[*Natural*Beauty*]'s diary

723209  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-29
Written: (6701 days ago)

30 Things Guys Should Know About Girls
Written by a guy. After years of experience.

1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at their house...they run around in their underwear just like we do.

2. Don't cheat on them. It may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. Trust me, they WILL find out and you will be mud.

3. Beware of every single male relatives and all guy friends. Any of them would kick your butt at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn't even wait for the damn hat.

4. Never miss an opportunity to tell them they're beautiful.

5. Don't refuse to kiss in front of your friends. If they laugh at you, it's because they're jealous.

6. If they slap you hard, you deserved it.

7. Don't be afraid to touch them if you want to. If they're going out with you in the first place, it's because they like being in your arms.

8. If you don't sleep with them, do not tell your friends that you did.

--8.5. If you DO sleep with them, don't tell your friends that you did.

9. You can be dirty minded in private, really...most of them are not offended by it...

10. Not all of them eat like birds, a lot of them can eat like whales.

11. Most of them don't mind paying half of everything, but they do discuss these things with their friends. Realize that if you make your girlfriend pay half all the time, everyone will know about it and your friends will know you're a pussy.

--11.5. Do you honestly need all your money that much? Be a man, pay all the time!

12. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts, and a really pretty ring. Even if it's not a serious relationship.

13. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely.

14. If a guy is bothering her, it is your right to kick the crap out of him.

15. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer.

16. Never, ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.

17. Go to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went.

18. You're dead meat if you can't get along with their pets, parents, siblings, and best friends. Be prince charming to their friends, Mr. Polite to their parents, and make sure to be nice to their animals.

19. Don't flirt with their moms or friends...that's just freaky.

20. Don't be freaked out by PMS. It's not gross, and it really does make them feel like crap, so be understanding.

21. If you don't like the way they drive, you do it.

22. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend.

23. Don't stress where you go for every date. They really only want to be with you.

24. If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.

25. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle.

26. Memorize their birthdays. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life.

27. Don't marinade the cologne.

28. Don't give her something stupid for her birthday or Christmas or Valentine's day. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be meaningful.

29. If you think the relationship isn't going to last, don't wait to find out. It will only hurt you more if you draw it out.

30. After you've been dating for a while, realize that they really have started to trust you. When you have a girlfriend who truly trusts you, you have a lot more responsibility, privilege and control than you would think. Be careful with it, most guys would kill for that kind of power, and it can be lost in a nanosecond

723207  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-29
Written: (6701 days ago)

1. smoked a cigarette - yes
2. smoked a cigar ? yes

3. crashed a friend's car ? yes
4. stolen a car ? yes my moms with john

5. been in love - yes

6. been dumped ? yes

7. done a shot - yes .. more than just A shot ..
8. been fired - no

9. been in a fist fight ? umm yea
10. snuck out of your house - yes...a lot

11. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - yes

12. been arrested ? yes..plenty of times
13. made out with a stranger - kinda sorta

14. gone on a blind date ? no
15. lied to a friend ? yes
16. had a crush on a teacher- no

17. skipped school - yeah

18. seen someone die ? yes
19. been on a plane ? no

20. thrown up in a bar - no

21. done hard drugs? yes.

22. miss someone right now ? yeah

23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - yeah
24. made a snow angel ? yea

25. played dress up ? when i was a baby
26. cheated while playing a game ? yeah

27. been lonely ? yes

28. fallen asleep at work/school ? yes
29. used a fake id - yes

30. felt an earthquake ? no

31. touched a snake ? yes
32. ran a red light ? fuck ya
33. had detention ? yea

34. been in a car accident - yea
35. hated the way you look -yea all the damn time
36. witnessed a crime ? yea.. a crime i was committin lol
37. been lost ? yea
38. been to the opposite side of the country ? no

39. felt like dying? yeah
40. cried yourself to sleep? yeah

41. played cops and robbers ?no

42. karaoke - yea
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - no

45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - yes

46. kissed in the rain - yes

47. sang in the shower - yes

48. made love in a park ? yes
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes
50. glued your hand to something - yes, to my other hand

51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no but inside of the freezer.

52. worn the opposite sex's clothes ? yea
53. been a cheerleader - yep
54. sat on a roof top - yeah
55. talked on the phone all night - yeah
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - no i love em
57. played chicken fight ? nope
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger ? yes .. all the time
60. broken a bone ? no

61. had a 3-some? - yes

62. laugh so hard you cry ? yeah
63. mooned/flashed someone ? yeah
64. cheated on a test ? yeah

65. forgotten someone's name ? yes

66. been kicked out of your house ? yes

67. blacked out from drinking - no

68. played a prank on someone ? yeah
69. played in public with your significant other? - umm .. define ur definition of playin ...

641185  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-07
Written: (6844 days ago)

Well, this is my first diary entry on here, and I'm not sure exactly what to say. So I'll just say what I do in my real journal.
I was suppose to stay with my best friends tonight, but I didn't get to because her parents wanted to get them back into the routine before school starts so they would get use to it. So I'm home now, for the first time in a couple of days, and its really weird because I really don't know what to do. I'm really bored, but I guess that is just teenage life for ya. There is some serious drama going on that I never asked for, but I got it. I guess that life is just full of it though, so I'll have to live with it.
I went swimming today with Chelsie, and Stacia at Hickory Creek, right after my little sister Karli got baptized. It was great. I am very proud of her. She is growing up so fast. Then I went back to their house and we pigged out on candy like we always do. ( normal teenage life again )
Now I'm at home just chillin trying to figure out what to do when I have to get off the internet. I still haven't thought of anything yet, but I'm sure that sooner or later, something will come to mind.
I gotta call Carrie sometime and see what she wanted to tell me since she won't tell me it through email. So it must be really important. Then I have to write my other friends back cause they sent me some letters. I was hoping that Chelsie and Stacia would be on right now, but they aren't so I think I'm going to get off of here for a while and maybe get back on later when my dad gets through doing whatever he has to do. ROCC ON!

 The logged in version 

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