I think I might keep a diary after all, but I'll use the Blurty dealie rather than this.
Hmm....maybe I should start writing a diary, although I'm not that interesting a person. Well, let's do this the traditional diary way.
June 7, 2005: It was my parents' 20th anniversary yesterday (and the anniversary of D-Day, I know), and because I was at a loss as to what to get them, I simply got them a card and a beanie baby, a wolf.
Let's see, I'm looking to fix my boredom problem by investing in a Star Wars PC game, preferably one involving lightsabers (the coolest weapon EVER). I've kinda looked at Jedi Academy, and Knights of the Old Republic.
Let's see. I got work from noon to 6 pm today. Hopefully, it won't be as busy today. I'll see what I can do afterwards.