminine, Jonathan of Conté!"
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Ch 7: The Voice of the Tribes

"I'm going to do this one last thing," she retorted. "Stand back, both of you."
As Coram and Faithful obeyed, she clenched her fists. There was no spell for what she wanted to do, but she was determined not to let that stop her. If the will to accomplish was the greatest part of any magic, she had only to tell the earth what she required, and that was what it did. The ground beyond the head of the grave shook as she pulled at it. When she opened her tightly closed eyes, a granite pillar stood to mark the burying place. Deeply-graven letters proclaimed, "Here lies the sorceress of Alois, who loved the people who killed her."
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Ch 10: The Doomed Sorceress

"Don't die on me," she whispered when the clock struck midnight and he still had not moved. "It's only a little shoulder wound. Goddess, George--don't die on me."
His eyes flickered open and he smiled. "I didn't think you cared," he whispered. "And why insult me? I won't die for a wee nick like this; I've had worse in my day."
Alanna wiped her wet cheeks. "Of course I care, you unprincipled pickpocket!" she whispered. "Of course I care."

Alanna (to Duke Hilam): You are brave kicking a chained prisoner. They must sing heroic ballads about you on winter nights.

Alanna: Do you need help getting back to your rooms?
Myles: (shakes his head) I'm going to stay and watch the pretty little Eldorne girl try to hook every eligible male at court. Alanna: If she doesn't succeed it won't be because she didn't try.

(discussing the ceremonial bath before the ordeal)
Alanna: You just don't want Gary to see me bare.
Jon: You're right, I don't. Do you? Do you?

. Myles: Do you love Jon?Alanna: Loves wonderful, but its not enough to keep us together for years of marriage. I'm not sure if I'm ready; I'm not sure if Jon's ready. I have to be sure if I want to marry King Roald's heir. Yes, I love him. That's the whole problem.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop," she snapped.
"I don't doubt that," he agreed, his voice soft. "On the other hand, if you'd yelled a wee bit louder, perhaps Jonathan himself could've heard he had two unexpected allies here in Port Caynn." ~Alanna and George

Ali Mukhtab/The Voice: You ride as a man, you fight as a man, you think as a man...Alanna: I think as a human being. Men don't think any differently to women - they just make more noise about being able to

Coram sank his face into his hands. "Life used to be simple," he told his palms.
Faithful jumped up to sniff Liam's plate. Probably more boring, too. ~Coram and Faithful

Liam: The next time you’re told someone is Shang, pay attention.

"beauty is pain"- thayet.

"One," Alanna whispered, closing her eyes and fumbling for the best words. "Crystal and whole, unbreakable, strong. One - crystal in the hilt, straight steel, sheared in two." Dust whipped against her face. "Two - " She moved the three pieces closer to each other. "Separate, yet together. Being. Becoming." Power shuddered through her body. "One!" she yelled over the shrieking wind. "One blade, unbreakable and whole!"
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Ch 10: The Doomed Sorceress

"I like dresses," she explained. "If you come with us to Tortall, you'll see me wearing more of them. Just because I'm a knight doesn't mean I don't like pretty clothes."
Lioness Rampant, Ch 4: The Roof of the World

Oh, gods, she thought as the ape squared off against her, its deep-set eyes bright with intelligence. I'm in for it now.
Lioness Rampant, Ch 4: The Roof of the World

She blushed. "I'd like to have you all to myself for a year or two. After that, we'll have all the children we want." Her voice cracked as she added, "I'll be proud to."
Rising, George pulled Alanna into his arms. "So I finally tamed myself a Lioness."
Lioness Rampant, Epilogue

"Your artwork's improved. The one you did of Delia made her look like a cow. Though now that I think of it, maybe that was your subject matter--" ~Alanna

"Do you always think like this?" she wanted to know. "Or do you rest sometimes and think about ordinary things with the rest of us?" ~Alanna

: Tell me, sister mine, when is your dragon going to make an honest woman of you? Alanna: He isn't. We were done before I came home. He doesn't like magic.Thom: Silly man. What about Jonathon, then? Everyone knows you two used to be lovers, even if he is a prig about other things. Maybe I should talk to him. Having sullied your reputation he can't be allowed to abandon you. You have a good name...lanna: I'm not amused, Thom.Thom: I think you should take the thief, if you must take someone. If you marry George I'll give you my blessing. Alanna: If I marry anyone, I'll let you know. Can we change the subject? I love you dearly, Thom. But you're prying

Alanna: At least I never thought I could take on an entire army by myself!
Faithful: You still do.

alanna(just as Alex dies): Is this what it means to be the best, Alex?

Alanna (upon meeting Roger after he'd been brought back to life by Thom): Hello Roger. You look pale. Not enough time in the sun?
Roger: You're cocky, aren't you? Killed anyone recently?
Alanna: No. It's so depressing to come back and find one's work reversed.

Jon (to Alanna): Hello. That's a pretty dress. Are you wearing it for anyone in particular?   
Alanna: Yes. Myself.
Jon: Ouch. You should be nicer to your king, my champion. 
Alanna: No I shouldn't. Duke Gareth says a champion must always be honest. Even when others lack the courage.
Jon: Lacking the courage to speak out has never been one of your problems I admit.

"This is a fine welcome you've given me, laddy- buck," Alanna said, trying to imitate her husband's speech as she approached. "Here I am, home from the wars, and you let me be swarmed over by barbarians whilst you flirt with my friends."
"Excuse me," George said gravely to the adults, and to the children he plucked from his wife's hold. Gripping the Lioness firmly, he bent her back in a prolonged kiss that looked like a romantic scene in a play. Everyone , even the men-at-arms posted along the walls, clapped, whistled, and cheered.

George: Don't call me 'gentleman'. I work for a livin'.

the immortals

Daine (refering to robes): And what color robe are you?
Numair: None! Do you know hot those things are?
Onua : He's a black robe. One of the only seven in this world.

Tkaa: You humans should know better than to use that word [impossible].

"Don't tell me. You expected someone bigger."
- Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau (The Immortals - Wild Magic)

Numair: You fiend! What on earth possessed you? You were dead! I ought to kill you myself!
Alanna: Numair, calm down. How are you, youngling? You gave us a scare.
Daine: You're the purple fire. You brought me back?
Alanna: I gave you a direct jolt to the heart. We thought we'd lost you.
Daine: My heart... It made too much noise. I wanted it to quiet down so that I could talk to the dolphins.
Numair: Do you hear that? She wanted to talk to the dolphins so she stopped her own blessed heart!

Rikash: Get that squirrel!!!(thats ones my favorite)

Alanna: There are always some who dislike you. But that's life.

"Politics. We don't have to mess with that, thanks be to Father Storm and Mother Rain. It means you sit down to dinner with enemies and ask how their children are."
- Ouna Chamtong (The Immortals - Wild Magic)

"Odd's bobs, this is a strange place! Knights who say call 'em by their first name and wizards that light tinder and queens that run around dressed like real people."
- Veralidaine Sarassri - (The Immortals - Wild Magic)

"I may be human, but I am not stupid."
- Veralidaine Sarassri (The Immortals - Wolf Speaker)

Daine: Does your ma know you're this silly?
Numair: The few grey hairs she has on her head are my doing. But I send her plenty of money, so she can have them dyed!Onua: I hope she beat you as a child. 

Rikash: Perhaps its treasonous of me, but I really think I would like to reach Ozorne ahead of the others. If I do, they can have the leftovers. How about I just tell him you said Goodbye? Before I rip him apart.
Daine (seriously): That's very thoughtful of you. I appreciate that.
Rikash: I think if I'm careful, I can at least keep one of his braids for you. I'll try anyway. Souvenirs are always important

"Are you aware that the entire west wing and Astronomer's Tower are burning?"
She scuffed a foot on the ground. "I thought they'd killed you. I lost my temper."
Numair's eyes danced. "Magelet, that is the greatest understatement I have heard in my life." ~Daine and Numair

He turned. "You--you're alive. I thought..."
She staggered over to him. "I hurt too much to be dead." ~Daine and Numair

"Don't you ever--ever--frighten me that way again!" He shook her for punctuation, then wrapped his arms around her so tightly that she thought she might just pop. "Ever," he added, and kissed her thoroughly before releasing her.
"I don't know," she said impishly, smiling up at him. "I like this particular kind of tantrum." ~Daine and Numair

"Whoever you are, if you're here to kill me, you'll need to do it while I remain prone," a familiar voice said nearby. "Have the decency to be quick about it, so I can get back to my rest."
Daine tumbled off Cloud's back, trying to see where he was. "What I've got in mind isn't near so quick as killing!"
There was a long silence; her heart twisted within her chest. Then she heard a cracked whisper: "Daine?" Under the long, drooping branches of a nearby willow, a dark figure lurched to its feet.
She ran to Numair, slamming into him with enough force to drive him back against the willow's trunk. "That hurt," he gasped. Before she could apologize, he was kissing her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, her lips. She kissed him back. They came up for air, then kissed again, their hands checking each other's bodies, for serious injury as well as simply for the joy of touch.
They came up for air several more times before they had calmed down enough to let each other go--although Numair kept his grip on Daine's hands. "Will you marry me?"
She grinned up at him. "Maybe someday," she replied, eyes dancing. "But ony if you're very, very good."
"What if I'm very, very bad?" he whispered, the heat in his voice making her shiver agreeably. He gathered her into his arms and eased his mouth over hers, caressing her lips with his, teasing, until all she could do was hang in his grip.
"Still maybe someday," she replied finally, when she could do more than simply gasp. "But you're welcome to try and convince me to make it sooner."
This is as lovely as colts frisking in the sun, Cloud remarked from outside the screen of willow branches, but you're going to have company. Kitten is bringing Tkaa and Onua here.
Daine giggled and told Numair what the pony had said.
"Then by all means, let us totter down to meet them," said the man with a sigh. "I will resume persuading you in regard to matrimony at another time, when we've rested, and eaten, and had baths." ~Daine, Numair and Cloud 

Numair: I love you. If you get yourself killed, I will NEVER forgive you
Rikash (drawling): You're breaking my heart.
Daine: Got a bit of sand in your crop? A swallow or two of oil should wash it right out the end that does your thinking for you.
Rikash (laughs): I deserved that. Don't mind me. 

Numair: (to Daine, on turning Tristan Staghorn into a tree): What kind is he, can you tell?
Daine: I think it's fair rude of you to turn him into a tree and not know what kind he is.
Numair: Daine...!

Scamp: I wouldn't like to be a mortal. Uncle Moonwind has been teaching me about mortals. It sounds uncomfortable.

Daine: Animals are sensible. Humans aren't.

Numair: You have no idea how glad I am to see you, Magelet.
Daine: Maybe a little. Its mutual, you know.

(as they discover Daine in their trap)
Male spidren: Only think. All the realms know that King Ozorne of the Stormwing Alliance will heap rewards on whoever brings a certain female mortal treat.
Other male spidren: Or a long-shanked mortal mage.
The first: Quite right. So everyone else searches and the treat falls right into our nets. The gods must love jokes like these; they tell them so many times.

Leaf (whilst flying on the dragon): Funfunfunfunfun

Quotes from the Protector of the Small quartet

Captain Flyndan: You don't think history gets rewritten, sometimes?

Lord Raoul: When people say a knight's job is all glory, I laugh and laugh and laugh. Often, I can stop laughing before they edge away and start talking about soothing drinks.

Royal Courier: His Majesty said with all deliberate speed!
Lord Raoul: That's how we're doing it. Deliberately

Kel: Well, is social scheduling what YOU thought you'd do as a knight?
Merric: I didn't think. I just did what my parents told me, for once

Herald: Lord Raoul asked me to tell you that if you get yourself killed, he will never speak to you again.
Kel: So helpful

Kel: Sir, I've learned so much from you. You're the kind of knight I want to be.
Lord Wyldon: I am not. But that you believe it is the greatest compliment I will ever receive.

Kel: It's the only bad thing about animals. Most of them don't live as long as we do.
Cleon: I know, sweet. But think how bleak life would be without them.

Kel: I'm not a Yamani anymore. I'm allowed to be rude. Foriegners don't know any better.

Kel: The Yamanis don’t have them {competitions}. They just beat each other half to death in training.
Raoul: They sound like sensible people.

Cleon: The queen sent him {Raoul} to his room.

Dom: Mithros, I HATE it when the enemy learns new things!
Raoul: The glory of knighthood is lovely, isn’t it? The brilliance and fury of battle, the sound of trumpets in the air, the flowers, and all the pretty girls – or pretty boys, in your case – climbing all over us.
Kel: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my lord. You are a bad man.

The Chamber Of The Ordeal: You again.
Kel: Yes, of course, it’s me. I’m proving to myself that I’m not afraid of you.
the chamber of ordeal: But you are.
Kel: I like lying to myself. It’s fun.

Kel: But he’s got the LIONESS for knight-master!
Dom: You think that’s FUN?

Kel: I’ve been thinking.
Yuki: Uh-oh.

Raoul: Practice is the difference between winning and being worm food

Buri: I haven’t seen Raoul about. I suppose he defied their majesties and is hiding in his rooms.
Kel: No, he’s here. Not in his room, though, or we’d have seen a big lump behind the hangings.

Lerant: He would have {accepted} if I slapped him. He’d have no choice then.
Kel: All right – when I’m done, slap him and have your fight.

Kel: You get used to anything –
(Looks at Daine’s head on an eagle body)
Kel: Well, maybe you don’t.

Kel: Why didn’t they mention hammering and digging and sawing, when they talk about war. They never talk about mud in your eeth.
Dom: If they did, who would be crazy enough to fight? Pretty girls look oddly at a fellow if he talks about the mud in his teeth, instead of the enemies he killed so THEY might sleep safe.

Numair (had said): When in doubt, shoot the wizard

Sergeant Osbern: Let's have an inspection. Mithros witness, if I find one strap undone, heads will roll.
Giles of Veldine: But, Sergeant Osbern, sir, I like my head.

Dom (to Kel): Your page-sponsor was a certain mad cousin of mine.
Kel: You're realated to Neal.
Dom: Sadly, yes. I call him Meathead.

Raoul: We do try to eat. I go all faint if I don't get fed regularly. Only think of the disgrace to the King's Own if I fell from the saddle.
Someone: But there was that time in Fanwood.
Sergeant Osbern: That wedding in Tameran.
Someone else: Don't forget when what's-his-name, with the army, retired.
Raoul: Silence, insubordinate curs! Do not sully my new squire's ears with your profane tales!
Dom: Even if they're true?

Neal (about Alanna): She doesn't need a sword-that temper sharpens her tongue just fine.

Kel (to Neal): You know, Neal, I think your branch was cheated when they handed out brains, because Dom... (Neal throws roll at her)

"The Yamanis say it's better to live with pain. You have to let it roll away like water on a Stone. That way it doesn't have any power over you."
"They sound like wonderfull, cheerfull people. Any other warrior stoic arguments?"
- Keladry of Mindelan / Neal of Queenscove (Protector of the Small - First Test)

"Oh, don't start my-lording me, youngster. Didn't anyone tell you a palace is like a sieve? Servants talk, families talk, boys talk and nobles talk. If people stopped talking around here, the walls would fall in. There'd be no wind to hold them up."
- Miles of Olau (Protector of the Small - Page)

Kel (about Raoul, to Neal): You'd particularly like the tilting practice we have every day when we aren'tin the field.
Neal: Tilt with Lord Raoul? Why don't I just lie down in front of an elephant and let him step on me? I bet it feels the same.

"That fathead Glaisdan. He kept telling me that one Tortallan horesman was the equal of ten northern savages."
"Maybe they are. It's the eleventh savage that get's you."
- Raoul of Goldenlake / Flyndan Whiteford (Protector of the Small - Squire)

Jon: Change the law? Squire, what do you think her majesty and I have done ever since we took the thrones? No, don't answer-I dread what you might have the courage to say.

Cleon: You shimmer like a mirage of delight. Your teeth call to mind wolfhounds romping in the snow.
Kel: Wolfhounds are furry. I hope my teeth aren't. And teeth aren't cold enough to be snow. How is it you get sillier everytime I talk to you?
Cleon: The joy of our nearness cooks my lovestruck heart.

"Military folk. The only way you know to solve problems is by beating them with a stick."
- Neal of Queenscove (Protector of the Small - Lady Knight)

Neal: Did Cleon kiss you for Midwinter luck?Kel: Did Princess Kalasin ask for a dance at the ball tomorrow night?

Kel: Yield. Or I carve my initials right there.
Voelden: I yield.
kel: And they say conservatives can't learn

Raoul (about giants): Those big fellows are all alike. Smash 'em on the toemand they turn into kittens

Lord Wyldon: Very well done. Very well indeed. You listened to my advice bout your shield-but then, Iexpected no less. I only wish -
Kel: I know my lord. You wish I were a boy. But being a girl is more fun. More fun-er? Is that right?
Lord Wyldon: Go lie down, Mindelan. You're tilt silly

Alanna: So Neal, do you feel educated?Neal: Incredibly, Why, words simply fail me about how educated I'm getting.

(about kels shield)Thayet: Wear it in Health and Victory, Now, show the nice people.

Alanna: Nobody ever says that, even with Healers your body adds up your breaks and bruises, then gives
you the bill in your mid-thirties

Neal glared at the chubby second-year with all the royal disdain of a vexed lion. He was limping from a staff blow to the knee. "You are a bloody-minded savage," he informed Owen sternly. "I hope you are kidnapped
by centaurs."

Neal ( to Kel): It's your own fault for encouraging him [owen] when he was a first year, you know. Now he thinks he's a human being.

Neal: now, if you'll excuse me, I need to shave
Kel: you don't need to
Neal: I live in hope, as the priest said to the princess...

Neal (dryly): I suppose he [Joren] could have changed. I myself, have noticed my growing resemberlance to a daffodil.
Kel (eyeing Neal): You do look yellow around the edges. I hadn't wanted to bring it up. 
Neal (slinging an arm around her shoulder): We daffodils like to have thingsbrought up. It reminds us of spring. 
Cleon (irritably): Does Dung remind you of spring to Princess Flower? You needn't manhandle our Kel like that.
Kel (moving Neal's arm): Thanks but no thanks. I don't want to crush your petals.
Cleon (placing arm on Kel's shoulder): Crush mine all you like fair lady. 
Owen (moving between Kel and Neal and putting an arm around Kel's waist): Me too.

Neal: You are an education, Keladry on Mindelan.
Kel: I'm not sure that's a compliment.
Neal: Neither am I.
Kel: You will pay for that, on the practice courts.
Owen: (to Neal) It was good knowing you. 

Neal (sarcastically on sponsoring Kel): I suppose I'm being rash and peculiar, again, but if it means helping my friend Joren improve his studies, well, I'll just have to sacrifice myself. There's nothing I won't do to further the cause of book learning among my peers. 

Neal: What possessed you? Why in the name of all the Gods in all of the Eastern and Southern Lands would you start a fight with them?
Kel: I didn't like the shape of Joren's nose. Neal: There! You see what I have to deal

. Lord Raoul: This is what I've come to - following little birdies.

Neal: Ouch! Well, label me very impressed and ship me to Carthak!

Seaver: Its not right.
Neal: What's not right?
Seaver: When Clean talks to us he doesn't do that. You don't call us 'rose' and 'pearl'. If you don't talk to us like that, you shouldn't do it to her.
Owen: She's as good as us. You don't have to treat her like a girl.
Clean: But she is a girl...

Owen (to his first-year cousins): That's Lalasa, Kel's maid. She sews and knows all sorts of ways to hurt you. (to Lalasa) I wasn't try to be rude.
Neal: You can be rude without trying.

"neal had the gift of making someone want to puch him just by saying 'hello' " -- thanks to estania for this one.

tricksters choice
The woman got back to work on washing the blood away. "So were you always mad, or did it come on you when you was took?"
   Aly smiled. "I'm told it runs in the family."

"Too much information is bad for you mortals. Just look at your history if you want proof."
- Kyprioth (Tricksters Choice)

"Why, I'm just as true and honest as dirt. And I'm even more charming than dirt."
- Aly (Tricksters Choice)

"I don't trust anyone who feels you should like them because they love themselves so much."
- Dovasary (Tricksters Choice)

"He's thinking. It will take a while, since thinking isn't something that comes naturally to him."
- Aly (Tricksters Choice)

"What do you call four dead governors?"
"I don't know."
"A good start."
- Cheanol / Aly (Tricksters Queen)

"I won't be a puppet, Ulasim. If I rule, I rule"
- Dove (Tricksters Queen)

"I love it when warriors get noble. The get themselves killed with hardly any help from us. It's the best time-saver."
- Aly (Tricksters Queen)

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