[Another Nobody]'s diary

1039652  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-08-02
Written: (6064 days ago)

Give me one good reason of why letting go wouldn't be a good thing. someone who is madly in love with me..Still there and waiting..Wants to love me but.. I just won't let him because of someone that doesn't even love me anymore. I'm so pathetic. I feel like a wretch.

1039560  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-08-01
Written: (6065 days ago)

Something that I don't understand. A girl will tell someone that she is completely in love with him and he'll turn his back...And forget that she even exists. Then, somehow come back, and talk like nothings wrong. It surprises me how I've been so caught up on him for so long. Maybe I just need to let it go. Because they are all so right. If I was as important to him as he is to me, then I wouldn't be having this battle with myself. If he loved me like I love him, then maybe it would have worked and he would have stayed. But, they're right. He doesn't love me. He stopped caring...And he could be a better person if I just left him alone. He doesn't want me around. No one wants me around. They don't need me. I'm here to brighten a day, make a smile and then disappear.

970010  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-08-25
Written: (6408 days ago)

To anyone who reads,
Sorry for my last post. Like my mood said, I'm in a depression like state. I'm just like that. So, I don't know what to tell you. Theres this guy...that I totally like. And...Ihope hes better than all the other guys. cause he seems so...Perfect...

969801  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-24
Written: (6409 days ago)
Next in thread: 969802

To anyone who cares,
I'm done dealing with the superficial bullshit that I'm submitted to on a daily basis. If someone didn't care they shoulda told me so. I know that I'm not that important, but I'm not so scary that you all can't tell me that you don't care. I'm done with trying to fit in and trying to make everyone think that I want to belong cause I no longer do. what I would like to do is stop cutting elsewhere and just slit right over my jugular vein and stop everyone. No one will have to complain about me anymore. They'll just be able to say,"Oh do you remember her?" And they'll all get to say no because no one cared. I've never been that big I know but now I do know that I've been nothing to anyone. Just don't worry about those who don't matter.

 The logged in version 

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