[Kaydin's Mommy]'s diary

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Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6652 days ago)

This is an entry to a writing competition that I entered at writersco.com I got 2nd place for it.

Warning: contains adult content and explicit language!

Sweet Revenge

copyright Amy L. Howe 2006

“You Bitch!” I screamed in my head. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” It was our family night at school and I had just gotten back from the bathroom to find none other than Tonya in my man’s arms. I was so pissed. I would give anything to knock that stupid tramp out! But I didn’t, at least not yet. Instead, I ducked behind the oversized nursery door and watched. I didn’t really have enough evidence yet to do anything. I decided that I would get revenge on her some other way. “But how?” I wondered. It was only a matter of time before I came up with the perfect plan.

The next day I talked to Zac about having Tonya over. He thought that would be a great idea. So I approached her at school that day. “Hey Tonya.” I called out to her.
“Yeah what’s up Ally?” she questioned politely.
“How do you feel about coming over this weekend? I thought maybe we could play some board games and have a couple drinks.” I tried to sound convincing.
“That sounds fun. I’ll have to find a baby sitter though.” she replied.
“All right, just get hold of me tonight when you get home.” I said with the tiniest smirk.

Later that night she called and said she found a sitter for Friday night and Saturday morning. I told her that would be great. She could just ride the bus home with me. I had everything in order. “It will definitely be a night to remember.” I thought with great pleasure.

Friday came around and sure as day, she came to school without her little girl. She had all of her overnight things packed. I acted so excited all day. She figured that it was just because it would be the first sleepover I have had since before my 2-month old son was born. Little did she know that I had something gigantic up my sleeve. The day went well and then it was time to go to my house.

When we got there Zac was already home from work. He had already gone to the store and bought our drinks. He picked up some Captain Morgan, Baileys Irish Creme, and Pepsi for Tonya and I. For himself he bought a couple of six packs of Mike’s Hard Lemonade. I just knew it was going to be a long night, and I couldn’t wait!

We decided that we would just chill and talk for a little while. That gave me time to get my plan sorted out in my head. I put some music on to lighten up the mood. Then I made us our drinks. For Tonya, I made a Captain n’ Pepsi. I loaded it down with Captain. She gasped with the first sip. “ Holy shit Ally! How much alcohol did you put in this?”
“ Oh, only a little bit. At least a little for my taste. I like mine loaded.” I replied all innocently.
“Well I guess it will be all right. After all, it’s only my first drink. How bad could it be?”
Little did she know that the next two or three would be just as loaded down with the shit. By her second drink, she was already buzzing. I was still on my first one and Zac was on his fourth Mikes. I knew he was buzzing too.

“Can you excuse me for a minute?” I asked with the slightest urgency. “I have to use the restroom.”
“No problem. We’ll just sit here and talk.” Zac replied. No idea what I was really up to.
“Actually, I thought that you could get out a couple games. Maybe get twister and a deck of cards out.” I said with enthusiasm. “After all, Tonya did come over to play games too.”
“All right, just hurry back so we don’t have to start without you.” Tonya said a bit shyly.
“I will.” was all I said as I walked away.

While Zac was getting out the games, I managed to dart up the stairs real quick. I desperately needed to find that camcorder if my plan was going to work. “God damn it! Where is that piece of shit at.” I thought starting to panic. “ What if I don’t find it? I won’t be able to follow through with my plan. It will all be for nothing.”
“Baby!” Zac called out. “Are you coming?”
“Yeah I’ll be down in a minute. Go ahead and start without me.” I shouted back to him. “If you want make another drink for Tonya.”
No reply. “I guess he thought I was done talking.” I wondered to myself.
“Now where was I?” I pondered. “Oh yeah I was looking for that camcorder.”
“Dammit!” I whispered. “I don’t know where else it could be.”
Just as I was about to give up, I remembered. “It’s in the kids closet.” I said almost too loud.
I went and grabbed it out of there carefully. I didn’t want to make too much noise so as not to let them know what I was up too. I knew by this time that something may be going on down there. Therefore, I decided I would turn the camera on and make sure it was ready to tape if anything was going on.

I sneaked slowly down the stairs, making sure that I didn’t make a peep. As I got towards the bottom, I could see them both sitting there. The thing was neither of them were doing much. I decided that I would put my camera away for now and go join them. However, just before I did, I noticed that Tonya had managed to get her pants off. I figured whatever, she wanted to get comfortable. Then I saw that her bra had been thrown across the room too. “Hmmm, maybe I should keep this out and stand here for a minute longer.” I thought aloud. But low enough that neither of them heard me. Great decision. Just as I looked up, I saw what I was waiting for. She leaned over to him and started kissing on his neck. At first, he pulled away but then he let in and started to enjoy it. “Oh shit!” I thought. “I forgot, I need to get this recorded.” So that’s what I did. I stood there and recorded them. They got so into it that they completely forgot about me. It went from her kissing on his neck to rubbing her hands up and down him. Soon his shirt came off. It showed off his nice firm six pack. “Oh how I don’t want to lose that.” I thought to myself unconsciously.
Next off came his lower bit of clothing. Before I knew it, they were fully into it. The whole shebang. By that time, I knew I had lost him forever but I didn’t really care. She would never be able to do this again.

The next morning I came walking down the stairs quietly to see if they were still in each other’s arms. Sure enough they were. So I whipped out the camera again and shot a little more footage. I knew I had enough to ruin her forever. I sneaked back up the stairs carefully. That way I wouldn’t wake them from their deep slumber.

I made it up to my room with no problems. I started working on the editing process of the tape on my VCR in my bedroom. “Finally.” I sighed with great relief. “It is finished and that stupid ass whore will never be able to do this again to anyone.” I was so excited. Don’t ask me why, especially knowing I had just lost the one guy that I truly loved. Or at least at the time thought I loved.

When they woke up, I had already gone back to bed to make it look as if I had never been awake that morning. When Zac came and woke me up he asked, “ What happened to you last night. You never came back down. Are you all right.”
“Yeah I’m fine. I guess I just passed out. That drink did me in.” I made that excuse up real quick. He believed it too.
“Well it’s all right. We both called it a night early anyway. She came down with a headache from drinking too fast and I just was over exhausted from work.” He said, thinking he got away with what he did last night.
“If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to go to a friends for a little while today. After Tonya leaves of course.” I stated bluntly.
“She already took off. I guess there was an emergency with her daughter. She said thanks and she will see you at school on Monday.” He sighed at that and walked away.

By Monday, I was so excited, I was going to ruin her. She would never ever be able to fuck with another one of my friend’s and my man again. After lunch, I told the girls to follow me upstairs. I had a short film I wanted them to see. I thought it would be really educating. It would go along with our silly Sex-Ed classes we’re taking. When they got up there I told them all “have a seat, relax and get comfortable. You will really enjoy this.”

I popped in the movie and let it play. All the girls were stupefied. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The best part of it all was that she was so stunned, that she didn’t move an inch the entire time. By the time the movie was over, all of the girls were looking at her in disgust. They didn’t want to be anywhere near her. The only thing she said was “ Ally, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
Then the girls piped in and were like “I know what came over you, your a slut bag whore. Your worthless and you will never be aloud around me or my man ever the fuck again.”
“You should be ashamed of your nasty self you stupid hoe!” another girl piped in.
“Your so fucking disgusting, I can’t believe you would do that to your own friend.” said the last of the girls.
What none of them knew is that I rigged the video so it would play on all of the computers at school and I emailed it to Zac. He would be getting that and also a letter stating he needed to have his shit packed by 6:00pm at the latest.

By the end of the day she didn’t only lose me as a friend, she lost all of her friends. Zac had called me and asked what the hell was going on. The entire complex where we live was looking at him in disgust. What he didn’t know is that before I left school that day, I uploaded the video to the Internet and put for the title, “Don’t trust these people.” Therefore, I succeeded. I got my revenge on not only Tonya, but also Zac.

My life seemed to get a whole lot better after that. I ended up landing me a man that was not just faithful, but also loved kids, which is more than I can say about Zac.

Zac not only lost all of his friends, he ended up with a horrible STD. Tonya ended up losing all of her friends as well. She also ended up getting pregnant with her second child.

 The logged in version 

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