[MidSuMMer.Nights]'s diary

1033170  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-06-02
Written:2008-06-02 18:50:34 (6146 days ago)
Next in thread: 1035991


i failed maths...

1014897  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-02-28
Written:2008-02-28 18:14:14 (6241 days ago)

SkinDeep Theatre Company Pesent:

In Association with the Shakespeare youth Festival

The Merchant of Venice

13th and 14th of March '08
(Thursday and Friday)
The Round - Ouseburn, Newcastle
Matinees 1.30pm
Evenings 7.30pm

Book Tickets:
0191 2605605

When Booking ask for tickets to the Shakespere Youth Festival,
You'll also get a performance from Northumbria Uni on the same day


It's a production of the Merchent of Venice..
by ten of us framwellgate sixthformers..
completely by us, no teachers involved.

it's at The Round, in Ouseburn, near byker bridge,
there's a map and directions on their website.

you can either go on the thursday 13th March or Friday 14th of March

there's a matinee each day (1.30pm £4.50)
and an evening performance each day (7.30pm £7)

Northumbria (or Newcastle *shrugs*) uni are doing "all's well that ends well" either after or before us on each day. so you'll see both

you have to phone/go online for tickets
and ask for the Shakespeare Youth Festival

0191 2 605 605


BUY TICKETS</center>
969671  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-08-23
Written:2007-08-23 15:19:29 (6430 days ago)


four A*s
three As
five Bs
two Cs


That's all of em.. including earlier ones


English literature- A
English language- A
Science- A*A*
Maths- A
Geography- A*
Business Studies- CC  (I Passed wOoO!)
Art- BB <<--Shows how fucking stupid the course is
Textiles- A*
RE- B <<-- Stupid course "...because the bible says so"
Spanish- B

950540  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written:2007-06-21 16:10:37 (6493 days ago)


...i really can't wait.... OOOO can't wait to see everyone in gladrags... ...i wanna buy more shoes.. GENIE! Next month, we shall shoe shop like no one's ever shoe-shopped before!
942207  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-24
Written:2007-05-24 15:04:35 (6521 days ago)


          TEXTILES EXAM Tomorrow

 The logged in version 

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