[loony*linnie]'s diary

640559  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-07
Written: (6903 days ago)

*excuse my french* THOSE FRICKIN' ASSWHOLES POST-PONED OZZFEST!! poor ozzy he's sick!

o n i'm too lazy to write every thing i've been up to but if u kno me(hewey, butters i mean u) n wanna kno ask me

630451  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-23
Written: (6917 days ago)

My goodness people why are guys sooooooo confusing?!?!?! i'm going out with this guy and like he said i could kiss, makeout etc with ne body all long as i don't rock the bed. does that mean he trusts me alot? or just doesn't care??? help me please!

626290  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-17
Written: (6922 days ago)

hey my sis is being herself again, major bosy! my mom's mary kay party is tonite...yay. i can't wait my mom might let me go to amy's house again tommorow. I miss her kids. i like being a virgin, and i kind of like not knowing how to make out, i mean its kind of a part of me...umm

626289  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-17
Written: (6922 days ago)

hey my sis is being herself again, major bosy! my mom's mary kay party is tonite...yay. i can't wait my mom might let me go to amy's house again tommorow. I miss her kids. i like being a virgin, and i kind of like not knowing how to make out, i mean its kind of a part of me...umm

582148  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-24
Written: (6977 days ago)

gosh i'm a blonde i just swallowed a jolly rancher...

581342  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-23
Written: (6978 days ago)

hey first time here. *chuckles* missed my friend angie at lunch i wish she was there. cody called me fat, keri told me that wasn't an insult but a compliment. *looks down ashamed* i didn't think i was that fat...but then keri's always- well does alot- putting me down on how i look.i wonder why. i wish dj would like kersha lol jk i feel like i'm holding them both back. well me

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