[*angelelf*]'s diary

551983  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-15
Written:2005-04-15 15:34:26 (7272 days ago)

well im sick and none of my friends from school are on and i dont feel that good and i love the band greenday there concert on april 19

526051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-18
Written:2005-03-18 19:00:02 (7300 days ago)

its my birthday and [Ikko]birthday sooo yeaaaaa

521582  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-13
Written:2005-03-14 01:23:06 (7305 days ago)

well my brother keeps coming to bother me so im bored and really mad at the same time and i get to see all my peeps tomorrow and they are not on right now sooooooooooooo im bored i wonder were they are one of my friends chelsey A.K.A [Ikko] has the same b day as me the 18 of this month so friends dont forget to get me somthing J.K yall dont got to get me somthing well got to go bro over shoulder

521579  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-09
Written:2005-03-14 01:18:17 (7305 days ago)

well i got strep throat so i wont be at school at all for rest of week and ill miss my friends:( but i dont want yall to get sick so i see yall all monday ok well got to go byez

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