[Asdroth]'s diary

1167293  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2014-09-17
Written:2014-09-17 00:54:13 (3848 days ago)
Next in thread: 1167295

Great news. I have a new friend, she come over to us on guard. Her name is foxy, and she takes food from our hands and lets us pet her. She's a pretty fox. Then I have a new blood hated foe. Fred the pit viper that lives under our guard shack. He's an ass hole. An the Lt won't let me shoot him... >.<, it's frustrating. He slithers right at us pretending we rant there unless you step in his way then he hisses and starts to coil. He doesn't even eat the mice in the compound so he has no use pissing me off ever night...

1164722  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-03-03
Written:2014-03-03 18:12:26 (4046 days ago)
Next in thread: 1164726

I am no .No longer to post sarcastic, hurtful, or negative things on any social media sites about my chain of command. I am also not to say anything about the president, or any congressmen. I can be held accountable for anything post as if I told it to there face, and by proxies tried in a court marshal. So no more fun journals about my "AMASING" chain or command, or how much I "LOVE" my unit. :P sorry if you enjoyed them.

1164523  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-02-08
Written:2014-02-08 07:22:06 (4069 days ago)
Next in thread: 1164526

this field problem and lousing shit is getting out of hand! my Lt lost a humvee for 6 hours today!

1164452  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-02-04
Written:2014-02-04 19:50:38 (4073 days ago)

A day in 4th cavalry 4th Squander head quarters

28 FEB 2014
CSM(Command sergeant major)Frankenburg: Burst into the Squadron commanders office. "Sir I think we should stay out through out the blizzard. It will be good for the scouts!"

Lt Col(Lieutenant Colonel) Woodword: Still sipping his coffee at the early hour. "Yeah I have to- WAIT you mean us to?"

CSM Frankenburg: "No sir just anyone who's rank is lower than Captain or First Sergeant. Calm down."

Lt Col Woodward: "Frankenburg... You almost gave me a hart attack... It is going to be below zero every day for three days... However I agree. It will be good for the scout with nothing but humvees to live off of to be out in the weather for the next week." then taking a sip of his coffee.

Brigade Col(Colonel) : Enters LT Col Wood words office. "Post is going to be closed starting tomorrow. Pull your boys out of field! Your the only one who hasn't yet."

Lt Col Woodward: "Well sir we were just going to stay out over the rest off the week."

Col :"Oh... So you have warm structures for them to live in? I was not aware range 18 had rebuilt the barriks."

Lt Col Woodward: "well... no sir they are just living off the trucks."

Col : Stares at Lt. Col. Woodward as if he was an absolute ass hole. "Have them off of the range by zero dark thirty, or I will resign your commotion for you."

Lt Col Woodward: "Yes sir."

I like to think in my mind this happened but the reality is far less pleasing to me... He really finally just turned on the weather channel after talking to the Staff duty NCO who asked if the post being closed for a day was a good reason for us to leave the range... >.< Yes this is the man that leads my Balaton sized element.

1164419  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2014-02-03
Written:2014-02-03 04:00:08 (4074 days ago)

So as if me leaving to field was not bad enough. Some NCO in my troop lost tract of a $3,753.31 GPS so we were placed on lock down through our SP time. Now I am leaving tomorrow morning balls early after a late release from being on lock down while we tried to find it(to no luck). On the upside it did not screw up to time line for the big overall Squadron so we do not have to stay longer in field. I may be back Tuesday, but who knows(The Troop Commander). So wish me luck as I want my crew to take top gun!

1164263  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2014-01-26
Written:2014-01-26 16:55:28 (4082 days ago)

On 30 JAN 2014 US,CST I will be out in field for seven day six nights. I should be back to posting on 5 FEB 2014 US,CST. I will not have access to any electronics, I will also send messages to all mods following this entry. Thanks for the patents.

PFC Bethell Jeremy R.
1st Infantry Division 1st BCT
4th squadron 4th Cavalry regiment

1164186  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-21
Written:2014-01-21 23:15:35 (4086 days ago)

I want to kill one of my NCO's...

1164173  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-21
Written:2014-01-21 00:43:11 (4087 days ago)

-sigh- oh Heat. How much I love you!

1164134  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-01-17
Written:2014-01-17 16:00:10 (4091 days ago)

well I got SSg C-chuck back! He is my TC, and he is going to help me get back to running 13-14 min two miles! I love this guy! Best scout to ever live!

1164069  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-14
Written:2014-01-14 03:43:45 (4094 days ago)

Our Chaplin (supposedly) killed himself early Saturday morning... I really liked Paladin Rimy :( He was a truly great guy to be around. The sad truth is I am more concerned for his wife than him...

1164030  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2014-01-11
Written:2014-01-11 02:29:07 (4097 days ago)

this is the kinda stuff I did in high school... NOT THE BAD STUFF. The term a teacher used on me was "you a daemon with a soft heart."


The only difference was that I meet bullies and beat them scared.

1164000  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-07
Written:2014-01-07 22:35:51 (4100 days ago)

This is my unit in RC south Charkusa province Zaire district Afghanistan Home of the Taliban out of 365 days deployed there were only three days the unit did not engage in drawn out fire fights.



Yeah Scouts do more then call for fire and look through a green box.

1163999  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-07
Written:2014-01-07 18:33:58 (4101 days ago)


I am the guy in the black.

1163998  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2014-01-07
Written:2014-01-07 18:15:48 (4101 days ago)

I am insensitive, I have a tendency
To pay more attention to the things that I need.
Sometimes I drink too much, sometimes I test your trust,
Sometimes I don't know why you stay with me.

I'm hard to love, hard to love,
No, I don't make it easy,
I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood.
I'm hard to love, hard to love,
You say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good.

I am a short fuse, I am a wrecking ball
Crashing into your heart like I do
You're like a Sunday morning, full of grace and full of Jesus
I wish that I could be more like you.

I'm hard to love, hard to love,
No, I don't make it easy,
I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood,
I'm hard to love, hard to love,
You say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good.
Love me, good.

Girl, you've given me a million second chances
And I don't ever wanna take you for granted,
I'm just a man, I'm just a man

Hard to love, hard to love,
Oh, I don't make it easy
And I couldn't do it if I stood where you stood.
I'm hard to love, hard to love
And you say that you need me,
I don't deserve it but I love that you love me, good,
You love me, good.

You love me, good.
1163919  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-12-31
Written:2013-12-31 07:00:47 (4108 days ago)

I do not use this thing to often. After all the last post before this one was over a year old. I am getting unflagged next week thank god, and I guess they want to pin me with corporal stripes. All the responsibility of a sergeant with non of the pay advantage... I want it thought. A few months after they my NCO's want to give me board support. So I may get my Sergeant before we deploy. I am just pissed that after all my NCO's put me through they decided to kick me in the ass and tell me I should have been a Sergeant at my two year mark, and I was the only guy in the troop responsible enough to make all the NCO's in the building think so... I hate the mind games they play... At least I get promoted soon! And I will get to go to DRM(designated rifle marksmen), It's a demi-sniper. I want to be a sniper. Good step in the right direction.

If I go I am going to get an action cam, and post a few video's. could be fun.

1120067  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-07-24
Written:2010-07-24 10:32:34 (5364 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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