[.:+ADRiiANA+:.]'s diary

644808  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-12
Written: (6897 days ago)

To: The PPL

Hey yall who take the time to read my diary well ive been absent to skool and its boring at home!!!!!!My friends and i have been talking and we talked abpout all of us needing a man!!!!for realz i mean we havent had a boyfriend more than 4 months !!!!!!!! umh it really sux!!!!!!! so......anyone wanna like send me a message i dont bite you know!?just to talk!!!!!

                    MuCh LuV,

638676  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (6906 days ago)

Hey yall im so HAPPY my so long crush is now telling me to get with him!maybe im gonna say yeah!?

633074  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (6914 days ago)

Hey yall im really happy cuz one of the guys that i used to like (but he didnt like me)now is texting me nice things! i mean hes paying attention to me now and im not really into him no more !thaz what i think!so i saw in skool on of my old as crushes!

631441  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-25
Written: (6916 days ago)

Im srry i forgot to say this some guy in my 4th period likes me! hes not bad!

631435  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-25
Written: (6916 days ago)

im srry ppl i havent written! but theres good news i feel much much better!me self-esteem is up!like today i went to the pool with my friend janet! and we walked around in the pool and she found one of her friends they talked a while i was a lil away and then she came and told me "my friend javier likes you!"im like okay and i could tell she likes him!and then she said"but i told him you where taken!"we kept on swimming around and i started talking to his step-sister(which was like 5 years old) and im like here ill carry her and she didnt want to and his like "here go with the beatiful gurl!"in my head i was like damn!and then There was his lil boy friend and he asked him pointing at me"isnt she beatiful?" the lil kid said yeah .a few mins. later janet bumped into one cute guy which ended up being her guy friend . a few mins. janet calls the and tells him why dont you take my friend to the diving board? im like no im okay, hes like you dont how to swim ?,im like yeah .then hes like then lets go, and im like no cuz last time my top went up! and we stood a few mins. quiet! and then hes like why dont janet and javier stay here and me and you (pointing at me!)go to the diving board and then i hear javier say "why dont you stay here with janet and i go with her to the diving board!" and we stood quiet and then i told the cute guy come on and i pulled him and we left and we talked and then i told him why dont you go and dive and ill stay here and watch ! and he gave me his gogles and exactly when he did that i saw a guy which used to like me(I dont know if he still does?)and he starred at me like me and the guy where together! cuz seriosly whe he gave the gogles it looked like we where together!but i forgot say this he has a gur!!!!!!!!! then it was time to get out so we left and thatz it and i and my friend made plans to go next week! that was my good SUNDAY!

627142  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-19
Written: (6921 days ago)

Hey ppl i have nothing to really say but im really bored like hell ! today i dint go to skool! yay!i g2g cuz my dads bitching about me chatting a lot and not going to skool lates luv yall !truly i do!!!!!!!!!!


624391  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-16
Written: (6925 days ago)

Hey ya'll well i just got in this web pg.im bearly getting to know ppl!im bored like hell!any 1 wanna message me im really bored!By the way i need a man.wow i been lonely since the longest!bye 4 now!

 The logged in version 

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